Is this kino?
Is this kino?
Absolute madman. Shatposting.
Get rid of /bant/ and create Shit Shat Says.
this absolutely blows my mind,
picturing him on Sup Forums seeing all the disgusting insane shit that we see, just on his laptop in his mansion, absolutely hilarious.
>going on Sup Forums
I wouldn't admit lurking on Sup Forums to anyone ever. He simply has no fucks left.
exactly. he just casually says he goes there, no fucks. king.
Shatner does it, and you're definitely not above him.
Sup Forumsased Sup Forumsrother Sup Forumsill
It's you, isn't it?
Could he become the first to legitimize Sup Forums? Could he be the Rosa Parks of this century as he takes a stand and proudly proclaims he's a Sup Forumstard?
You've gone too far down the rabbit hole.
>TFW so based you can make The Shat a badass moniker instead of a poop joke
But maybe that was his goal all along
Guys, what if he's lurking this thread RIGHT NOW?
What if he started baneposting?
Maybe he's OP.
Or maybe he's you.
Close enough... the man is hip.
He's a big guy
>ywn hear Shatner dramatically interpret Bane vs CIA guy.
Well, browsing Sup Forums kinda gives you the freshest memes afterall.
Can someone notify le reddit man of /ourguy/?
First one... to... talk gets to... stay... on... my airplane.
>Sup Forums /OurGuy/: Best Star Trek character
>Reddit /OurGuy: Worst Star Trek character
What did they mean by this?
You're from reddit.
I wonder if he's seen that gif of Takei jerking off that dude on Howard Stern.
I may or may not be Bill, so hit me up buddy.
Their an high chance William has called you a faggot for your opinion and you will never know and that's the beauty of this place
>Shat probably met Aidan or Tom IRL on some hollywood party and called them big guys
It makes interesting people uninteresting? Yay
>jerk off instruction
go to bed bill
Bill pls go
>it's a Sup Forums acts like a bunch of normie faggots when it suits them episode
Who's that qt?
Surprise, Sup Forums is largely a bunch of late teens to mid 20s dudes who are full of shit, likely a side effect of having their heads up their own asses for far too long.
Projection: The Post