>Where are the roads?
>Where are the farms?
>Where are the peasants?
This really tingles my autism
>Where are the roads?
>Where are the farms?
>Where are the peasants?
This really tingles my autism
theres no black peole in this movie so whites didnt know how to farm
Bookfags in 3, 2, 1...
*Resumes riding*
What is Gondor's tax policy like?
When the king is having lustrous parties on that big balcony thing he, or his guests, dont want to see no filthy peasants living their miserable lives.
>Pippin could see all the Pelennor laid out before him, dotted into the distance with farmsteads and little walls, barns and byres, but nowhere could he see any kine or other beasts. Many roads and tracks crossed the green fields, and there was much coming and going: wains moving in lines towards the Great Gate, and others passing out.
niggers were the main antagonist
Based Nasmith.
>Where are the roads?
Even as a child I knew something was wrong with this design. What a fucking hack fraud
lotr flicks are capeshit tier
If it only got the same love as the shire
I've never gone to the cinema alone but I've gone to a concert alone because I wanted to see a film, as I get older I'd be more inclined to do it now than in previous years.
Delete this
Was slaves?
>I've gone to a concert alone because I wanted to see a film
I think I understand why you were alone
Does Gondor have a flat tax or a progressive tax? Or perhaps no tax at all?
>Hey, so since we are at war. Lets remove all the roads, farms and peasants housing. Make it look like it never existed.
>black outer wall
it's beautiful
>expecting bookfags on a specific thing that irks bookfags about the movies
You're either a bookfag yourself, or spend entirely too much time here.
In the books, some kind of feudal system is alleged. We can assume there's some kind of tithe or other land/revenue based tax. Possibly differing dependent on the local lord, who may or may not himself pay tribute to his liege (the king/steward of gondor) besides providing military support.
>There's a road
>Running in the grass
What the fuck is gandalf's problem?
people have always had to do outrageous things in times of war. you'll understand when your older
>no taxes
>no roads
It's like poetry
Hard surfaces rek horses I think
I think horses need shoes to run on roads.
I´m from new zeland. To be honest there is a lot of places I discovered with the trilogy.
Where was the Rammas Echor?
>cant whip up some shoes
shit tier wizard tbqh
So there were taxes in the books?
If it confuses the enemy, it's good.
Seriously, why does gandalf's magic suck so much in the movies?
I think horseshoes rek roads, and get rekt by roads. So it is, all things considered, cheaper to just drive your horse along the road rather than on it.
Shadowtax didn't have shoes as they were a non-deductible expense.
This. In the 1960s Robert Heinlein went to Russia. They said Moscow had 8 million people (to rival New York) but he knew from the traffic going in and out, shipping, trains, that there was no fucking way it was that big.
Considering that the majority of ME seems to be empty grassland, I would say the divine horse is a sound investment as it reduces opportunity cost on travelling even despite the obvious difficulties around urban areas
When half your population subsists entirely on vodka and cheap cigarettes, and doesn't bother to move all day, transportation infrastructure overhead decreases.
It's just more subtle. Glad they didn't make it Harry Potter tier, it would have looked retarded
>Where are the roads?
There is no state to build them.
>Where are the farms?
>Where are the peasants?
Agriculture was outsourced long ago.
Gondor is actually practicing anarcho-capitalism. This also explains why Aragorn has no tax policy at all. He knows very well that taxation is theft.
i think they were all importer / exporters.
no need for farming
>why aren't the people out where it isn't safe so they'll be easy prey for the enemy?
You have shit autism.
>no black people
Also what was Sauron's tax policy?
yeah, so?
If there's land you'll farm it nigger
tell that to george r r martin
There was no medieval commercial city of importer/exporters or ports that didnt had farms inside of the mail walls or near the city.
the lack of hedgerows trigger my autism there too
i've seen the Jackson trilogy: nothing to remember of
excellent thread OP
>Ride up to a location
>stop horse
>say out loud how much you owe in tolls and fees
>continue onward
It was always supposed to be black dammit
>Grimbold, take your company right after you pass the wall.
>no Rammas Echor so there is no wall
how fucking lazy was Jackson?
>Pelennor Fields means "enclosed fields"
>Nothing is enclosing it
>It's not a field either, just fucking empty steppe
Why didn't Peter Hackson show us this battle?
Make the Osgiliath boat assault this battle instead with the corsairs
Then have Aragorn sumond the ghost and attacking the ships
How fucking hard was this exactly?
Why not put the huargs in FOTR?
Why made up battles at Osgiliath when you can have shelob in TTT?
Why not make the voice of Saruman at the end of the TTT?
Why not show Erebor or Dol Guldur in ROTK instead of the spider who should've been in TTT?
You can see fields for farming just above Gandalf's head in the distance.
You can't see the road that leads into the main gate because of the rise.
Does autism mean you can't look at pictures?
that whole field in front of Minas Tirith was just an empty playground for MASSIVE to populate it with CGI soldier units
they probably ran out of money to put anything requiring work and attention to detail there
>Terryfing, convincing, well done
Shadowfax is an off-road horse.
>Cheesy, dumb, shameful
Gollum should've never been cgi
Prove me wrong fags
Of course J.Racist.Racist Tolkeen would have blacks on the front lines protecting a bunch of whites.
Actually in the rotk extended edition appendices it explained they were looking for a location in new zealand to portray the pelennor but couldnt find one so they went to the cgi route. This was at the time hackson was going full cgi mode
This shit movie was long enough already.
no because the shelob thing was suposed to go to Twin Towers
was saruman all colored after his battle with gandalf since his imprisonment?
Stupid fuck you stole my post.
yeah so what the fuck is the road for then...
I think he should have cut out the ghost army entirely. Instead of Aragorn going into the mountains and fighting with the ghost king, have him go to Pelargir, where he meets a Denethor-type figure who refuses to listen. You can have the same "none but the king of Gondor may command me" scene, with Aragorn pulling out Anduril and convincing him to go to Minas Tirith.
It's a libertarian realm and Gandalf doesn't want to violate anyone's NAP as he didn't have enough coin to pay the road toll.
>shitting up every thread by claiming black people are productive
This is the life you chose, faggot.
Fellowship was the best of the trilogy tbqhwyf. I loved the other two, but Jackson seemed to be progressively more enamored with CGI and video-game stunts in every subsequent film, and began going full retard in the Hobbit films. In fact he went far beyond full retard in the Hobbit films.
FotR was just excellent quality all around.
>any kine
He was actually going to CGI the Ring-Wraiths, but didn't have the budget.
So let's be glad he never got to do that.
>mailman walks through my yard when I have a clean and well maintained walkway leading directly to the door
Aragorn was a anarchist activist at the start of the trilogy and by the end he was a full blown military junta dictator
It's a warning for what happens when people trust the che-guevara figure like
They were feed by underground plantations done by dwarfs in the first century
thus the name, minas tirith
Gandalf can't use the big boy magic because his boss said so. Men have to work out their own issues or something like that
This was true until Denethor's Equine Shodding Subsidy (DESS) which provided all horse owners one pair of horse shoes per horse up to a total of 4 horses.
He accomplished this with only a 0.2% tax on corporate holdings.
Why would they need roads if the eagles carried everything?
You don't even need to be a bookfag to infer that Minas Tirith was originally more of a fortress and not the primary citadel of Gondor.
even with horse shoes, running on hard surface is bad for horses and humans, that's why athletic runners train on a special tracks that isn't as hard as surfaces such as pavements or roads
They cribbed so much of nasmith's stuff but really missed the finer details. The colours especially are wonderful here compared to the muddy grey mess of the movie.
Everytime I get to a new city, I stop my car, say the name of the city, and then keep driving.
I didn't say it wasn't supposed to be black.
Just a black outer wall with an all white city is patrician as fuck.
When Gandalf and Pippin arrive there are not many colors left, the book goes great lengths to illustrate that.
It should have looked a bit nicer when Gandalf showed up in FotR
Why didn't gandalf just eat the ring?
Why does this Orc have jewelry pierced to his nose? Is it some sort of marker that he's the designated fuck-orc?
That would make sense. Sauron wants to satisfy orc libidos, thus maintaining high testosterone levels in battle.
Why is the distance between Minas Tirith and Osgiliath 2 miles instead of 50?
Probably similar to Bernie's