Are Michael Bay movies truly so bad?

Are Michael Bay movies truly so bad?

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pain and gain is pure unadulterated kino

they aren't bad at all when you put them in perspective

they are extremely comfy to watch and provide great entertainment

Bay knows what he wants and he goes for it, which is more than I can say for a lot of director's today. Due to his past success Bay is given more freedom than other directors (and isn't micromanaged along the way). His no-excuses shlock at least feels like it has an artistic vision behind it, unlike most of what comes out of Hollywood these days.

they're kino action flicks

Bad Boys I and II, The Rock and Armaggedon are action cinemà.

This. Bay isn't unlike James Cameron as far as directing style.

I always thought The Island was underrated.


Anthony Hopkins on Michael Bay

>“[They’re] terrific, they’re created by a genius. All those machines and those Transformers are created by Michael. And he was telling me about the work he did on them – how he would refine them and go into the special effects guys and design them and get all the details of light on metal and all that. He told me all that at breakfast before I started on the film. I thought ‘This guy’s a genius. He really is.’ He’s the same ilk as Oliver Stone and Spielberg and Scorsese. Brilliance. Savants, really, they are. He’s a savant.”

The Island was unironic kino

13 hours was really damn nice. Takes a lot to keep the suspense up for a 2:24 long film

I watch this film every spring. Something about it makes me feel grounded.

The island has some great parts, like the chase sequence and Michael Clark Duncan chimping out with his chest cavity open, but the movie doesn't work as a whole.

Bay is really creative. he always tries to push to his limit the way he can shot something. He even developed special cameras for different kind of shots.

His influence in making movies is so big, every blockbuster this day tries to imitate him (even marvel and dc).

I loved the rock, pain and gain and finally 12 hours.
>yfw Michael Bay is a genius auteur

Transformers fucking sucks. The writing sucks, the acting is shit, the visuals are so bad that only chinks will say it looks good.

zack snyder

>mfw it's real
I guess it makes sense, Hopkins is originally a stage actor, so he appreciates passion, detail and craft more than he does art-house intellectualism.

Aside from the transformers movies hes a schlock auteur and Bad Boys is one of my favorite action/buddy cop movies of all time.

Good thing he's made a lot of movies that aren't Transformers.

The hate is overblown however my issue with a lot of his movies is they feel like they're a half hour longer than they should be. This is really evident with some of the later Transformers movies that are on the brink of three hours.

Transformers 3 and 4 were undeniably kino.

I burst out laughing when the fucking Bud Light product placement rolled in

Just read The House of the Scorpion that movie pretty much stole its plot.


Probably in my top ten favorite movies of the decade

>mfw today Sup Forums was not a faggot