Why do Europeans make movies that are so fucking WEIRD?

Why do Europeans make movies that are so fucking WEIRD?

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Everything is considered weird to low IQ Americans except teenage sluts, autotune, capeshit and trannies. Uncultured plebs

Why can't I find this movie anywhere? On IMDb it says it should be released by now.

Making threads again, Julia?

Did you end up watching this because of the thread the other day? How it's hardly playing anywhere anymore.

I think it's more a case of lack of resources fueling innovation, when you don't have much you try and get creative. If you've got a 250 million dollar budget film, you play it safe, tried and true good shit. When the budgets and therefore stakes are lower, it means people are more free to take risks and do weird stuff. This isn't endemic just to European films, many low budget American films are equally weird I'd imagine.

It doesn't exist. It's just some French woman shitposting about some mockups she made.

Yup, that thread piqued my interest

It's basically not playing anywhere anymore. It came out, played its limited release and now its gone. Gotta wait a few months for the bluray to come out.

Okay thanks!
Didn't think it would have a normal release, thought it's direct to BluRay.

Yeah its an indie, foreign language art house film, it only got released at a total of 50 cinemas across the entire US. You're basically shit out of luck if you aren't near a major city.

My city had one place showing it, it was cool, I never knew there was actually a literally underground cinema here, all it does is show indie films, definitely going there more now.

You fucked up didn't you?



pick one


her little smiles are the sweetest thing. i can only choose garance. i'd let julia borrow her whenever she wanted though.

>its a Sup Forumsirgin falls in love with an average looking obscure actress episode

its not her looks that get me, i just really liked her character and the feelings have transferred over to the actress.

Is torrent out yet?

I hear it's gorey.
What's it about?
Some girl who likes blood and gore?

Comes out on amazon and itunes on may 23rd apparently. Torrents out soon after probably.

>The Danish Girl
Eurocucks love trannies way more.

Drama about a girl that goes to veterinary school school and discovers things about herself, she struggles to control her impulses.

It has 4 or 5 scenes of violence in the movie. Only 1 of which is actually hard to watch, 3 are as violent as getting a bloody lip.

That's pakistani, not european

It's very simple actually.
There's no real market for European movies since even the Europeans themselves stopped watching what is made in their own countries,with the exception maybe of the French.
So a European movie is almost exclusively targeted to the critis and aims to win some award in some Festival.
So you get only weird or absurdly boring shit.



Might watch it whenever it comes out.

Fun fact: in Amsterdam trannies get beat up by transvestites because the transvestites feel trannies are ruining gay culture.

I don't want a little girl. I want a grown woman who makes kino.

Every year there's a film that gets shilled hard that always triggers me
It Follows
The Witch

Why are you triggered?

By who? All of those movies had tiny budgets, whose paying the shills to come here? Here of all places.

i dunno
it just pisses me off it always seems like one guy making the thread day in day out
i haven't seen any of those films though

It's more than one guy. I usually make them but I didn't make this one.

It Follows was confirmed shilled.
No idea about the others. In my head it's the movies' directors.

>i haven't seen any of those films though
maybe, just maybe, they're being talked about because people enjoyed watching them and this is a board dedicated to discussing film. stranger things have happened.

Oh, come on having some intern shill in social is dirty
If it increases the tickets or bluray sales even by a tiny fraction it already made the shilling costs back.


Why does she always wear the same extravagant jewelry? Serious question. I thought extravagant jewelry was something used sporadically.

I... I guess. I just find it hard to believe. Reddit or other sites maybe, but I just can't see it happening here. Especially because I torrent virtually everything.

She's a gypsy, it's genetic

You might torrent it, but then you tell your buddy about it and he tells his buddies etc.

Probably because whenever she's photographed it's a special occasion, so she puts on her special occasion rings.

Source pls.

Sup Forums is an epicentre. Memes radiate out. Why not knowledge of specific films?
Off siters come to Sup Forums to be hip and cool and fresh on their main sites.
Waves on Sup Forums make bigger and further splashes on other sites leading to a bigger more aware audience.

Sup Forums has considerably more lurkers than posters. Like 100 times more.

I have gipsy heritage on both sides of the family and I'm completely bling free.

>Like 100 times more
Ok so I've never really given the ratios a thought, but that feels like a wild overestimation. 2800 people have read this thread? I don't buy it.


>trannies get beat up by transvestites
No wonder they get beat up. Tranny used to stand for transvestite, not a fucking dickless guy.

I don't know if it's correct, but the official stats that have been given say that Sup Forums has a couple hundred thousand unique visitors every month. (200,000 five years ago, probably far, far more now)

The only thing I can say is that when I post a freshly uploaded video from my channel on Sup Forums and I make sure people notice it, it will usually go to 5000-6000 views before the thread dies.

I saw it in my small ass central plains city.

That's their point. For them, being a dude with a beard in a dress who's singing along to madonna is part of the whole camp appeal. They'd never claim to be a real woman.


Dunno. I am Dutch and our movies aren't weird but the constant sex and nudity comes off as way too tryhard after a while. Its not the 70's anymore everyone is fine with nudity, its not shocking or progressive anymore.

i posted some webm to a webm hosting site and posted it in a thread with only like 20 replies and

>hundred thousand unique visitors every month
Jesus it certainly doesn't feel like that. Threads have a few dozen people posting once and most threads move slow as fuck.


That is surprising. That kinda changes my whole perception of TV visitors. So for the 500 people reading this, why don't you post?

the REAL question is: why Americans don't?

Not worth my time

Fair enough. I often delete my posts after I finish writing them because what's the point.

They do, you just need to find their low budget shit and you'll find plenty of weird stuff.

>Yeah its an indie, foreign language art house film, it only got released at a total of 50 cinemas across the entire US. You're basically shit out of luck if you aren't near a major city.
God I hate this fucking feel.

user there's this term called narrowing. It means that the fewer variables in a person's life, the bigger the little things seem, it explains why old or lonely people can be such cunt neighbors over minor things or make a fuss about change at the super market or restaurant. A person with shit going on constantly in their life isn't bothered by the little things. I'm not judging you, but this really shouldn't upset you much.

>There's no real market for European movies since even the Europeans themselves stopped watching
That's kinda sad. Any Europeans want to contribute? Id like to know if small scale European film is still alive and well there. I kinda hope film making is still happening everywhere in every nation with domestic support

Literally every great director is American.

You live in the sticks user? How the hell do country folks ever manage to develope a taste for foreign indie films anyway? I'd expect them to watch nothing but American Blockbusters.

Believe it or not, there are people here who are lurking who are too autistic and socially anxious to post. The posters are sick alphas to them.

Most theaters in the flyover states have closed. The ones that exist are only playing capeshit, Beauty and the Beast and whatever animated feature is currently on tap.

I was almost going to ask if you were one of them. How on Earth could you possibly know that? And the idea of being too autistic to anonymously post on Sup Forums seems like too much, no autist is that powerful

I'm sorry user. Just another month or so and you'll be able to tor this. Just hold on.

>Yuropoors can't compete in normal cinema
>Create weird shit to stand out

They are just attention whores

I've dealt with autists as part of a high school internship thing (everybody had to intern in something with social value. I worked with autists), and a few of them were lurkers afraid to post on Sup Forums. One of them had a dream of one day playing video games online, but always pussied out whenever he tried because the idea of playing with others terrified him. I could only talk to these people by going into a chatroom and speaking to them using their own name, so they felt they were talking to themselves.

Autism is a hell of a drug.

dying civilization

>normal cinema

>One of them had a dream of one day playing video games online, but always pussied out whenever he tried because the idea of playing with others terrified him
Jesus fucking Christ. This is the saddest shit I've read in a long time.

I'm kinda glad these people don't have children, we've got enough as is.

I offered to play games with him, but setting it all up was too scary for him.

How old was he? Please tell me they were really young and eventually worked through their problems

They were all mid to late 20s
There's a whole world of people who are completely kept away from society

We Germans still make great movies :^)


what is this movie about?

Raw is much better than the other 3

Alex Van Warmerdam makes some pretty weird movies

That makes it so much worse. I was imagining 10 year olds.

"Refugees welcome" the movie.

Raw is like a 9, the witch is an 8. It's close.

Real German Kino incoming

Haneke's film this year is in Calais. I'm sure it's an uplifting feature.

I'll stick to police reports for my fun refugee stories.

he's gonna win

I was probably doing a lot of the shilling for The Witch (posting threads with a questionnaire about the movie and people's tastes in thriller/horror in general), and I still stand by it. I think it's a great movie that makes me more excited about the future of the film industry than any other movie has for a while. To me it is a great synthesis between theater and film. It uses all of the great things film allows for: different angles, convincing action sequences, interesting lighting, etc. But it doesn't throw acting into the trash. It's a very human story played out in a believable way. I can't ask for much more from a movie.

The VVitch is good.


she has a porn star look a like. I am all good



tfw no slutty cannibal gf

Don't compare raw , to those. Raw is great and challenging, and It would never be as popular as the other 3
