Chris Evans Extends His Marvel Contract for Avengers 4

>Avengers 4 is the last Marvel film that Evans is committed to. His original contract had him through three only, but like Downey – whose contract ended after Iron Man 3 and who's been negotiating huge re-ups for every one since – Evans extended for one more. Better believe he got paid for it, too. "Oh, yeah," he says, laughing. "They didn't punch their Chris Evans card – like, 'You get the seventh one free!' Yeah, no."

Seems like we'll see him and Iron Man in both Infinity War movies.

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>Evans smokes to quell his anxiety too
Shit, kinda like him more now.

Of course, isn't this obvious

Infinity War will have them squashing their beef for the greater good, then one or both of them dying

>scene where both of them charge into certain death side by side

Get paid, son

Is Infinity War considered Avengers 3 or Avengers 3 and 4?
Would like to see him stick around for a while.

>>scene where both of them charge into certain death side by side
You mean like this?

What if Steve gets de-aged like in comics instead of dying?

Infinity War is Avengers 3 Part I and II

He was always going to be in Infinity War

This isn't news

Now he's going to be in the one after Infinity War