So I'm going to start this off by saying the only marvel films I've actually seen are cap 1, iron man 1-2, thor 2...

So I'm going to start this off by saying the only marvel films I've actually seen are cap 1, iron man 1-2, thor 2, and guardians of the galexy. So I went and saw Civil War, and the whole film seemed like it was nothing more than an excuse to smash action figures together for a scene. And they kept doing that shitty quick cut shaky cam so you can't see shit during the action sequences. Are all marvel movies just this Bullshit of quick cuts and no plot? Rami spider man had better action and it came out a decade ago

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are you still mad because I said Maquire sucked in the other thread?

Nah I thought spiderman was fine. Although it was Bullshit they didn't give cap the chance to sway him because Spider man believed the same things as cap. I just thought the whole fucking movie was just an excuse for the fight in the airfield and the fight in the bunker

>I've actually seen are cap 1, iron man 1-2, thor 2, and guardians of the galexy
thats the problem

I don't understand why every fucking knobhead thinks their review is worth a thread.

>only marvel films I've actually seen are cap 1, iron man 1-2, thor 2, and guardians of the galexy

Stopped reading there. Go watch the others and stop complaining.


Not sure if serious or just pretending to be retarded. Take it down a notch, shills.

>Are all marvel movies just this Bullshit of quick cuts and no plot?

Why? I could not give any less or a fuck about marvel outside the xmen. I know who the heroes are and what their stories are. I'm saying marvel doesn't spend anytime on the fucking plot. It's just bashing action figures together. GoG had a story. Deadpool had a plot and story

Because you need to eat up everything marvel shits out and say thank you. Everything.

Then why did you bother watching it? Who twisted your arm to make you go watch something you didn't care about?

Further more, you are objectively wrong about this movie having no plot, because it has a very well developed plot that is driven by the plight of the characters, which have grown and developed throughout all of the films.

There is continuity between them that explains who they are and why they are doing these things.

It's the latest movie in an 8 year old franchise. Your short comings as a viewer are not the film's fault.

civil war was the culmination of plotlines from CA 2, Avenger 1, and Avenger 2

you jumped into the climax of a story and complain it wasn't properly set up

I also can't fucking stand cg fighting cg which was a lot of the movie. It's like the fight at the end of BvS. It was cool and then doomsday showed up and it was like I don't give a fuck about watching this video game

These. Go the other films if you want your opinion to have a chance at mattering.

Go watch*

>go waste your time watching more shitty movies that are just action figures bumping into each other where the hero always wins

>Guys, I've only read chapters 3, 8, 12 and 15 of this book. Chapter 21 didn't make any fucking sense to me!

Its not wonder you didn't understand the story when you haven't even fucking seen half of it. This is by far the most plot driven superhero movie outside of First Class/Days of Future Past.

Its funny because the villain won in Civil War and the heroes didn't end up being heroes at all.

I stopped reading at 'galexy'.

Everybody lost in Winter Soldier. The world was saved, but at a cost.

I didn't have a problems understanding the """"story"""". There just was no plot development. The entire point of the first half of the film was for the airport scene and then after that seen it was just to set up the bunker.

>hey let's have a bunch of cgi fight other cgi

Once again I totally understand who cap and Tony and the rest of them are, what their motivations are, and what their goals are. You are literally trying to prop up the story of an adaptation of a comic book event that was just people smashing action figures together without giving a fuck about characterization and without caring about conciquesnces

So you hate superhero stories? Cool. I like them, but can respect your opinion.

also Iron Man 3. That and AoU really gives you an idea where Tony's coming from here.

>all superhero stories involve the heroes winning and nothing more than action figures hitting each other

Think at best all the Avengers managed to do in this movie is save Black Panther's soul.

Honestly, think it was worth it.


So user, what were your thoughts on BvS? Tell us how you're genuinely perplexed it got a 28% RT compared to Civil War.

The fight scenes, except for that shit with dooms day, were better. The majority of the film was based on story and plot rather than just action. The whole thing wasn't just >Muh quips.

I think the reason BvS did worse was that it relied on people having more knowledge of the comics than the mcu.

Says the man who starts a muh x men better thread

Yea deadpool plot and camera work blow ca3 away

A hero and the bad guy have a one on one philosophical talk at the end is becoming one of my favorite Marvel tropes

I literally laugh out loud when d.cucks defend the smoldering car wrecc of bvs. It was worse in every conceivable way and only people who jacc off to dicc Grayson would disagree. Pray Disney buys the dc properties and they get done right

>philosophical talk

what philosophy did they talk about in this scene

>muh quips
Oh, so you didn't actually see Civil War. Ok.

I'm starting to lose understanding of what actually constitutes shakey-cam barbecue of how often you people use the phrase.

Fucking Disney ruined star wars too. There hasn't been a good start wars film since fucking empire strikes back

Go watch a fight scenes in a Jackie Chan film from Hong Kong and then watch a fight scene today. Shit looks like Jason borne and is terrible. I fucking hate the let's jump cut and shake the camera a ton because the action isn't very well done by no one will be able to tell because they can't see shit

Right, but the only time there's anything even remotely approaching shakey cam in Civil War is the parkour segment with Black Widow at the very beginning.

Shakey-cam is just on the list like "quips" "stakes" and "epic" now where it means nothing.


>A C T I O N F I G U R E S
C'mon, get some new criticisms. Or at least word them differently.

Literally the only comics I read are xmen

Villain won in Civil War. Did you go to the film or did you just have this hot opinion fired up when you heard people liked the movie?

why did crossbones an hero?

What the fuck is characterization to you? RDJ brought it in Civil war, Stark's PTSD that has been building ever since whiplash showed him there are other fighters in the ring has crashed into a full on guilt spiral. Characterization is great in this film.

>complaining that the hero wins
>in a superhero movie
>where they are supposed to win

Steve kicked his ass, so the only way he could kill him was if he blew himself up. If Wanda weren't there to contain the blast, he probably would have succeeded.

wow what an emo faggot

seriously, if you imagine crossbones was gay for steve's cock then his actions make sense

Films seem to be the worst medium for super heros. the fuck have you not seen The Winter Soldier? It's literally the movie PRECEDING Civil War, you fucking idiot.

This looks unbelievably bad

Why bother? I only saw Civil War cause I had nothing better to do.

>I only watched episodes 1, 5, 7, 15, and 17, why does the finale make no sense?

>"MCU films have a solid continuity" meme
LOL literally none of the other Marvel films need to be watched for Civil War unless you want to see some useless cameos.

Except the fact that the entire characterisations and motivations of the 2 main conflicting characters have been set up through at least 5 movies before this one.

He probably didn't see the film.

How the fuck are you going to understand what's going on without the previous IMs, CAs and AoU

It was a horrifically disjointed mess, but it gets by on fanservice and name recognition alone. Humor was decent, and action scenes were good, if pointless (and suffering from shakycam). Not all Marvel movies are like that, though. This one has been the worst.

Seems to me like the movie is already losing steam. There's not nearly as much discussion on Sup Forums as I expected. Probably because there's nothing to really discuss.

OP's right, the only part of this movie that matters are the action scenes. The plot and acting are laughable, it's shot like a TV show, and the characters crowd each other out from getting meaningful development other than like Tony. Worst of all it's not only reliant on previous movies, it barely even resolves itself with how much it sets up a half dozen future movies.

I was actually surprised by how coherent it was. I went in expecting it to be a disjointed mess.

What's wrong with that?

I suppose it's all relative. I went in expecting it to be tight and coherent. I recently rewatched TWS and appreciated how focused it was, if a little over-long. I expected the same level of focus from the Russos a second time around.


I think Civil War is the kind of movie that needs a rewatch. It's much better on second viewing. You catch a lot more stuff that might have been overlooked on first viewing.

Thinking about it, might do IMAX. My problem is that the initial conflict and the Accords are retarded as fuck, and no amount of rewatching will make that better.


No, George Lucas ruined Star Wars. Disney at least made a decent one

You're hardly going to understand a thing about Civil War if you haven't seen Avengers and Winter Soldier first.

>And they kept doing that shitty quick cut shaky cam so you can't see shit during the action sequences

That is every single superhero movie, including the ones you've said were good.

>force awakens
>not total shit
Literally every star wars film other than a new hope and empire has been shit

Fair enough.

>it didn't have a plot
>I only like xmen
Fox please go

>shaky cam
Mostly on the first fight scenes only.