I'm a German teacher

I'm a German teacher.

are you gay ?

How bad do you feel for the white kids who really want to learn, and they're stuck there with the scum now?

Do you speak Turkish?

What do you think about politics

How many shots does it take to kill 9 people?

Are you a teacher who is German or a teacher who teaches German?

what is the ratio of non-Germans to Germans in your school?

Why didn't you get a proper job

What time is prayer? Are the prayer carpets cleaned daily? who leads the prayer

Will you ever answer anything?

Do you agree with this post? Do you agree with celebrating Quarter 100 millions?

>1 post by this ID

How do you solve y = x^3 - 3x + 1

>sick trips dubs
>doesn't answer shit

Do you have to follow political elements in your school curriculum?

kek is real or is just a fucking meme?

Ich will ein Deutsch Mann! :(
-Traurig Amerikaner Femanon

what are you asking, whats the graph of that equation, the zeros of the equation? goddamn it romania actually ask something useful

Also this...what are the chances

Here in the uk there are no grades in the qualifications just pass/fail. This doesnt represent the talent from those who scrape by.

Is it the same for german qualifications?

Just how much do you "bend rules" in order to get the poor students a pass?

How much pressure are you under in order to get passes?

No, sorry to disappoint you.

Not much scum at my school.


I'm disappointed. Always have been, but recently it has become really bad.

A teacher who is German

Hard to say. 80 - 20 would be my guess if you only count blacks and arabs/turks as foreigners.

Implying this isn't the best job on earth

kek, why don't you ask your hardcore christian parents?


Well I am supposed not to promote anything

100% real

>kek, why don't you ask your hardcore christian parents?

Thanks, means a lot my parents are actually moral persons who follow the word of god and dont rape people and behead them.

Fellow teacher here: Where? What type of school?

Me: IGS, Niedersachsen

Was bringst du den Kindern bei?

do you realistically see the return/rise of a german ethno-state that could be more nationalist-libertarian than fascist in nature? the socialist elements of hitler's economy were obviously huge failures and austrian economics is superior to keynesian.

>Not much scum at my school.

>kek, why don't you ask your hardcore christian parents?

sorry but full of shit

How many hours does your school rightfully allocate to teach about the Shoah?

Grundschule, Sekundarstufe 1 oder Sekundarstufe 2? Was hast du studiert? (Mir ist klar dass du als Realschullehrer auch Gymnasiasten lehrst an einer Gesamtschule, ich will wissen wie lange und wie hart du stubiert hast.)

Wie lange schon?

Bist du angestellt oder hast du eine Planstelle?

t. user der auch an einer Schule arbeitet aber nur im Sozialbereich und 2k weniger verdient als der billigste Hauptschullehrer

Good for you

Gymnasium, Kiel

Alles :^)

enough if you ask me


I am a German refugee.

Biologie + Geschichte, Gymnasiallehramt. Noch im Ref.

Why don't you speak Turkish?

ah cambodia, how goes the living over there? I havent been there for a couple of years. are the fields thriving or another drought?

How did you react to the Munich shootings?

>enough if you ask me
Interesting. What is the name of your school, my friend?

Is digital dementia are thing?

What are your subjects in school, STEM or Liberal Arts?

Is the gender gap growing at the moment?

Has social mobility in the Gymnasium already deteriorated since you picked up teaching?


na super.

Tuts dir manchmal weh den Kindern zu erklären das sie alle Schuldig sind?

When are you planning your next terrorist attack?

Viel Erfolg weiterhin Lehreranon, wünschte ich hätte mit meinem Abi was besseres angefangen

Was habt ihr in Geschichte im Abitur dieses Jahr gemacht? Immer noch Erinnerungskulter?

how is todays youth doing compared to how you remember yours? are the disciplined? where are you teaching? what are you teaching? do you think you are making a difference?

Reichsjugendlehranstalt 18, Braunau am Inn.

Biology + History. What do you men by digital dementia?
I just started so i can't say anything about trends regarding social mobility or gender gap

Tu ich ja nicht. Dieses meme muss sterben.

Danke. Wieso holst du das nicht nach?

>get dùbs
>most important question in thread
>no answer

Digital dementia = Have kids these days really a harder time recalling facts by heart, as google instills the notion everything is just a mouse click away, until in the exams it isn't.

Gender gap = are girls getting better grades in your classes, as they have for years and ad ultimo are getting better average scores in their abitur.

social mobility = how many students are in your classes, which are economicallyy considered upper lower class, or whose daddies are not white collar university grads.

Let's see him solve
>48.951 / 0.09

I'm not a stormfag but I really like Germany/Austria, I've been there 3 times.

Is there any hope for your country?

I think that they are not worse than my generation. People tend to think "muh degenerate youth", "my generation smartphone", muh "ignorant and stupid kids who can't even write" but honestly this is mostly bs. When I started teaching (even before, when I was still studying but working in a school) I expected a bunch of uneducated retards, but I was extremely surprised how well mannered and educated most of the kids are. I'm serious.

I teach biology and history, and yes, I think I'm making a difference.

I would have to think about that for a while to give you a satisfying answer. But if you want one now, no I don't think that is going to happen.

see above. I don't think so. But as I have said I just started my career so I can't really compare or observe trends yet. I was pleasantly surprised by our youth though.

Yeah, I'm sure there is.

>yeah, there is?

Bruh I don't mean "the shootings stop", i mean most of the Muslims leave, the rest stop coming and Germans have more kids. And uncuck yourself from that nanny state too

>he doesn't know about Ordoliberalism

"Digitale Demenz: Wie wir uns und unsere Kinder um den Verstand bringen" by Prof. Dr. Dr. Manfred Spitzer.

Is the left winning in your schools?

Do the socialists have the next generation in their iron grip?

By our standards anything that isn't AfD is socialist


What is Sin(x)/x mean and how can I use it in everyday life?

What do you think of Brexit?

Yes but i mean is the next generation of Germans gonna be marxist sjw faggots.

ficki ficki ?

Are there many turks, niggers and assorted shitskins in your school? How do they perform and behave compared to native German children?
Do you teach in a big city(i.e. Berlin, Munich, Cologne) or a small town?

and then
#prayforfrance again

Why have you decided to throw away your life to teach ungrateful brats something they don't care about and will forget within a year? Easy access to a safe job?

There are some. However, there is no noticeable difference in performance. I know this is not what you want to hear, but it is true.
I teach in a smaller city and I think that is one of the reasons. A friend teaches in Hamburg, and because she is female she has massive problems controlling the muslim pupils.

Kek :b

Why are almost all teachers left leaning parasites ?

>A friend teaches in Hamburg, and because she is female she has massive problems controlling the muslim pupils.
Why is she doing it ? Can't she teach in a normal city or small town ?

Studying to be math teacher for college too. Regret choosing to be teacher?

Komm mal hier, ich bin wer du suchst, liebe femanon.
Titten oder gtfo

Why are so many male students studying teaching betas? Is it a dating strategy for them?

Because that is not how it is.
Shitty teachers = what you said happens.
I'm good at teaching, my students like me and so most lessons are fun and they pay attention.

Look at it from a different perspective: I'm able to influence thousands of young people in my life, sharing my knowledge about my subjects and about general stuff in life. I can be a role model and help them become better people and achieve their desired careers. I believe that teacher is among the most important professions, and yet 80% of my collegues are retards. This is why I became a teacher.

Also, the payment is top tier and I'm basically my own boss :^)

women + humanities

I don't know

Im a refugee in lübeck, i study in a gymnasium, u mad bro?

this is true almost all female teachers I had were shit

you use it every time you dial your mobile phone, or log into your wlan router because it is a waveform without interysmbol interference, making it a great choice for wireless communication

But it's worth to mention I'm not arab, muslim or nigger.

do you teach your students about memes?

how much do you make monthly?

so what are you then ?

Are you proud of students and do you care for them?

Really need more information about Germany man, hows the AfD, hows antifa, hows the general climate around the Muslims?

Anything that the media is failing to report?

Makes sense. Thanks! I guess I am just not smart enough to realize these things.

Do you fugg your female students?

Politically incorrect kurd

Not much yet, since I'm still in training.
The entry wage for a teacher in for example Hamburg is ~3800€ though. Around that once I'm done.

Yeah, mostly.

Be more specific.
AfD and antifa are both retarded, though.


did you have to plead >muh political oppreshion to gain asylum?

>AfD and antifa are both retarded, though.
Leher wählen Grün

I haven't gained asylum yet, will do in next few months, i haven't got here illegally, i came with a visa

We need more good people like you in the world keep it up.

I'm a highschool teacher with 2 years experience and I only make 700 €.

You already had to make that stupid "let's visit a KZ" trip?

gf does latin/arts and had to do this shit with her class

the guilt tripping is real if you ask me

what would you do to prevent the kids from soaking up the guilt?

tourist visa or student?

Please speak english

>20% of students at gymnasium level are shitskin/nigger
Imagine what the lower levels look like then

What do you think of the amount and approach of WWII and das Dritte Reich getting teached in history lessons in germany?

Neither, it's a type of visa the german government gave to some syrians that have german citizen family members.
After i got the visa, i got a 9 month accommodation (usually 2 years but my passport expires in 9months) but it doesn't matter because i have the right to be a refugee, not a nice thing desu, i want to finish school and work.
I'm not your average sandnigger, i don't want the governments money.

are you in favour of waldorf?

how are the students responding to the wave

But now I'm worried that muslim fags will ruin this place for everyone and afd will win the elections, and i will get deported.

hows the muslim tension?

How do you approach ww2? Do you make your students go hmmm and see the nazi perspective?

Have you started giving mandatory Muslim classes to your students yet? I saw reports on the news after the shooting.

And what are you going to do about it?