Dump on the Munich Killer

Let's try to sum this up, gents.

Other urls found in this thread:


>cool glock Ahmed

Typical aryan Nazi trying to genocide some Untermenschen. A normal day in Germany.


looks like some pissed off /r9k/ wanted to take revenge on some mongrel chads and stacys. It was just a mere coincidence that he was a mudshithimself

>I am shia you dirty kuffar
>let me show you the dance of my people
>if it's sunni it bleeds

he played counter strike

>nuff said

its a game that turns normal children into killer machines

if that was true he would have used up all 300 ammo before suiciding for a quick respawn

>Doch dann sei Ali in der "Counter-Strike"-Clique immer wieder durch fremdenfeindliche Äußerungen aufgefallen. Unter dem Namen "Amokläufer" habe er über Türken geschimpft und sich im Chat auch mit Leuten ausgetauscht, die gegen Juden hetzten. "Er war sehr nationalistisch", beschreibt Marco den späteren Attentäter.

>But then Ali attracted attention in the "Counter-Strike" clique repeatedly by xenophobic statements. Under the name "gunman" he inveighed against Turks and spend time talking with people who agitated against Jews. "He was very nationalistic," Marco describes the later attacker.

>Counter Strike

Step up on your Killerspiele knowlegde, plebs

>not playing deathmatch before ranked


Is it likely the government will now crack down on internets and trivial bullshit like video games, killing two birds ("hate speech" and pretending they're doing something in the wake of violent incidents) with one stone?



Still retarded strat to rush in like that on a full eco

Jews did Munich


The biggest lulz is yet to come anons but i cant leak the information

News said that he wrote some Manifesto like Breivik.


Do it. C'mon. Do it. Tell STASI to fuck off and do it. We will make a meme of your sacrifice now go! May KEK be with you. Do it!

Iranian human being. And Iranian hero.

I cant do it because i dunno if its gonna be classified or if they will tell the public later but if it should get out we gonna get 24/7 meme shit storm on here

So did there only turn out to be one shooter? I thought there were 3?


One shooter but people prank called german police during the happening and thats why they locked down most of Munich

keep us posted, krautanon

Prank called or finally how many mudslimes there were lurking around every fucking comer and panicked?

Fuuuck seriously? Now I'm hyped for real. Can you give us a clue?



>current year
>pol still belive the media

Is he considered a German white nationalist?

From what i know they reported shootings which turned out to be a lie


Why did people thought this guy was a neonazi?, was it on purpose to make the alt-right look bad?

>Why did people thought this guy was a neonazi?

No one thinks this. Media is pushing but no one is buying it

>was it on purpose to make the alt-right look bad?

No one in Germany cares or probably knows about the alt right shit

Witnesses saw 3 guys with rifles.

It's now one guy with a pistol officially.

Come to your own conclusions.

Btw, the Allahu Akhbar thing seems to be true since it was cinfirmed that he started shooting INSIDE the MacDonald's, just as the witness said. Until now, people except the CNN witness always said he started to shoot when he was outside.

Fucking Iranian terrorists.

i always mind why this motherfuckers dont kill someone who deserves to be punish? they always kill common people that none matters. why dont kill Angela Merkel or stupid asshole Carmeron..

Only by the media.

>he started shooting INSIDE the MacDonald's

More like inside the mall user

this most likely a shitpost inspired by the facebook post and the video from the roof

Was pretty pathetic/infuriating to hear the live-stream cucks being more worried about the "rightwing" gaining more popularity with this attack.

Fuck this sounds like a cover up. Have a bump. More info more more!!

filthy casual

>persian aryan shooting shitskins and then shooting himself
i dont see whats wrong with this

Not a Muslim, just a gamer. A sick, sick gamer.

Nope. Inside the MacDonald's. That's what they are officially rolling with now. Live Pressekonferenz heute.

hey das war ich :D

was für ein schrecklich geschriebener artikel.
ein wunder dass diese """"journalisten"""" angestellt bleiben.

There isn't really any good info. We don't know very much and have to go with the official news from the da in question and the days after. But yeah, it sounds very fishy.

was there a single ethnic german killed in the attack ?

Even the victims of the axe attack were from Hongkong.

>named Ali
>father named Masoud
>not a muslim

i bet he lurked Sup Forums

last time i checked 2 were unidetified, the others were non germans.

so whats the problem? he did you guys a solid

I was just reading up on that Germany may revise and further restrict it's gun laws.

From what I was also reading, the handgun used was purchased illegally off the dark web.

So... If that is the case, how will stricter firearm laws help prevent such an incident from happening again? The only feasible way is to start monitoring everyone on the internet (much like the NSA, but in greater detail) or simply restrict internet access to the common people.

Doesn't MacDonald's have a camera inside ? If so why is there zero footage of that ?


No, but still many European children died at the hands of some disgusting Muslim...

Yes. They had a press conference today and listed the nationalities. German was among them. As was "German-Turkish" and the like, so we can say that there was at least one German victim.

Didn't you watch TV today? N24 or ntv? They had another press conference with more info.


Turkey = europe?


there are foreigners and there are """"""foreigners"""""
i guess i can speak for most germans: we don't hate foreigners.
we just hate dirty shitskins who don't want to be a part of our culture. they want their culture to be ours.

There are many cameras all around Munich. We haven't seen any footage, but keep in mind that we have seen NO footage of Ali as an adult (except the cellphone video by a bystander - who is now, btw, called a male, when Friday it was a female bystander). We only see pics of him as a kid - the physique is completely different.

i wrote this

his fathers business flughafentransfer-muenchen.info/de/impressum



>i guess i can speak for most germans: we don't hate foreigners.
That will change soon, if it is true at all.

This was a terrorist attack on German soil (even though they call it an amok run). There was at leats one German victim according to the press conference today. It was luck he didn't hit any more (and statistics, Moosach at this time is full of browns).

a Greek girl died


>muslims I knew it

There is currently a thread on krautchan going on with details like steam accounts. Also, it seems like he was a poster there

Chill out.

They will go with the amok run for now. Unless German tinfoil hats are right and other info comes out. It's kinda a Lubitz situation where everyone lies to you and the whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Nailed it hard there, Mehmet

hoffentlich hast du gute vpns. du wirst noch berühmt

>Also, it seems like he was a poster there
>Falling for memes this easily
Also, KC is useless lately. Too many people from outside (yes, Sup Forums, I'm looking at you fucks) watering down the info.

Which means you are a shitskin and should be banned


Must see.

He literally has a steam account on which his nickname was "Bernd"
Also, people remember an Iranian from Germany.

Nein, ich wars der das geschireben hat. Ich kannte ihn wirklich. Ich kanns beweisen. In einem anderen Forum schrieb ich um 23 Uhr dass er Iraner ist. Dass er Iraner ist hat der Polizeisprecher aber erst um 2 Uhr nachts verkündet.

cmon achim. most foreigners are based.
i'm talking about polish, russian, ukraine danks... ect the european foreigners.
if it comes to shitskins it's a different story. most of them won't accept our culters and force their shit on us.


Holy shit immigrant on immigrant hate. I thought only Kurds and Turks hated each other

Yeah, but - not meaning to be demeaning - she was a muslim, part of the Thracian minority.

After all, she was in Germany

pic related is average Sup Forums browser

why do you think their so attracted to white nationalism, compensating?

average american Sup Forums user



Huh, so we're back at violent video games then.

This has been one hell of a current year

He was /r9k/.

>German media reported that Sonboly had some problems socializing with peers and had failed a college exam on the very day of the tragedy

>According to Bild am Sonntag, Sonboly’s issues extended to being bullied by some classmates, particularly of Turkish and Arabic descent

>Several years ago, Sonboly had also been mugged and beaten, being injured in the attack

>Sonboly had used a hacked Facebook profile to lure victims to their deaths with McDonald’s food

He apparently disguised himself as a woman on facebook, and lured some chads who were counting on easy fuck.

Kackst du dich schon ein, Berundo?

absolutely haram

The owner of that McDonalds will possibly starve to death
Nice dubs

>cmon achim. most foreigners are based.
>i'm talking about polish, russian, ukraine danks... ect the european foreigners.

>his nickname was "Bernd"
No. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me. KC really has fallen.

So did he have some kind of identity crisis? Wanted to renounce the Iranian part of himself and prove that he was a German nationalist?

A Flemish newspaper actually said that people on a 'chatroom' said they were classmates with Ali and that they bullied him

His steam profile is a comedy goldmine

>we just hate dirty shitskins who don't want to be a part of our culture. they want their culture to be ours.
Can't honestly see why. Germany has a great cultural heritage

ja ich habe mir vor lauter angst in die hosen geschissen.

Got his youtube account?