I genuinely feel bad for this guy. I feel like he really cares about his fans and wants to entertain and in return be liked by them but they just constantly pick at him more and more until soon, there'll be nothing left.

Other urls found in this thread:


What happened?

Thing is no one demanded an apology for the volume comment, he just made one anyway and did it in sign language. Cracked even wrote an article about why his apologies are the best and no one will ever hate him as a result.

But you already knew all that.

he said something to the effect of 'don't watch such and such using only the closed captioning, turn up the sound'

and it was miscast as shitting on the deaf, and he apologized

it was some Twitter ad. i.surprised he apologized for it, clearly not his idea, it was marketing.


He's been apologizing a lot. He doesn't even do bad things wtf?

No, he was not forced. If he really, really wanted to, he could have said "fuck you I'm not sorry" but instead he decided not be be an asshole for no reason and apologises and that is why he is so well loved by real people while bitter friendless misanthropes seethe because they don't think anyone should ever apologise for anything and just be cunts to everyone all the time for no reason.

>Thing is no one demanded an apology for the volume comment

>he just made one anyway

No no no no, Disney made him, he got a phone call and said, do this NOW.

All he did was make an off the cuff comment and asked people to ignore the subtitles in the clip. “You’d rather read those than hear me?”

and it was spun by cunt media as

>Chris Pratt mocks the deaf
>Pratt says deaf people should not use subtitles
>Pratt says deaf people are subhuman and a waste of time and resources
>Pratt says global genocide of the deaf is the only solution, the final solution

So of course the money machine said

> 2-3 people out of every 1000 are born deaf... multiply that globally... my god... all that revenue, Get that fucker onthe phone and tell him to make good to those spastic voiced deafo cunts NOW

this post is one of the reasons why you're not well loved by real people

you seem like a bitter virgin hating on 4chins for not loving your reddittainment

>people making up reasons to hate someone and get an apology

Why was WW3 called off?

>Disney made him, he got a phone call and said, do this NOW.
Have you got a source other than your own paranoid delusions?

Would it be bad if he just ignored the SJW trolls?

Obviously telling them to shut up would have a negative effect but he should just pretend they don't exist and life a happy life like everyone else.

Chris Pratt in a Hitler biopic directed by Based Mel when!!!!

Yea I once a child actor

journalists are like little children throwing a temper tantrum. If you ignore them, they will cry for a while and then when they realize they aren't getting anything from you, they'll sob a little and move on to something else. The problem is, this happened during the main promotion phase of GotG2 so they couldn't just let the journos cry for a while, they needed them to write articles about GotG2, not about whatever made up controversy they were obsessing about.

Because during a movie promotion actors are monitored very heavily by their studios to make sure nothing damages the movie revenue.

I'm not saying he got slapped down or screamed at

This happened,

>Chris, Hi it's Susan Greenthorpe at Disney. Look I'm afraid that innocent comment about "listen to me don't read the subs" was misconstrued... I know, I know these things happen, we've spoken to PR and a sincere little video on your twitter in sign language say "I dun goofed" will put it to bed, we've prepared the message, it's all good Chris, no really, speak soon, bye bye bye.

mfw celebrities now do non-offensive stuff on purpose and apologize immediately just to show off what a virtuous person they are

>>Pratt says global genocide of the deaf is the only solution, the final solution
Really kek'd at this part.


If you literally have nothing to apologize for, not apologizing doesn't make you a cunt though. It's the people who demand an apology over absolutely nothing who are the bitter, friendless cunts because they don't care about deaf people or whatever the fake outrage is about, they just like the feeling of having a tiny bit of power over some superstar celebrity.

>Heat St.

Is this the new Breitbart? This website literally goes out and finds 1 person that got offended by something and then somehow writes an entire article about it and how so many people got offended by it.

If he did nothing wrong why apologize? He seems like a weak willed faggot. Once again MCU actors prove they are beta as fuck

Maybe you just hate white people.

And once again more people are just upset about the fact that people were upset about him than the actual amount of people who were actually upsetted by Pratt.

He is a republican

So Hollywood kikes are out to destroy him. After Infinity War he will probably never work again



>It's the people who demand an apology over absolutely nothing

If it's absolutely nothing then you'll have no problem apologising, so what's the problem?

Are you Sup Forumstards so insecure that you can't apologise for offending someone who's disabled? How low can you go?

Stop making shit political.

The deaf community is notorious for their sensitive feelings. I'm sure it was a huge group of them and not some tumbrinas spreading #DEAFSHAMING all over social media.

It's News Corp.'s attempt to emulate Breitbart

Its founder defended Murdoch when she was an MP and on the DCMS select committee which scrutinised him and held hearings with him in attendance during the UK phone hacking scandal. After the whole thing blew over she resigned as an MP and got a cushy job making him more shekels

maybe tyrone should've apologised to your mother before getting her pregnant

APOLOGIZE! you offended me with your autstic post.

t. I have never studied one page of a history book

Reminder that a large number of deaf people don't even consider being deaf a disability as such and instead think it's a merely a different way of living with its own subculture and actively oppose things like cochlear implants because they don't want deaf people to be "cured" because it would destroy their culture and it implies that being deaf is "lesser"


>being so outraged by morons that you hope for a new world war
heh, different faces of the same medal.

About time this smug fuck's career died

Once his career dies you'll finally have your shot at Faris.

Bum I'm blind, how can I heare him apoolgizing and love him more if he doesnt' even want to talk directluy to me... I kinda dislike himq now.
Fuck , I even feel insulted.
I don't see shir and Prayy is making fun of me, fguck that guy!!!!!

> Fall of Roman Empire
> Fall of Frankish Empire
> Fall of Byzantine Empire
> French Revolution
> Fall of the Spanish Empire
> Russian Revolutions
> Fall of the Qing Dynasty
> Fall of British Empire

Cant see the forest through the trees can you mate?

Oh fuck off you snowflake. Go and rub Hillary's feet, she can't walk on them much longer. Maybe you could do her a favour and suck a her clock too faggot.

There's literally a gazillian factors that contribute to the fall of empires. Only a moron would reduce that to
>le strong mael xD

But why am I even arguing with a braindead idiot.


Congratulations, faggot, you found a website more cancerous than le ledditt to talk about

>Not being able to enjoy the sweet sounds of Mozart's symphonies or hear to singing of birds or the delight of a lover's morning whispers.
Being deaf is something lesser, but it doesn't make you a lesser person.

I swear to god if I see this fucking meme one more time I'm going berserk.


A million factors caused by weak political, moral, military, economic or social will to maintain what a mans father built through the force of his will.

DCucks are angry against Chris Chatt

Excellent historical sources and evidence you have there.


>Europe literally destroyed because of strong military and politics
>Germany destroyed twice because of same reason
>USSR completely broke because of strong military and politics

>you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villian

>Parents and professionals who teach deaf children how to listen and speak have been labeled audists who "should be tried and convicted of child abuse and neglect--and the Deaf child should be given to Deaf parents for adoption,".

jesus fucking chrisr

I would be mad if I didnt hate Chris Pratt.

t. weak men

reminder that JUST posters are phone posters because JUST is easy to type on your phone

t. insecure faggot

t. weak man

>delight of a lover's morning whispers.
Yes, that would be horrible.

I swear amerifats are the biggest crybabies in the world

>chris pratt forced
so the deaf community sat him down, held a gun to his head, and forced him to apologize?

You sound kind of like a crybaby here.... JUST saying

he has a goodie two shoes image he wants to protect.

They didn't need a gun. They just started babbling in that retard voice that deaf people have and he gave in just so they would stop

>n..no y..ou
Found the amerifat crybaby

t. faggot who narrows the entirety of human history into four stupidly simple talking points to pretend that it's a cycle. Convincing himself that he and his childish view of the world will be vindicated by future generations, he shitposts on an Indonesian knife sharpening board where over and over again he is proven wrong

>has no argument
>literally starts screeching "muh Sup Forums" like a paranoid retard

What an original redditor opinion and image.

Calm down Codie

Cochlear implants won't make most music listenable tho


Don't know who Codie is but I'm betting it's another unfunny reference from the redditor factory.

do non-deaf people actually watch tv with only closed captioning? what le fuck?

His statement is a little strange, as if many people actually do that, but who the fuck would twist those words to interpret them as attacking the deaf?

Since you're triggered by any criticism of your Redddit and Cracked heroes, you're lying. You know exactly who it is, snowflake. FUCK DRIMPH AND PHUCK WHITE PIPO

I do sometimes because the ridiculous dynamic between dialogue and explosions makes it hard to hear

Who can force you to apologize?
Is he a slave?

In the year of our Lord 2017, everything is a fucking microaggression with the perpetually offended class


It angers me that i have to live in this world with this bullshit

A decent amount of deaf people believe that it's wrong to fix a deaf baby's hearing and that they're superior to people who can hear, so this doesn't surprise me.

>makes reddit reference and expects everyone to know it
>someone calls him out for knowing said reference
>"y-you know exactly who that is!"


Well, if somebody fixed Daredevil's hearing he wouldn't have become a superhero

Using "tard" as a suffix to insult someone is incredibly demeaning to people with disabilities. Apologize.

A lot of deaf people also hate people who are eligible for surgery to get their hearing restored.

Like people want to deny that its is a disability so they can feel better which is fine, but when youre attacking people who have the means to fix it, then youre a cunt.

I bet paraplegics get shit on by people who are quadriplegic people fo using wheelchairs.

Some faggot praises Cracked, I mention Cracked writer, somehow I'm the bad guy.... DAMN GURL U TRIGGERED

Same. Gets old having to constantly jack the volume up to hear what characters are saying and then get blown the fuck away whenever there's an action scene or music.

>knows cracked writers by name
>starts dropping all caps in desperation

Kek keep digging.

Damn, calm down. We get it, you're a libtard

Celebs should just be making Daily apologies just to cover their bases.

"Sorry for offending anyone today"

I think that can fit in a daily tweet

Nice deflection fattu. Oh wait, I'm still calling you out. Kek try again.

stop pirating shitty rips


Did you know that you aren't supposed to use the word "lame" anymore as a negative, as in, that movie was lame?

It offends crippled people according to sjw nazis.

I'm a non native speaker, and some movies and shows just have terrible sound mixing. When I'm tired or have a guest over that I'm having a casual conversation with it's nice still following what's going on.

Usually I just do no captions though if there's no regular ones available. The ones for the hard of hearing / deaf are kind of annoying. They even describe background noises you don't even hear, I don't care that someone farted 3 blocks down.

>knows Cracked writers by name

You're pathetic


>Boss who pays him tens, if noy hundreds of millions makes simple request
>Fulfills simple request

Some people still have basic work ethic you non white faggots.

>heat street

kid with deaf parents here. yeah. its a force of habit snd sometimes people speak way too low to figure out what they are saying. i'm also not used to loud sounds so i keep it at a certain loe volume with closed captions