Episode 5 was pure Lawyer kino
what did you think?
Episode 5 was pure Lawyer kino
what did you think?
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Every episode is pure kino. Best show on tv.
Glad that Chuck is finally getting thoroughly and utterly fucked though.
Best episode of the entire series. Bravo Vince.
chucks so crazy
glad everyone finally knows
i think Chuck still has an ace up his sleeve, though
otherwise jimmy wouldn't have to switch to the Saul Goodman persona
>But it was like all so true bro! And we know Jimmy ends up a bad guy like he says! Chuck is right!
These are the worst people. They can't see that Chuck's motive is jealousy not some desire to stand up for the law. He literally wants to punish his brother because their parents liked him more as a child. Chuck truly believes Jimmy does not deserve to have a good life.
He is a crazy piece of shit and maybe Jimmy wouldn't be so bad if he didn't have such a bad brother.
thanks captain obvious
best girl
it was kino
That's like the only shot where she doesn't look like a man
>implying looking like a man is a bad thing
I bet you dislike Cara Delevingne too
it was good but that wasn't even close to an accurate portrayal of a court hearing and both sides made blatant mistakes.
How did slipping Jimmy get away from planting a battery into his pocket? Is that legal?
That's because it wasn't a court hearing dumbass that was the state bar association and they established at the end of the last episode, at least within the fictional world of the show, that bar hearings are more lenient than courts and have slightly different rules.
I think putting things in peoples pockets is legal but getting things out is not legal???
Chuck secretly recorded him and got that entered as evidence how is planting a battery on him worse than that? If they allow the tape I think they'd have to allow that.
And all that aside he still got him to have a break down in front of everybody and that can't be undone. Chuck is fucked.
Fucking great episode. I like how bravo Vince got huell in the ep. Bravo Vince and how instead of trying to steal the tape jimmy tried and pretty much succeeded with making chuck look crazy without anything more than his ex wife and his cell phone battery... Much riskier..
Chuck's rant about Jimmy's Greatest Hits at the end was hilarious. I had forgotten about half that shit like the billboard
Suck my nuts reddit shit bag
>What did you think
What is there to think about literally nothing?
No, not even in the slightest. This is pure shit writing.
I guess chuck didn't know about the air force ad kek
The show established that the bar hearing would be more lenient than a real court room. I don't know enough about law to say if that's really how things are but the show set this up already. It is not shit writing and you are a pleb.
he's gonna still get disbarred because he committed a felony (as James McGill). He'll legally change his name and pass the bar again as Saul Goodman. I don't think you can do that though if you're disbarred.
He's not going to get disbarred. Why do people think he's going to change his name for legal reasons?
Mike needs his own show. I'm more interested in Mikes side stories than Saul's drama.
I always wondered if Jimmy was the one who stole the money or if it was just that their dad was just a huge sucker and Chuck never saw that.
He wont get disbarred, he literally proved chuck is insane and had to brake in to protect himself from chucks mental illness.
We saw it on the show once. As I remember the scene their dad was a sucker and Jimmy tried to warn him but dad wouldn't hear it. Then suave con man told Jimmy some "you gotta look out for yourself" type shit and we see little Jimmy take some money from the drawer.
So combination of their dad being a beta bitch and jimmy being seduced by someone who seemed cool. Or in Chuckville "he's PURE EVIL!!!!!"
I could see him getting a year suspension though. Him working as Saul Goodman, not an attorney, by perhaps just a legal expert of sorts.
It depends since Kim sort of knows he tampered with the documents which is a felony. Depends if she reports him or nto which seems likely since she's a woman and she's out of the picture in BB.
Is this man the best Sup Forums creator of all time?
He still committed a felony though, something has to happen
Kim doesn't know. She honestly believes that cuck is being paranoid
He was chucks guardian, all he has to say was he was worried about his brothers safety. Remember he had a key, the black lady even asked if chuck took his key back, and he said no just changed the lock. Chuck is literally fucked.
Chuck status: Cucked
he rapes Chuck's reputation so badly that the McGill name itself is tainted
That's not true. She knows Jimmy did it.
speaking of the black lady, what happened to her, I though she was gonna be prosecutor
>episode devoted entirely to advancing the Jimmy/Kim/Chuck plot
Can't wait for Vince to compensate with a 45 minute montage of Mike fixing a toaster next episode.
She was if there was a criminal trial. This was in front of the bar.
She cucked out cause she knew it was gonna be a lose.
That flashback scene was pretty kino.
>le man of few words who walks everywhere and is always right
She was sitting in for Albuqurque. They needed a DA that was non-partial to Jimmy. She settled things for City, but it still got passed along to the NM bar. She is not associated with the NW bar.
I honestly thought I was watching a repeat of season 1 lol I mean there was his wife and then there was that mayser vehrdei guy we hadn't seen in forever lol
so you're saying they never should have introduced her at all and that she won't be relevant again and that they wasted 10 minutes of an episode with her when we could've had more Mike? Bravo Vince
she probably knows just from the spacing on the document when she looked through it. If she found a discontinuity than the court would in hours of processing the documents, which is procedure if there's suspected tampering.
I meant the season 2 flashback with young Jimmy stealing money. It made his path later in life so much more understandable.
He looks like if I squeezed one of my testicles.
You should go to a doctor, you might have skin cancer.
We might see her again actually. Any case involving Jimmy needs a DA that is not someone he used to work with. She'd be handling the case moving forward.
Then again, if you didn't get she was immediately sympathetic to Chuck and not Jimmy, the show is kinda wasted on you.
Mike is the worst fucking fanservice shit
they brought a copy as an evidence and jimmy destroyed the original tape. Their proof is worthless.
where the hell is the torrent?
it wasn't a court of law you fucking moron, do you even pay attention?
Chuck specifically said Jimmy destroyed the copy. Also this isn't a fucking criminal trial wtf is wrong with you people it's a bar association hearing to see if he should be disbarred not sent to prison.
The deal Jimmy agreed to with the black lawyer lady means he's not going to jail that's all done with.
why did cuck want his ex wife to stay in the court room after she showed up?
so she could watch HIM get fucked for a change
no, i don't get such nuances, i don't really know american law rules etc
you don't need to know american laws, they literally explain every single detail, verbally, in the show
Then why the fuck do you talk about it
He thought Jimmy's plan was to force him to have a freakout in front of her when he was forced to remember how he treated her, and thus figured he had already figured him out and would just stay cool to thwart it.
In reality his plan was to make him get really defensive about being (rightfully) accused of being a schizo in front of her and that would lead to his freakout.
can you guys suggest other lawyerkino. my favorites are my cousin vinny and a few good men.
Better Cuck Chuck
>Every episode is pure kino
Nah, the one where Gus showed up for the first time was utter and complete shit.
Something I've been wondering is, If Jim hated ABQ why is he still there by the time the Breaking Bad events take place?
This. Anything with gus just feels off to me.
user, you're a dumbass. It was the obvious solution since the episode where he records Jimmy.
Do you guys forget that Chuck is mentally ill?
New Mexico is a scummy state. You can get away with a lot down there.
Anybody else not give a fuck about Mike and the Mexicans? I just want to see what happens with Jimmy.
Well, jimmy is not an angel, like hes done some bad shit as well, but he has a heart and loyalty.
That's what's the most interesting part of it, Chuck is technically in the right, but he is a bastard.
commercial reasons rather than legal reasons for the name change
Yea, Chuck is full of pride. The idea someone doesn't want him, or love him, it hurts him a LOT. He hates that his mother called for Jimmy. His divorce really hurt him. He acts like none of this is true, he acts like his a great guy and his condition is what keeps him doing all that he could and his condition is what is ruining his life. He is absolutely mentally unstable. Howard clearly recognizes this, but tiptoes around it. Everyone close to Chuck knows, it was about proving it in court, which they weren't allowed to.
I feel the same way but that episode was specially bad, with the long shot of the Los Pollos Hermanos sign. Literally made for reddit.
>Chuck is technically in the right
only when it comes to the forged documents
>whole episode in 1 room
lmao budget blown again
this is the breaking bad fly episode all over again
he wont get disbarred.
saul goodman is still in the same area so would be the same bar
maybe suspended at most for a bit then does a name change
great comedic chops with how odenkirk tells that story
The first and only time I saw that episode I was very sick with the flu and fucked up on nyquil.
What a surreal fucking mess.
I wish there would be more episodes focused on Kim's feet.
>implying it wasn't a GREAT epìsode
what a pleb
even Fly was good, it allowed the viewer to empathize with Jesse much more deeply. To live the tedium.
im about to watch it
are you just trolling or saying the truth?
for me the best was when jimmy could get away from tuco when being tied up, i think it was on the 1st season
kim 100% knows and she's no angel herself like when they ran a con on that one guy at the bar last season
>yfw Gene meets Kim in Omaha
He's telling it like it is
>faked it for that long
lol why
in his head it's real because he refuses to let himself believe he has mental problems
If we ignore season 5 of breaking bad maybe
Who's the first?
Fuller, Chase, Weiner?
ashley fires?
u gay
i thought huel was going to be carrying like a giant electro magnet propagating from his head