
he's the most dangerous man on the planet especially now that he's officially Russian

The US Government has officialy classified Seagal as "Lethal Weapon". Even the Bogdanoffs fear him.

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that fucking jacket, man

Ukraine is the poorest, dirtiest and dumbest country in Europe

Poor Seagal is missing so much

no, Belarus is worse in everyway

>The Bogdanoffs fear him.

>What is Moldova

>All Russian nations that role-play at not being Russian while pretending to be what is essentially Russian
What did they mean by this?

what the fuck, Seagal is like Big Boss now

Seagal used to work for the CIA, fought the Yakuza and he almost killed Van Damme.

Their concerns are completely justified.


Eastern Europe is strange. Hot women though

It's ironic you say that because Ukraine and Ukrainians make more sense than Russia and Russians. Think about how many different ethnicities live in Russia etc. it's a fucking joke of a "country".

Did he become an irl villain?

Steven Seagal A.K.A. John Alexander was banned from Ukraine because the corrupt officials don't want Seagal getting his fiddybuhgdahyuowmi.

serbian politicians arranged for him to hold some kind of bullshit instructional class to our elite CT forces

many keks were had that day

he actually has our passport now.

You either die a hero, or you Live Long Enough To See Yourself star in dozens of horrible straight to DVD garbage

>our passport

I know what you meant but lol it sounds like Serbia has one collective passport for everyone.

>Think about how many different ethnicities live in Russia
Thought really hard about that one

Russia is 81% Russian. The more you know


is this the daily steven thread?

Is this kino?

I miss poonani posting tbqh


because everyone else was murdered, starved to death or moved away

yeah. Probably the best ongoing Sup Forums meme at the moment


Sup Forums memetic standards are so fucking low that I don't understand how they manage to pump out only one decent thing per year on average

Fuck off Sup Forums you're cancer

actually Im a virgo

Honestly I think he might be my favorite actor. I watch the first 45 minutes of Executive Decision the other day. I got SO FUCKING TRIGGERED when Seagal's character died.

only his first 5 or so movies are worth watching

I hear he's starting his own army without a nation.

some should shoop a silhouette of operator Seagal into that pic

I enjoyed almost all of them.

what did Seagal mean by this?


You are correct, an incompetent easily manipulated moron.

Based Seagal making Outer Heaven real

Does anyone have the webm of Steven's patented corner gun hand swap technique?


hes reppilled as fuck

This story about Steven Seagal had me in tears.


ok meming aside

it's macedonia

now that's a real shithole


>mfw the Ukrainian military think they're a match for Steven Seagal in case he decided to invade.
This is what leads to history's greatest massacres.

Meh, still better than the other boards.

>they just walk up to him with their guns and he cuts off their hands

He's an actor doofus. is that way.


Can't spell Seagal without SEAL. This guy is the real deal.

How is that even a country again? Hasn't been relevant since Alexander the great was alive

Seagal intervention in south murica when

that's the biggest joke, it doesn't even have any ties to that ancient era, it's a fabricated leftover from yougoslavia with no real place to fit in now

>passport for everyone.
We do.
We take the term "passport" very literally.
Our definition goes:
"Document used for letting millions of Muslims and niggers swiftly pass through on their way to Eurabia. Please pass through and don't stay. We don't have any jobs or moni for you. Have a nice trip!"

No wonder they hire him, clearly he does all his shots in one take.

>implying les enfants terribles but with Seagal
The world simply isn't ready

>you'll never have your own pet american

Why even live?

Anyone have the pic of Seagal and some other dude giving bunny ears to Putin?

found it

He has two now, lad.

The world is more than ready

Is there anything he cant do?

>Ukraine is the poorest, dirtiest and dumbest country in Europe
nah, albania since the dawn of age was considered pick nr.1 if you needed a degenerate nation. it is their national brand


That jacket is based as fuck, is there a /fa/ chart already to emulate Seagal aesthetics?

Albania is a beacon of civilization and a land of opulent wealth when compared to Ukraine, trust me, I have had to suffer immigrants from both


And a navy

When is he going on a world tour?