Has pol improved your English

Honest question from a burger. Has all your reading and commenting on Pol actually improved your English?

Yes :^)

No. It has been corrupted with slangs and wrong grammar. However, my vocabulary and chat skills are better

Of others, not that I've noticed.

I still see a lot of basic mistakes, like using the wrong "there", saying "addicting" instead of "addictive", and so on.

yes but it's also given me habits where i refer to /pol related material and such and confused my libtard friends

>what's a meme lingling?
>oh a dumb picture xd, let's go back to talking about makeup!


your kike propaganda machine called Hollywood did the most though

Notice me senpai

No, but it has showed me that most ''English speakers'' don't have basic reading comprehension. It's insane.

A lot of American, Canadian and Australian posters have problems with reading basic English. Every single day I run into them and it's absolutely pathetic.

Yes, it's have.

its learning i flags

If anything it made it worse due to having to drink the pain away more often.

I am fluent in Ebonics thanks to Sup Forums

yes, but the majority of the stuff i consume, apart from local news, is english/american. it's nice to be able to talk to people from all over the world. in school i was really good in english and everyone has understood me, no matter where i was. so, i guess, it's okay.

watching everything in english is great for your passive english skills.

Surprisingly enough... Yes. I have also been reading the articles that you people were linking, so I guess that my london has improved this last years thanks to /pol

Yo, glad ta gots helped

yeah Sup Forums was definitely a part of it


I feel like I'm steadily becoming more retarded every minute I spend anywhere on this site, language skills included.

Well yeah, Sup Forums has the best words.

I type like I speak on here, informal. If I was typing something that was serious it would be proof read and adjusted.



>yfw Americans can't tell "your" from "you're".

fuck off my dubs say you are both wrong

Probably a bit.. It taught me tons of flags tho. Also that americans can't english for shit like said.

>Well yeah, Sup Forums has the best words.

People calle all the time to tell me. "user," they say, "user you have the best words." They love it, and it's just terrific.

yeah nah fuck off cunt where even are your country you irrelevent fuck?

Yes it has. Also pol has taught me to apply critics thinking to my sentences and arguments so I am better able articulate myself

Not really. Sup Forums is better at teaching.

yes in fact i'm a left supporter but i'm here for free english lessons

delet this
