Oh Jenna. honey. it's time to STOP

oh Jenna. honey. it's time to STOP....

Hiro, in his gook wisdom, has once again range banned from sarting threads.

Tv should be f un.

What did he do?

This is fake.

Did he ban europoors?

>It's real

>No, it's Ok this was Jims sandwich
>I saw him throw it away
>so it's OK if I have it
>I think it was Jim
>He was tall and skinny
>but walking to fast me for to see
>..yea It's Jims sandwich


Where did this meme come from?

>"Do I really have to wear the mask to sleep, Jen-"
>*sigh* "...Pam."

Basement dwellers

Is she gonna hold Dwight hostage until she gets Jim back?

Jenna was quietly getting her shit fucked up over the last 9 years but nobody noticed.

I went to check what tweet you edited, but nope. She actually tweeted that.

She's been lost for a long time. There's no saving her.

Literally every time I see her I have to remind myself she's not Amy Adams.

a lot hotter without the quotes

im australian and have been ranged banned from making threads on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums (so far ive found)

>im australian
you deserve this

I still don't know what anyone is talk about

>its a John and Emily looks at Jennas tweets in bed and laugh episode

T-thats not real right