How good is The Young Kino
How good is The Young Kino
The most dreadfully boring tv series I've ever seen and I've seen The Secret Life of an American Teenager.
Why would you call something Kino if you've never seen it? Are you retarded?
It was truly awful. No interesting characters. Wait, scratch that. The guy that gets send to America is the only remotely interesting character. You're a pleb for liking this show. Next to Rome, The Sopranos and The Wire, this show will go down as one of HBO's worst.
Stopped reading there. If you did watch it you didn't even understand it on a most basic level.
He admits to the confidant that he's an atheist and when the confidant freaks out he says he was only joking.
I'm up to episode 8 your eminence
>He admits to the confidant that he's an atheist
no he doesn't. Stop making shit up and watch the show again
this show was goat
my favorite show after Hannibal fite me
im on episode 3, downloaded it like a day ago.
so far its really good. im expecting more each episode but i feel like i might get a dud episode soon.
it was in the first episode
the ending of episode 4 is beautiful
second one
but immediately after we see him pray for forgiveness to god especially for saying he doesn't believe in him
he is clearly going through a crisis of faith, that's one of the plot points
i literally cried when he made a speech in africa
Great, fuck knows why we're getting a second season though.
Describe the plot
I really enjoy watching Jude Law act
Am I a homo?
typical yank
It's second all time only to the Sopranos
>spoon-feed me
Oh well. Gonna go see Guy Ritchie's King Arthur flick and jerk off in the cinema I guess.
>I prayed so hard I nearly shit my pants
Why does Jude Law slip into his English accent so hard on that line? Really ruins my immersion.
>this show will go down as one of HBO's worst.
well good thing it's a SKY show then
It's actually a triumvirate between HBO, SKY and Canal+ headed by Sorrentino.
Yanks like to pass of everything as theirs though.
It's about his conflict of fate you fucking mongoloid
Voiello is sometimes see describing the plot to the handicapped kid.
This kid represents the American public and this is of course a metaphor showing how all Americans are retards that need the plot to be spoon fed to them by a narrator
truly kino
the next ep will make or break your opinion on the show
Best show of the decade hands down
holy kek
Not even American. I hated this fucking show. Watched all ten episodes because I watched five already and was too invested in it but I should have dropped it and moved on. The pope actually kills a nun in Africa instead of excommunicating her, letting the authorities deal with her etc. Why doesn't he do this to the pedophiles in the church instead?
is he letting out some holy incense?
An American cardinal who is relatively young for the position gets elected Pope, and proceeds to go through a crisis of faith as he comes to terms with his own personal failings and the corruption that infests his beloved Church.
He overcomes his base, mortal instinct to hide from suffering behind zealotry and coldness, growing to truly appreciate the oft-overlooked 7 Heavenly Virtues of the Christian faith and finally fulfilling all the requirements for beatification as a Saint
Great if you're Jude Law and everybody's praising you for your performance. Personally I think it's just fucking weird.
Just finished marathoning the whole thing
Should have got 13 eps desu
>you fucking mongoloid
You know Leftovers or Americans or whatever piece of shit you're currently watching? Now imagine if it was actually good. The Young Pope is even better than that
we don't know what he prayed for in that scene - they played music over the monologue - you should direct your anger at God, instead
how are you enjoying 13 reasons why?
Pope Francis would never say that.
>You know Leftovers or Americans or whatever piece of shit you're currently watching? Now imagine if it was actually good. The Young Pope is even better than that
God loves but we can't understand how
I'm not. Do you really take me for one of those harelips who follows a series just so they can bitch about it on Sup Forums?
Holly Jej.
Americans in suicide squad.
>comparing Leftovers to The Young Redditor
Can you stop you fucking pleb?
I was only one of them
Not an answer
What did the baby pile mean? What was the significance of nothing really happening in the last couple episodes?
redditors don't even like the young pope, it's too complex for them; hence why the dedicated sub is tiny. The Leftovers on the other hand is reddit bait.
How was it too complex?
It wasn't meant as an answer, you dick-hungry faglord
The Young Pope?
More like The Young Dopes who watch this stupid show
So THAT'S how he got superpowers
whatever you want it to be?
he was actually God at then at the end it all came tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down
the pile of babies was a metaphor for the all the orphans and the young pope crawling out from them is his starting point
>What did the baby pile mean?
Innocence, the state of willing childhood the priests stay in according to Lenny. It also has significance because of the paedophile plot
>What was the significance of nothing really happening in the last couple episodes?
That you need to pay more attention or stick to Game of Thrones
fuck off back to where you came from
see >The Young Pope received positive reviews in the UK, Ireland, and Italy. Jude Law's performance has garnered praise by Jasper Rees of The Daily Telegraph, while the Italian weekly Catholic magazine Famiglia Cristiana objected to "caricature-like characters created to appeal to an American audience".
>On U.S. review aggregator Metacritic, it has a rating of 69, indicating "generally favorable reviews."
But he's still a zealot and he's still hiding at the end. Just now his inner circle starts talking about how magic he is.
Is it NOT about a Pope? Is the whole thing a metaphor for catholics or what in the fuck happened? The corrupt dudes are still pretty much around it's not like we're seen him purging shit. They barely even touch kid diddling.
He acts like a radical zealot, hides out for awhile, has some family issues, then everyone talks about how he's magic.
>>On U.S. review aggregator Metacritic, it has a rating of 69
>Luke Cage has a 79%
Can someone just nuke that memecountry please? Thanks in advance
How does this explain how it was too complex?
I thought it was too vague and self-important and meandering and crammed with probably a bunch of shit that you have to be a catholicfag to know what they're alluding to.
Indeed, Although it doesn't help HBO bought up all the related subs & set them to private. Nobody talks about it on Reddit because the sub is hard to find.
It's like /r/youngpopefire or something isn't it?
So is that the subtext? That it's actually about God? That Jude Law is God? What does his orphanage brother represent? What about his orphanage momsister? What about the italian guy?
Well he did do magic
He's the vicar of christ and a saint
no it's whatever you want it to be - i have my own interpretation, doesn't mean it's right or wrong, it's just how I see it - you can have one too!
Did he? And even if he did, what was the fucking point? It's made clear throughout the series that he's pretty much scared away everyone from the church. What's the point of being magic on a sinking ship?
Is that the point?
How much of the literal plotlines where there because of their subtextual metaphors? Was everything in the show supposed to be read as having underlying thematic meaning? Because I just wasn't grasping what the message was the whole fucking time, and then it just kind of ended.
What is the significance of his priestbrother banging whoars and getting killed by gangsters?
What is the significance of his momsister, and other than as a growing up thing was there more meaning to her leaving?
Like there's so much meandering boring normal life personal drama shit and then everything else is some goddamn metaphor.
fucking hated that show so much holy shit
thanks for reminding me
His misunderstood in this scene.
He meant that he doesn't trust in God's plan, but he KNOWS God exists.
>Was everything in the show supposed to be read as having underlying thematic meaning?
No the subtext is the relationship of the faithful with God and His infinite silence. This relationship parallels with the relationship of Lenny with his parents, also infinitely silent but infinitely present. Also with his first girlfriend, who he kept writing letters. "Absence is presence", that's the subtext. He builds his papal policy around this concept and then starts the reevaluate his position after the things he goes through in the show, learning to deal with loneliness and lack of closure, especially with God. He had the love of God with him all along even if He wasn't present. Same thing can't be said about his parents though
As he finds God's love he starts to come to terms with the fact that he may be a saint too
Stopped watching when he promotes degeneracy to an audience even though it was a dream and smokes like a chimney
What about his tax policies?
90's born queer kill yourself
>what was the fucking point?
To trigger redditors like you exposing them to true art
A lot of people who talk about this show seem to not really understand Catholicism.
I went to a catholic school but don't fully understand all of it. It'd be interesting to talk to a priest (who likes film/television) about the show for what they think
I'm an athiest now but Catholic is a kino religion , aesthetically that is.
But it's never even made clear if he believes in God again at the end. He's basically a sociopath. Is the whole show about narcissism? Is that the point of having him basically scare everyone away from him while surrounding him with enablers that call him magic?
>no it's whatever you want it to be
That works when it still feels like the creator was making a point. 2001 or The Shining are open to interpretation but everything in them is presented from a confident, focused voice. Magic Pope Show didn't have that to me.
>you can have one too!
but my interpretation is that they made an annoyingly vague vanity show for an actor to try to win an award and never bothered finishing the fucking story, hoping people would just say "it's open to interpretation."
Have you seen Sorrentino's other stuff? His body of work gives an insight into how he presents stuff on screen, it might help with interpretations.
You can say that it's annoying and that the magic pope show didn't seem like it was open to interpretation - that's literally you're interpretation. You're perfectly right to go with auteur theory here if you want. I feel like the show uses the idea of faith as a metaphoric bedrock, and because faith in and of itself is an interpretation, the show can be as well.
But yknow whatever - I'm not good at the kino
I think you are the worst pleb I've seen in this god forsaken board
>He didn't basically send Cardinal Dussolier to his death by the Cartel leader
Yeah ok
The threads have been ruined ever since the Americans had a chance to watch this kino. They're truly the plebs of Sup Forums
>too vague and self-important and meandering and crammed with probably a bunch of shit that you have to be a catholicfag to know what they're alluding to
This is exactly the response that producers are alluding to when they say, "It is too complex for American viewers". In the rest of the world, you don't actually have to be a Catholic to know a few things about Catholicism, for example, and you don't watch a character go through the arc of a Greek tragedy and scratch your head while saying, "Yeah but why didn't anything happen? Who was the bad guy? Did he die?".
stop posting you fucking idiot
part of the holy trinity of kino-this, sopranos, and wire
he tells him not to go you retard
then what was the whole gestalt?
so how much of the show relied on knowing all the catholic fan canon?
And I can definitely appreciate that there was a recurring "absence" motif, the biggest imo that you didn't mention was his refusal to be a public figure etc.
>He had the love of God with him all along even if He wasn't present.
So basically he's an atheist saint? When did he convert back to believing after he was established in the first half as not really believing?
Born in 87. Not an argument faggot.
You're a cringey nigger that's going to die alone and bitter if I see you irl I'm going to garrotte you with razer wire and face fuck your neck hole and my cum is going to shoot out of your mouth you bug fucking faggot. Then I'm going to stomp on your face until it concaves and throw your fat body into the sea.
>Is the whole show about narcissism? Is that the point of having him basically scare everyone away from him while surrounding him with enablers that call him magic?
Do you just ask the first thing it comes through your head? Just throwing random shit to pretend the show doesn't make sense instead of you being almost clinically retarded and cannot deal with a show that doesn't spoonfeds you every single plot point despite having clear character arcs and great themes to guide you through it?
You're dumb and fat
Shit was pretentious as fuck. One of the only shows I dropped so fast.
I can get why Sup Forums would like it.
fuck off nigger
Another amerifat