One of the best zombie films EVER. 10/10.
Train to Busan.
Go watch it now, it's on Netflix.
Can you name any other good zombie films, /tv?
One of the best zombie films EVER. 10/10.
Train to Busan.
Go watch it now, it's on Netflix.
Can you name any other good zombie films, /tv?
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>Go watch it now
No I fucking will not
A good attempt, OP.
Stop being 14.
>that shit
it if was made by anything other than gooks you wouldnt be making this post
that shit was awful
Stop being a faggot
Sorry but that's not 28 Days Later.
How was the special effects / CGI? I'm willing to give gookshit a chance but normally shit looks so corny
It was better than most of the other zombie films I've seen that were made by Americans....
Koreans know how to make good movies.
Ex. Snowpiercer
Hence why it says "one" of the best zombie movies. 28 Days Later is another one of the best ones.
CGI at parts reminded me of World War Z... but those effects are maybe 5-10min of the movie.
The zombie makeup looks fantastic tho.
snowpiercer was a bore and so was train to busan
>shit taste is shitty
Shit movie. Those aren't zombies they're plague victims
The father looking up right as a random drop of blood is falling and having it fall into his eye completely ruins that movie for me.
I am genuinely confused about why people think this is anything special. It's incredibly predictable, the CGI and makeup are meh, the only good character is the big taped wrists guy.
The ending is something that should be emotional, but just falls completely flat because the characters are as paper-thin as you've ever seen.
I like Korean movies too, but the only reason people are holding this up as something great is because it's Korean. This could be the exact same movie, but made in the US and it it'd get torn to shreds. 6/10
If you wanna watch a good zombie film, watch Revenge of the Living Dead or Dawn of the Dead remake if you want something more modern.
It could happen
Pretty much. It felt like a Hollywood film but made in Korea (which coincidentally is what I feel a lot of Korean movies are like). I think people are jerking this off just because it's Korean.
The only problem was the last 5 minutes, killing off all the good characters.
I wanted to add that I did enjoy this, even though I'm shitting on it. It's a passable zombie flick and worth your time if you like zombies. It's just not as great as people are making out.
Sounds like you're retarded
That part really shocked me. I knew a few of them were going to die, but some of them I totally did not expect to die at the end.
>one of the only good things about the movie was a problem
Taped Wrists Guy was amazing. The fact that he just punched zombies left and right and was snapping necks was just awesome.
I thought the makeup was great. CGI reminded me a bit of World War Z (but better).
Ending was super emotional for me, I rally did get attached to most of the characters and was really sad when some died. I don't just like this movie "because it's korean" I like it because the Director made a good film with great overall elements.
Fair enough mate, I'm not saying that's the reason you like it, only the reason behind the significant hype that this film had.
I really wanted to like it, I wish it had worked as well for me.
So it's a shit movie because the zombies aren't actually zombies? Are you retarded or just pretending to be?
What the fuck was his problem?
Whats eith the fucking netlix shilling. Fuck off, I will never stop using torrents
The zombie actors really commit to their roles
There's a really dumb CGI moment near the end. You'll know it when you see it. But the other stuff (explosions, etc) was fine
>korean zombie movies
>anything but diarrhea shit
The poorfags didn't know their place.
>korean zombie movie
Yeah I will pass
The only 10/10 zombie film is Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Train to Busan was a 7/10 at best.
Im hesitant to watch Korean shit now since I've been so disappointed with their supposed good movies.
Asian movies in general just never live up to the hype.
Nah a lot of Chinese and Hong Kong shit are top tier: Infernal Affairs, Hero, Kung Fu Hustle, Wong Kar Wai's filmography . But Korean shit is garbage, shit characterization and incoherent narrative, it's like they have retarded monkeys doing the script. The Chaser, Memories of Murder, etc but I heard good things about Kim Ki-duk.
>Kung Fu Hustle
My nigga
They predicted Muslims entering their country. How did they know back then?
7/10, world war z with more drama. Only good thing it had was a little more gore and blood. some of the cgi was garbage. (understandably)
herrow prease.
krill serf prease
>Ex. Snowpiercer
I really liked The Battery
the first half is pretty good, it feels natural, you dont see everything that happens coming, zombie moviement looks creepy, overall pretty good. then in the second half it makes a complete turn and becomes a wannabe hollywood shitfest. everything about the people and how they act becomes super stereotypical, predictable and generic. in the end theres even a stupid showdown with a half zombie, its so bad.
muh victims, they just dont know any better
AND he turns in like 1 minute. I really liked the movie but this was a really bullshit way of getting rid of Gleeson's character.
It was infuriating how he just kept surviving.
>Day of the Dead (1985)
calm down son, it's not THAT good. like an 8/10
It's good but brings nothing new to the table. Worth a watch anyway.
>when they reveal he snuck into the bathroom
>Revenge of the Living Dead
One of the best train movies out there.
>mfw this actually beat Spirited Away as the highest-grossing non-Chinese-language Asian movie of all time before Your Name. came and took Train to Busan's place
it wasn't really that good
I won't read all the comments in here because this board is full of retards but it is an amazing film and something Burgerfilms could never ever accomplish. South Korea just makes great movies. Did you know that there is an anime version of it?
Going to watch it in a few days.
The anime is actually a prequel.
>zombies with soap opera melodrama
>best zombie movies ever
I have literally no idea what people see in this. Only the train station setpiece was great because it plays with familiar locations
its established in that film that it takes 10-20 seconds to turn