Why didn't anyone call him out for creating the Abomination?

Why didn't anyone call him out for creating the Abomination?

What the fuck?

Banner wasn't there.

Why would they, retard? What point does that prove?

Pretty sure none of the Avengers are aware of what him and Blonsky did.

Because nobody knows about it

Technically speaking he didn't create Abomination. Blonsky volunteered for the Super Soldier treatment and then took matters into his own hands to make Sterns give him gamma blood

Why didn't they just go watch the Incrwdible Hulk movie like the rest of us then? You smart piece of shit

This, and I'm pretty sure the super shit he injected into Blonsky was strictly off the books, so there would be no record that he had any hand in it.

Ross turning himself into Red Hulk in the MCU when?

>Incredible Hulk
Seriously, it's been completely ignored for the past 8 years. You might as well act like it doesn't exist and absolutely nothing about the MCU of the present would change.

How would they know about that?

Don't they watch the MCU in the MCU?

What the fuck are they doing in their free time?

But Ruffalo referenced his fight there in Avengers 1

And I believe they mentioned an award winning article about it in daredevil.

I don't imagine any of them knew about it other than Ross.

The events of the film are referenced in both the Avengers and Daredevil. It's canon. The only thing that isn't is Edward Norton.

They did

pretty sure Banner does.

Widow, maybe as a high ranking SHIELD agent, plus aparently she was there on the scene after abomination started his rampage to collect the Leader

not canon

Banner is in space though.

Go to sleep Joss

God I hope this happens. I can't wait for Ross to be leading or 2nd in command on the inevitable Thunderbolts taskforce.

>set up the leader
>place him in SHEILD custody in a tie-in comic
>do nothing with him
What a tease.

It's referenced in Agents of Shield as well where an agent was threatened with reassignment to the arctic to watch over Blonsky.

Because he didn't. All he made was a guy with Cap's powers. Leader made him into the Abomination without any input from Ross.

I wish they highlighted his hatred of Hulk a bit more.

Could have been anything really. Even something small like adding some venom in his tone when he referred to Banner or just having him say "that monster" instead.

Thunderbolts, nigga.

>The Leader and Justin Hammer constantly dick measuring
>Zola constantly getting fed up with their shit
Who else has the MCU left alive on Earth?

Zola could easily have survived

We'll have to wait and see what happens to him in the Black Panther movie. Oh god why couldnt Stane live? Why did Crossbones have to fucking kill himself?

I'm pretty sure Tony knew, based on the dialogue between the two of them in the after-credits sequence.

It was referenced in both Iron Man 2 (shown on a TV, in The Avengers and Daredevil. Sure, it's not particularly consequential in the grand scheme of things but it doesn't make it non-canon.