Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

nigger please.


These are al personal emotional that are subjective so shut the fuck up. Policy and track record are what's important. Go home shill

Original here


- Build the Wall
- Working legs are best legs.
- No fatties
- America First
- Make America Great Again

>hatred and bigotry is the greatest threat we have to our very existence

Greater than genocide? ok

kind of hope hillary wins so these naive fucks can see what hell they unleashed by voting.

doesn't matter though, they'll still blame it on the right-wing and white males.

wtf i hate donald now

- so? Unless they're terrorists or illegal immigrants nothing's gonna happen to them. And if they are, you should really rethink your social circle (still, this is only legitimate argument against Trump out of these)
- and what indicates Trump doesn't? Oh, you mean you just tried to use disabled people as convenient appeal to emotion...
- and Trump doesn't, as indicated by... him being rude to Megyn Kelly? He's rude towards everyone.
- and best way to achieve this is to invade and threaten other countries, which war hawk Clinton is bound to do. What an idiot Trump is, thinking the way to be loved and respected amongst international community is to negotiate, instead of intimidating everyone else.
- yeah, someone having views differing from yours is surely more dangerous than say, nuclear weapons.

>Because I love my Hispanic

Why I am for the nimble navigator

Because I'm japanese and I love my fellow legal immigrants and Christians

I belive handicapped folks should be treated like humans and not given meaningless pity

I belive women have the right to do what they want if they and should be held to the same standard as man and none of this lowering standards shit.

I love this country and I don't want a hawk who destroyed the most developed African state and created isis.

Controlling immigration so that these people have support from the government and not live in slave like conditions is wrong then call me what you must, I guess slavery is OK if they aren't black I guess.

>hated and bigotry is the greatest threat we have to our very existence
wtf i hate closed borders now

>respects women and believes in equality
>likes Muslims

Wew lad

please catch me as well, senpai.

Reddit is raiding us. Don't be a retard and waste your time responding.

wtf i hate Trump now, really made me think

Either vote Trump or don't vote at all. Stop being a burden and a cuck to others, Get a job and learn to read. Fucking chicks in chokers, I swere on me mum

Hatred and bigotry but only when directed at groups that I enjoy fucking my wife, of course.

Hate of cops. Hate of white people. Everyone disagrees with me is an anime-watching Nazi who's worshipping literally Hitler and they all need to be round up and killed. Because we cannot stand their intolerance any longer!

>tfw beta
>tfw no gf

A-at least I'm not a cuck, right guys?

haha, Reddit fags come over for a raid, get redpilled and stay!

AHAHHAAHHA Come on boys, all are welcome on the Trump Train!

how is it that ive NEVER seen a cambodian poster in the years ive been on this cancerous website.

That's what i tell myself everyday

-because I love criminals and terrorist
-because I believe the liberal media slant
-because I am against traditional roles of women, and couldn't comprehend that someone who believes in traditional roles still has a large number of high level female employees
-because I believe in globalism and would prefer people to use us and like us rather than our country being successful and disliked
-because I am extremely naive

>If they're here legally and adding value to the country, no problem
>Trump has done far more for the handicapped than you have
>The Trump organization has more female than male executives
>Trump's core message is literally putting America first
>Buzzwords are not an argument

Do you seriously need Sup Forums to tell you that you're friends with retards on kikebook??

This all could be condensed to "he's mean"

I thought it was global warming that was meant to be our greatest threat.

>because I love this country
then why do they want it to look exactly like Mexico?