How do we save Sup Forums from the migrant hordes lads?
How do we save Sup Forums from the migrant hordes lads?
You can't
all Sup Forumsedditors and all cross post here
What is this picture supposed to prove. That the people who constantly mention Reddit are the true cancer (Sup Forums), or the people who don't discuss their own Reddit problem are the true cancer (Sup Forums)?
Sup Forums mentions reddit more than Sup Forums even though Sup Forums is ten times busier
That's not how the archives work. Limit it to the past year only
I would rather have redditors in here than Sup Forumsfags desu.
Make posts about plebbit a bannable offense. I'm fucking of sick of every single thread devolving into "hello rebbet!". I wouldn't be surprised if half of the faggots making these posts actually came from there and are trying to fit in.
Daily reminder this is the cancer killing Sup Forums:
>likes RLM
>plays weeb games
>says the word 'kino'
>mentally unstable
>constantly posts on twitter
>probably suicidal
>literally sucks cock for pleasure
That's because you're not actually from Sup Forums
I've been in here sine the LOST days, fag.
Even then Trumpfags are even more cancerous and annoying.
Trumpfags are both annoying AND from reddit, so yeah they're pretty bad
Stop posting this faggot everywhere you fucking autist.
so you admit to being a newfag
kys tbqh
And neither are the swarms of faggots from /r/The_Donald.
Haha, your thread got deleted. Just like how this one will, too.
>I've been in here sine the LOST days, fag.
So has everyone else that's been called new
Let me guess, AbatapxD, DAVEY!!
Say the cheap lines you've seen others say
can someone create a thread about this
creating threads from my isp is banned
Triggered Trumpfags are so boring and predictable.
>I was right
What brought you here, princess? Baneposting, game of thrones spoilers, star wars 7/sw7 spoilers or maybe even the election?
Why are Trumpfags so easily triggered?
It's pretty obvious you're trying way too hard.
>bluff gets called and fraud is utterly exposed as the newfriend anti Sup Forums poster he is
>y--you're trying hard!! t-t-t-t-TRUMP TARD;_;
Banning meta garbage is the first pass in the right direction.
When new redditors arrive they sure love making meta spam.
In fact I reported you.
Back to your subreddit of origin.
You're just trying too hard, kid.
You're not impressing anybody and your game is honestly pretty bad.
Why would you lie? Do you think they're aren't people that were really here "back then" still? You post invasion posters aren't the majority yet
You are reddit.
You do realize I didn't fall into your "trap", right?
I could have done the cheap crap of posting some ebin oldfag quotes or trying to prove you wrong but I'm not wasting my time with a redditor like you, it's pretty obvious you're trying way too hard to fit in.
Look at you
Utterly exposed by someone that isn't new and was actually here and you're pretending you were (again)
Trap? Is that how you're justifying this exposing? Keep telling me how you're not "wasting my time with a redditor like you" too
>anti Sup Forums
Not him but fuck your capeshit shilling board desu, you're the redditest of the boards
Trying too hard, Reddit.
Pretty sad, this is why nobody likes you, go back to your containment shithole.
Redditors and Sup Forumsfags are the same thing.
Someone posted data the other day, pic related is what the people that come here visit after Sup Forums.
Reddit, Facebook..
Oh God hello rəddit. Nice rəddit spacing you got there, rəddit.
Also this is unironically Sup Forumsredditards.
A lot of them are screencapping Sup Forums threads and posting it on facebook/twitter pages. None of them read the rules, they contaminate every single board with their shit.
Sup Forums is to rəddit as Sup Forums is to tumblr
Ugh shut the fuck up already
t. Rebbit
>heh, if I say that Sup Forums is reddit then I win any argument
I'm guessing you actually believe that your brand of "centrist" liberal apologetics is the spirit of Sup Forums.
t. ŕeddit
>"centrist" liberal apologetics is the spirit of Sup Forums.
no it's anarcho capitalism/minarchism
Hi redd!t
This photo just furthers the case that Sup Forums makes all of the memes then reddit steals them a year or two later. Has been happening for years upon years
t. redd!t
back to redd!t you go!
t. řəđđıţ
Sup Forums is quite literally the most 'reddit' board on Sup Forums.
it has its own sister subreddit in /r/the_donald. what kind of cognitive dissonance are you on
t. retarddit
t. redd!t