Was she really going to kill the gas station attendant?
Was she really going to kill the gas station attendant?
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What was Jackman going to do if he arrived a few minutes later and saw attendant dead?
Would he have spanked her?
SSS she so smol
Dude, those are family photos...
nice drawing
I hate it
Kid looks like Sheldor fucked Anna Farris.
Who eats chips like that?
wow nice drawing
You can keep it.
Artist name?
No idea sorry.
If you raped her, would her hymen grow back? Could you technically rape her multiple times and still be innocent because she is still a 'virgin' with hymen intact?
Lmao I'm the guy that gave those to everyone on instagram.
I just feel bad for you, dude. How do you get through life being this retarded?
Turns out she speaks perfect english and isn't shy at all.
the ridiculousness of logan's healing factor means her hymen would grow back between every thrust.
Where the hell is that from. I never seen her in that dress.
Anyone have a webm if the speach?
Halfway in
ugly gypsy rat
It was a bit cringy
This kid is too fucking cute
Good to see her finally come out of her shell.
I want to lick her pooper.
Yah. But that is one ugly award.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
She was nervous
cute drawing!
There's another interview where she tells on hugh for drinking alcohol while shooting on set.
What did they mean by this?
Is Millie taller?
She hasn't grown at all
Mille is way taller
>She hasn't grown at all
Hasn't grown since when? Last time we saw her was only a month ago.
Who's that?
Some random asian
Are these stranger things cast members or IT cast members?
It. Dafne confirmed for SEWER GANGBANG
The girl in the middle is pretty cute.
Where's this from?
Mtv movie awards after-party
Why did they never follow up to the plot point of her drinking energy drinks having the anti mutant chemicals in them?
Hollywood is gonna ruin this girl.
Bad writing? Maybe in the sequel
Nah she doesn't live in LA, she will be fibe
That thing only makes the mutants infertile.
And how did you obtain them?
the point of the plotpoint is it prevented mutant factors from developing, to explain why there weren't any new mutants other than ones that were grown. It wasn't relevant to logan's weakening abilities.
No one tell Chris.
I'll just say that it was somewhere on facebook ;)
kids that age can double in size in just a month
They're so cute
Puberty hasn't hit yet
What gives me comfort is that she's too young for trashy Hollywood execs to take sexual advantage of her.
Doesnt mean they double in size every month. She is taller than she was in the movie.
>too young
Oh my sweet summer child
Am I really the only one that didn't think this movie was that good? It was 'okay', but as soon as he met all them little mutant kids I got a mad Max thunderdome vibe and thought it was down hill from there.
Plus, when she starts calling him "Daddy" I rolled my eyes so damn hard. They barely had any real bonding together to warrent that. Maybe if they had a couple scenes of him giving her advice on her powers or just some miscellaneous Fatherly wisdom that would've worked. I mean hell, she bonded more with grandpa Charles than Logan.
Overall I thought it was a 6/10.
I would spank her with my penis
Is this nigger serious?
Agree. But I would give it a 7/10 for having the balls to kill the main character
i wish she would kill me
the talk about their dreams was the fatherly wisdom part.
And of course she bonded with Charles better, bonding with young mutants is what Charle's entire life was about.
Damn she got 20,000 more followers last night on instagram.
>ywn be brutally murdered by a little girl
spoiler alert
She'll move there if she starts getting more roles. That's what always happens.
Shit, sorry. my bad
wtf why does this drawing look so lewd?
kill yourseves, degenerates
Lewd is in the eyes of the beholder
Ah. Thanks.
woah she barely got in the spotlight and the leeches are already coming. get her away from that whore or she'll be doing coke before she's 15
You sound like a degenerate
It's pretty sad. Would it be better to not be famous at all?
Her entire life two people helped her - mexican nurse and Logan
She latched on when he rekt X24, like any PTSD kid would
calm down. she will be fine
lol look at this closet pedo
Yep. Childhood fame can be very destructive, its why kid actors turnout so screwd up
just don't mix too much with those degenerates.
every time I say this someone reply this exact reply. is it a meme I'm not aware of? anyway child actors aren't exactly known to turn out fine
And she hasn't even posted anything yet, kek
It's a great opportunity to get fame so early. I'd switch places with her in a new york minute. You can still be a good person.
Gay fuckin name
i want that in my mouf
Maybe it's time to reevaluate yourselves
all smiles
Really? I think its kinda gross
The future does not look too bright for her
pls dont be rude to me
Point chin
do you think dafne was scared by monstrous roastie?