What the fuck was her problem?

What the fuck was her problem?

She just need a sister.

she has shitty make up

She didn't receive my healing dick.

Her sister would always beat her in combat forceing her to have her limbs ripped out and replaced.her sister just let it happen.

>sister constantly humiliates you
>"dad" bodyhorrors you into a robot body
>your real parents are dead
>everyone either fears or hates you
>you're on the run from jail

sucks to be nebula

Why would you cover up Karen gillan? Why?

She's not cuddling with me. ;_;

A character with even less screen time is my waifu, 9/10 would still bang

>Picking goldytits over Nebula

>implying your genetics are competent enough to let her fuck you.

This movie gave me an even bigger boner for Debicki

She was even sexier with all that gold makeup. When she had her hair down I popped wood.


When her was down during the credits...

Tiny fridge

Nebula is cute! CUTE!

She's like a 7 foot tal monster though.

Not exactly tiny.

she was diddled by her dad
i thought they made that clear in the new movie

>your real parents are dead
And probably killed by her "dad"
