Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums,
what shows are good on netflicks?
i need a recomendation

Other urls found in this thread:


mad men, weeds, trailer park boys, the killing
to name a few

Stranger Things
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Documentary Now
Limmy's Show
An Idiot Abroad
The Moaning of Life
Todd Margaret
Comedy Bang Bang
Lady Dynamite

Only one of these is actually good


>Australian lawyer who was an ex- cocaine addict living in a shitbox apparent.
>Fucks his best friend's wife and causes a whole lot of shit
>Defends murderers and cannibals in court
>The Americans saw this show and tried to make their own version of it but made it too much like a cheesy light hearted sitcom causing it to absolutely crash and burn compared to the Australian version.

Spectacular show, probably the only good Australian TV show to come out in the past few years that isn't boring soap dramas or horse shit reality shows that only faggots watch.

13 reasons why is essential 2017 viewing

6/10. There's value in it nonetheless. Fuck any pretentious Sup Forums fag who says otherwise.

I liked Helix
>no bully pls

Essential viewing in no way = good, just that it is one of the must watch shows of 2017

Why is it must watch? Because its so shitty that it becomes entertaining or you need to watch it to keep up with the millions talking about it or something?

The OA and 13 Reasons Why

Was that the one with the two brothers in the science lab and the outbreak? Or the one with the vampire worm things? I thought the brothers in the lab was okay, vampire worms was gay.

>good Australian TV show to come out in the past few years
Please Like Me is alright

13 reasons why in a nutshell

Haven't seen it, is Josh Thomas annoying in it?

holy reddit Batman

Him and Tom can both be pretty annoying, but that's kind of the point.

I thought Luther was pretty good.

Watch with lights off and surround sound on for extra sp00ky points


from this, only watch stranger things and always sunny. archer is okay, but its more clever than funny.

>The OA
why the fuck do people like this show? its total and fucking garbage