Green Arrow Rebirth

>Grell and O'Neil
>Social Justice Warrior

Pick one

Hopefully he deals with serious social justice issues like twitter feminists getting PTSD.

You maybe joking, but you can get trauma from anything. It aldepends on the person. If people keep leaving you threatening E-Mails and constantly ring your house, is it any surprise that person would develop PTSD?

O'Neil GA was an SJW in the classic sense of the term

It's funny, because for him "warrior" is not just some lofty, absurd title, it's actually what he does, so it's fitting for him.

Last I checked he wasn't fighting off internet trolls on twitter for not accepting Anita as their lord and savior.

I wonder if Percy will have the balls to call-out modern "SJWs" who just talk shit on twitter and aren't actual activists

>that are ripped from the headlines

Holy shit, this is going to be Law and Order: GamerGate levels of bad. I'm so sorry, Green Arrow fans.

You can't say your channeling Grell Arrow in one breath when he was a murderer banging bad bitches with bare titties right there on the page and then say social justice in another.

There's the hooded Green Arrow/Grell Arrow and there's feather cap douchebag Green Liberal.

Most PTSD cases on tumblr are self-diagnosed though.

"My chosen name is Olivia Queen. After years of living a lie in hell, I returned to my preferred gender as a demi-genderflux female with only one goal: to save my city from the patriarchy. But my old approach wasn't enough. I had to become someone partially female, I had to become something partially male. I had to become... the Green, Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Violet, and Indigo FemArrow!"


We shouldn't be as stupid and gatekeeping as Sup Forums but there needs to be a line dammit

As soon as a fag or tranny shows up I'm done. With the legalization of weed and liberals trying to get lax on other drugs and ex-cons the hell else is Ollie gonna do?

Not talking about that, though, but the woman from the "Triggered" meem.

>legalization of weed

Grandpa you're dead...

the last time we had this thread multiple people dogpiled on me for pointing out Grell Arrow was not a liberal crusader like O'Neil's.

as if we needed more proof that Sup Forums is full of people who don't read comics

We just can't have anything nice. TV show has been run into the ground. Now this. Atleast they got the suit right.

I'm with you man.

Grell Arrow >>> Green Liberal

>the hell else is Ollie gonna do?
False narratives haven't stopped Marvel from putting out shitty SJW comic after shitty SJW comic.

No, it's more like Ollie will go and torture some city councilmen who didn't care enough about the poor districts in their city getting lead poisoning to repair the water system. Expect that sort of "ripped from the headlines"

So Olie's going to be fighting Jews?

Yes, because that dipshit can literally switch email addresses and unplug their phone. You can't get un-raped or un-experience the horrors of war.