Reminder that we MUST protect the holy trinity.
Reminder that we MUST protect the holy trinity
n-no t-this c-cant be i-im in c-charge here!1!1
Sup Forums sucks. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the GOAT boards. /lit/ is pretty good
Sup Forums here, can we please join?
Fuck Sup Forums
Long live cuckoldry
Sup Forumsis like if /his/ was filled with attention whore and kids with down sydnrome tbqh
death to Sup Forumsniggers
fuck teenage Sup Forumstards they don't belong here, Sup Forums is 20+
>My 3 most visited boards
Are you me?
Kill yourself fucking faggot, Sup Forums is the worst board in this place.
Sup Forums posters should visit /p/ a bit more so they stop embarassing themselves constantly with their posts in the "cinematography" threads
Sup Forums is reddit now though
No one on Sup Forums knows what "cinematography" even is, that's why everyone who uses the word "kino" is a fucking redditor of the highest order. Pretending to know shit when they're not even qualified to make a star wars tier list. God where is /film/ when you need it
Based Sup Forums, the_donald can fuck off though
Sup Forums Sup Forums and maybe /ck/ broship
Fuck Sup Forumslets
The only thing Sup Forums has in common with Sup Forums are the mods on Sup Forums are nazis that will ban anyone for anything. Fuck that board.
only Sup Forums is safe at the moment, since the stupid donaldtors have no interest in sport with their pasty skin, pot bellies, and unkept facial hair
Sup Forums was good when it was still /new/. Sup Forums was ruined after all the media attention and redditfags who couldn't let go of the Trump worship even after he broke all his campaign promises. Hiro seriously needs to delete Sup Forums and then after a few weeks create a new politics board in an effort to dodge all the media attention Sup Forums generated.
why do all american naziboos look inbred?
So Sup Forums is full of normalfags who don't even belong on imageboards and have never watched anime in their life?
Fuck off Sup Forums you reddit cucks
t. reddit
>Sup Forums
>not /fit/
Sup Forums is LITERALLY re.ddit now. /fit/ might be dumb but theyre actually decent people.
t. r/the_donald
Le praise kek
The userbase of Sup Forums is even more dumb than the userbase of Sup Forums. How is that even possible?
fuck off faggot
t. reddit
Fuck off Sup Forums
End your life you exuberant reditor, we don't need your kind around here.
t. reddit
thats a big assumption.
t. Sup Forumscuck
t. reddit
x > mu > tv >
>wah wah stop hatan on Sup Forums
consider sudoku
we're just good at hiding our power levels and don't sperg out about it like the typical weeb
I filter the word Sup Forums because all you retarded butthurt re-dditors do is post "GO BACK TO POL REE OUT OF MY SAFESPACE"
fucking hilarious
t. reddit
Which is why they are better than most posters
Sup Forums is unironically the best board. Please deport your Sup Forums faggotry out of our pureness, thanks.
Sup Forumscucks love safe space as long as only they get it.
Stop being polite, user.
t. reddit
Here's that (You) that you want so bad
This is a Sup Forums website.
Take your pet niggers and go back to R*ddit.
that kid is a qt
Kiss my hairless pink balls, faggot.
t. Sup Forumsdditor
t. reddit
Damn right. MAGA!
>M-Muh Sup Forums
Leftists just can't stand the thought of anyone not agreeing with them. Triggered?
t. Sup Forumscuck
t. reddit
wtf are you me? These are the only 3 boards i visit
>M-Muh libruls
Sup Forumscucks just can't stand the thought of anyone not agreeing with them. Triggered?
>muh leftists
The Alt-Right just can't stand the thought of anyone not agreeing with them. Triggered?
Fuck Sup Forums. Sup Forums is a BLACKED zone.
I wish people didn't know this, I miss my slow board.
t. reddit
t. reddit
reminder that nu Sup Forums is a cancer that must be wiped off the face of the earth
Shouldn't you be flailing embarrassingly in a Colbert thread?
t. r/The_Donald plebbitor whose upset that his shill infiltration into the holy Sup Forums isn't going smoothly
Shouldn't you be flailing embarrassingly in a Colbert thread?
t. reddit
>Take your pet niggers and go back to R*ddit.
Okay, tell your mum to let them out of her bedroom.
Ah yes, praise kek.
/r/The_Donal... I mean Sup Forums is the best board on Sup Forums.
That's not how it works, reddit. You will never be able to fool us Sup Forums posters. We are the most intelligent people on this website. Go back to r/The_Donald.
Some triggered alt right cuckboi is going to post the leftist version of that any second now.
Not even kidding, you would straight up be better off on Reddit.
>No U response
This site is 18+ plus. Typical liberal mentality where even their responses are stolen by smarter more intilligent people.
t. reddit
t. reddit
There's Sup Forums and /poltv/
And then there's Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the based boards. The Sup Forums boards are LITERALLY /r/the_donald
>le 4d chess! XD
fuck off Sup Forumsnald
t. reddit
Go back to
If you even slightly care about quality you would have left this place a long time ago.
>No U response
This site is 18+ plus. Typical alt right mentality where even their responses are stolen by smarter more intilligent people.
They're organized shills. They respond with a pretty set pattern.
Perfect example:
Says the redditor. Please, tell us more how white people are evil and cultural appropriation is a thing you cuck.
Reminder that the alt right idiots ACTUALLY think Sup Forums is flooded with "ShareBlue Shills" who are creating a divide. The fact that Trump went back on a lot of things and left a bad taste in the mouth of previous fans has nothing to do with this apparently
Legit question, I never went to reddit except for videogames topics, what's the deal with it ? Why does poltards hate it so much ?
t. reddit
t. reddit
terrible meme
The_Donald invasion of Sup Forums will eventually subside. These fucking losers think it's a Donald Trump safe space board.
What's up fellow r/pol/ browser! I too am a big Sup Forums guy who supports our God Emperor! The CTR shills in this thread just don't understand his 69d checkers game he's playing, because they've never read Art of the Deal! Stupid libtards, so much for the tolerant left! #MAGA
t. BLACKED porn collecting Sup Forumscuck.
>Sup Forums
only cuck plebs give a fuck about sports.
t. reddit
Loving this r/the_donald cuckdditors backlash
Aaron Paul looks a fucking wreck here
They want to feel good about themselves.Just like redditors feel good about themselves over fb/9gag.
Apparently people recognize themselves by the websites they visit.