is he /ourguy/??
Is he /ourguy/??
anyone that talks badly about the goose honestly needs to be raped to death
honestly yes
even down to the whole ending part where he completely fucks up and everyone just focuses on that
it's like he posts here
Everything he said is spot on, unironically.
You can rip on Goose or Ford all you want but Arrival, Sicario, Prisoners and Enemy are all good movies.
Maybe overrated but still good.
Enemy is the only decent one.
He makes the same film every year.
unironically this
Only Enemy was good out of all of those.
Definitely overrated
>talented director starts to make a name for himself in the indie scene
>every once in a while there will be a bit of intelligent discussion about him
>he successfully breaks into the mainstream and becomes a bigshot
>intelligent discussion of him instantly dies, tasteless memers relentlessly spam threads that call him IMDB, reddit, inauthentic, etc, etc
Every single time.
Name literally any other example of this
Wow, surprisingly prescient assessment of the situation. 100% accurate portrayal of this stupid, pointless project.
Bladerunner 2 is not about making something worthwhile. It's about everyone involved puffing up their egos and collecting money from teens with bad taste who actually buy into this garbage.
Just another day in Hollywood.
You're no better than a teenage girl. Pathetic.
Damien Chazelle.
The difference in this case is that Villeneuve is actually talented.
So the director arguably makes 6/10 movies consistently? Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>hating based denny villianlove
what a faggot!
>he makes good movies that everyone can enjoy! What a hack!
arrival was massively overrated and flawed but it wasnt a straight up bad movie
agreed about the others tho
Alejandro González Iñárritu
Steve McQueen
>Arrival, Sicario, Prisoners and Enemy are all good movies.
Hated all of those and didnt even realize they were by the same director.
Felt like slightly elevated direct to dvd attempts of asylum movies for their respective genres to me.
name a more suitable director for a Blade Runner sequel than Villeneuve
you can't
Chazelle hasn't made enough films to be classified under that label. Fuck off back to r/movies
gonna have to agree here, familiano
>you can never insult a director if he's just making a name for himself
Huh, really interesting insight.
Review Screw is correct, however.
Wong Kar Wai
>Review Screw is correct, however.
No he isn't. All he did is spew a bunch of memes. He didn't post any real criticism.
>not even naming his best movie
Sam Mendes
Spectre was a huge disappointment, senpai.
>Sup Forums replies to this denying it like faggot hipsters without giving evidence why they are bad. And of course the few say enemy is the only good one like the hipsters they are
fucking contrarians
Arrival is practically capeshit. The film was made so middlebrow viewers like you can tip your film buff hats and be tricked into feeling like you're a somehow more discerning viewer, appreciating the medium on a level beyond the plebes, but it's normiecore schlock all the same. This film was Nolan level spoonfeeding trash, Villeneuve just hasn't gotten to the point where his name has become unfashionable yet.
Still better talent than Villeneuve
>posting a screencap of yourself
I like his other movies but Arrival was pretty damn weak. I feel like anyone who was impressed by that movie didn't spend much time thinking about it. Enemy is my favorite one from him, call it pretentious if you want but that's my honest opinion, and I felt that way since the day it came out, before he became Sup Forums's new meme director.
Enemy > Sicario > Prisoners >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arrival
Did we read the same thing?
Still not a single buzzword free argument why is it "shit".
You are only capable of shitting on the overpraising autists but can't form a single sentence about the actual film.
People overpraise Fight Club and Pulp Fiction too, but that isn't a valid argument too call those films shit.
You realize that shot was done by Roger Deakins, who also was the DP on Blade Runner 2049?
Did we? He offhandedly compared Villenueve's visual style to Snyder and accused Villenueve of being a pseud for hiring Deakins. How does hiring Deakins make Villenueve a pseud? Is everyone who hires Deakins a pseud? How is Villenueve's visual style similar to Snyder's? There's no real criticism of Villenueve in Review Screw's comment. Review Screw is the pseud, not Villenueve.
a cinematographer doesn't carry a movie.
t. IMDb buff that probably owns Under The Skin on blu-ray
Pulp Fiction is shit, the America viewing public finally acknowledged all the films they once saw as a "guilty pleasures" as legitimate art. All of a sudden Texas Chainsaw Massacre was inducted into New York's Museum of Modern Art. Slasher films were revived and shared movie theaters with "high art". Now people had an excuse to say all the crappy movies they had seen were important. All of a sudden academic papers were being written on the virtues of Ernest films. Quality of writing dipped, because people were more concerned with "impressions to ideas" or used it as an excuse not to actually learn anything so they could justify sitting alone masturbating to porn, rather than reading book. It was another excuse for our generation to feel entitled to their tastes, and consequently defend them inarticulately.
People are nostalgic for the days of Pulp Fiction, when indie film making "actually meant something." This was when not every indie film starred Michael Cera or was directed by Wes Anderson. This was when indie films were "cool and unpredictable."
I believe Pulp Fiction does not mean anything, its a void that convinced the film viewing public of its importance and quality with xenophobia disguised as irony and substance veiled by coolness.
This film is not unique, it is empty. It is a number situations rather than subjects, and it made this generation dumber.
Well at least its better than Four Weddings and a Funeral. (or is it? They were both nominated, I guess they should both be classics.)
seeing that Sup Forums praises shit like MoS and BvS, it is apparently so.
you're trying too hard
Wow, you really showed me.
>ad hominem
not an argument
I'd bet half of those posters are just memeing
ebin i luv maymays too xD
But Zack Snyder IS the thinking man's Zack Snyder
based review screw
Watchmen is the only thing Snyder has ever made that has some brains and that's only because it's an adaptation. Every single smart thing in the Watchmen movie is ripped straight out of the graphic novel.
The problem with this film isn't the director. It looks slick, the performances look decent
But the script is clearly total shit and it has no reason to exist
Why would I watch something that both adds nothing to the original and has no themes or ideas to explore?
But the screengrap as your sole evidence that Mendes would be a better director does?
>Le Retro Synthwave
This shit was actually great until Millennials came in and shit it up (yes you little faggots, we WERE there before it was cool.)
Is he right Sup Forums?
>"b-based Goose, amirite bros?"
>no based Jim to direct Blade Runners.
>"b-based Snyder, amirite bros?"
He is right about everything he said, he misses all the masses of flaws about R1 though
But he is right about those two paragraphs. E7 did not feel like a SW movie. R1 did much more, even if it got there by copying and rehashing. It is still a modern Hollywood action film but it is better than E7. All the currently released SW films are
Unironically yes
>everything would be CGI
>either there wouldn't be any philosophical themes or they would be extremely blunt
>forget atmosphere, the main drive of the film would be huge action
No thanks. Don't get me wrong, I love some of Jim's films but he would be a horrible pick for Blade Runner.
>hating on the goose
fucking kids these days
Rogue One is shit. I don't care how awful TFA is, that doesn't change the fact that RO is a bland, hollow action flick that doesn't have any reason to exist. We didn't need to see Jyn and a bunch of other forgettable characters get the deathstar plans.
Red Letter Media drone please go. Literally regurgitating the opinions of your friend simulator, like completely word for word.
Why are you pretending you aren't Review Screw?
I'm #gayforgosling
He's not talented. Just had the fortune in starring in the defining romance film of the 21st Century.
Hey Review Screw, instead of posting memes why don't you post some real counterarguments?
You can tell that whoever wrote this typed it with one hand because his other hand was busy alternating between tipping his fedora and jerking off to his own superior intellect.
Did you omit the Nolan section? Seriously?
He commented twice it's still there
He's right regardless
>I'm going to validate your comment
>find Review Screw's channel
>he's a fucking cuck who likes Gucci Mane, Lil Yachty, A$AP Ferg, Childish Gambino, Desiigner and other garbage nigger music
Why should I care about this cuck's opinions?
Arrival is garbage that would pass as a half-decent episode of TNG at best.
At worst, it's just more globalist propaganda.
Makes him even cooler desu
Because he seems to know more about cinema and is truer to the Sup Forums cause than your reddit Sup Forums governed mind??
>it's just more globalist propaganda.
How? In the movie globalism only works because fucking aliens came down to Earth and told us we have to work together.
t. Review Screw
t. cuck
Shouldn't you be watching cuck porn right now, Review Screw?
Because his taste in music has nothing to do with his opinions on other media
i dont get why so many guys are homo for goose?
is he really that attractive?
i mean i get why hes popular with feminists but guys?
Was I right about you being Sup Forumsedditors?
Unironically Nolan
>talented director
im sorry about your brain damage, user.
Right. The message is "globalize or else you're doomed" "oh we're so stupid and barbaric to have nations every country is humans!"
You don't see how that fits into their plans perfectly? It's propaganda.
Shoo shoo, Review Screw.
I'm not a disgusting twitter or mobile poster like him, Sup Forumsedditor
Now tell me, if I go look for you in the shatner tweet am I going to find your account and a bunch of ebin Sup Forumseddit memes with some kinoXD tweets?
Literally everything he said is true.
>random youtuber makes a comment regarding a beloved franchise that he's afraid is being used as a cash grab for the modern Hollywood factory machine
>Sup Forums user has nothing substantial to add to the conversation so he starts spewing nonsensical Sup Forums memes because he can't cope with actual discussion since he's so brainwashed by Sup Forums culture in
Truly a tragedy. Sad!
so goose is james mcavoy?
>"globalize or else you're doomed"
Except humanity wasn't doomed in Arrival. The aliens came to us because they'll need our help in a few centuries.
Fuck off
Dawn of the Dead and Sucker Punch?
>actual discussion
Fuck off, Review Screw. All you do is spam memes.