How is it possible to make a movie this bad?
How is it possible to make a movie this bad?
Two words
Live Action
Duncan Jones really tried too. He's normally a great director.
All he did was prove that it's impossible to make a good videogame movie that is accurate to the source material.
it wasn't accurate
the worst parts of it weren't from the games
including but not limited to:
>the love story between garona and lothar
>lothars son
>king llane literally asking to be killed robbing Garona of making 1 decision in the film
>the stupid flying Dalaran scene
>"from darkness comes light"
>Medivhs golem
>Lothar fighting blackhand
>fuck you I liked it
It should have just been an animated 2 hour story about the Orcs. They were the most interesting characters of the entire film.
Like, in an ironic way?
I just noticed it's the guy from Vikings. Anyway the movie was alright to watch for fun. I'll assume they'll cut off tons of shit like Lord of the Rings and make sequels that might end like Lord of the Ring.
There's too many important stuff missing from the movie. They might as well make a tv series to fill in those missing things.
By trying to cater to two completely different audiences.
For Warcraft players it's butchering of lore if they don't do it by the book..
For casual viewers it's too confusing if they follow all names and connections in lore.
By going middle way noone is really happy.
Honestly, this should have been an action-comedy.
Enjoy your downvotes faggot
Those are little things. It's far more accurate than most videogame movies, like Resident Evil or Silent Hill.
This was almost as bad as "In The Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale". It's way overrated on IMDB, deserves to be in the bottom 100.
i've seen plenty of flicks from 2016 that are much worse than Warcraft
10/10 cringe kino
humans in Warcraft are as much caricatures as orcs are
their knights are basically space marines in medieval" armor
puny human actors make no sense when the orcs actually follow the look of the game
The story in the games works because it's episodic. Warcraft could only be adapted to the screen if it was made into a tv show.
In a tv show you could have a battle every other day and it would be fine. You can't have constant battles in a movie because it would get boring, expensive and you'd have no room for plot or character development in such a small space of time. And Warcraft is literally constant battles.
It really wasn't that bad, much better than something like Man Of Steel.
Well stated. Either hulk the humans too or just paint green the orcs with Shrek masks. If Hellboy is being rebooted, why not this. Make a series of 8 episodes.
Either 100% CGI or 100% Live action
The blend between them is disgusting
Don't forget that the movie didn't end with a heroic last stand by the knights of Stormwind while the populace and Lothar escape.
No sacking of of Stormwind.
No Horde infighting with Cho'gall bungling the start of the war.
No Doomhammer ascending from a lowly Orc Commander to Warchief.
Heck, they could have redone the Warlords of Draenor trailer for the final moments of the movie:
>Stormwind is in flames, Orgrimm victorious
>The shadow council summons him, demands that he finaly drinks the demon blood.
>Instead Saurfang, Kargath, Grom, Kilrog and Garona rush in and slaughter the shadow council with Orgrim.
>Gul'dan:'This was not our destiny!"
>Orgrim:'Times change'
I liked it. For some reason my wife who is chinese absolutely loved it, she doesn't even play video games.