Why are Americans so fucking stupid?

Why are Americans so fucking stupid?

>canadian uses american made internet to post on an american site to call americans stupid.

but we can all agree on this.

>Americans are stupid
>Votes in Trudeau who brings in 50000 shitskins and shits on Canada whenever he can

Seems that cuckadians are just as retarded, if not more.


It's in their genes.

>american made internet
> american site

muh world wide web

>that image

t. turkroach

Estonians have always fought. We just can't win with our numbers :(

Hey leaf, does your alma mater have parking spaces reserved for nobel laureates? Mine does, and they're always occupied.

>Calling Americans stupid

O I'm laffin

>Canada has less than fucking Israel

That's really pathetic desu

Can you eat any of those philisophers? Do they come with cheese and an oiled bun? Didn't fucking think so, LEAF



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Life, love and pursuit of burger. How God wanted

Pretty sure almost all of them existed before the US did, dumb leaf.


Why doesn't europe have one if these to follow

brb going to Burger King

Burger is better philosophy than all
Can walk into almost any business here, order a burger
Burger brings together people of all races, sexes, classes, and creeds
Through burger, unity

Fucking what?

>b but let me go bring same freedom in iraq and afganistan. they need freedom and democracy. we are good civilised people, so we will bomb them to the stone age. later we will hate them

You mean like this?

(Magna Carta - 1215)

>high tier

Yes. Do you still follow all of it?

Thought you bongs fixed that

I don't know, you should ask William James, Thomas Jefferson, John Rawls, Henry David Thoreau, etc.

Because we are their hat, and we're clearly on too tight.

>burger uses soviet made internet to post on an japan site to greentext retarded shit

>America not on God tier

You even put the Turks above us. Kill yourself you Muzzie traitor. The Ottoman Empire doesn't have its flag on the moon. It didn't invent electricity. Its not landing spacecrafts on comets. It's not responsible for human flight.

neither did you