This fucking movie made billions

The 80s makes no sense

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Have you actually watched it? It's fucking great.

OP has a banana in his tail pipe.

Budget $15 million[2]
Box office $316.4 million[3]

write a 200 word essay on why this theme is bad

ywn go to school in the morning where a bunch of guys were trying to break-dance to that song while blasting it over a boom box.

stay millennial

>80s eddie murphy was better than 90s and 00s dave chapelle

How much for one rib?

there was a lot more generalised cucaine use back then

wow, they stole that theme from crazy frog

if this made billions then why is it not the highest grossing film of all time. Bullshit artist OP

I know youuu Eddie, you the Fuck You Man! Very funny...

Those movies are great, kys pleb.

Okay 3 sucks but whatever.

Why 80s looks so comfy?

no smart phones so everyone was present and not in their phone/talking to someone far away/capable of taking a video of you being raw and hilarious

the shit i cant do anymore in public that i could do in the 90s is intense

this, the 80's looked great

>80s richard pryor was better than any 90s and 00s black comedian

uh no

this movie deserves to make billions above nearly other billion dollar movie

Beverly Hills Cop is amazing though senpai.

hating on Beverly hills cop
underage get out

He said he won't fall for the banana in the tailpipe

4 if it ever gets made will be shit.


80s New York is the best New York.

>not mid september 2001 ny

Everyone was bestest friends for like 4 months

that turd actually makes billions of profit

that song is called Axel F

stay genY pleb.. us genX who were breakin knew what it was called

The gay frog ruined the tune forever hasn't it.

>richard pryor was better than any other comedian


>ywn be a tranny hooker hired to entertain prime Eddie Murphy

i was gonna say that but it didn't fit with the theme he had going

thanks though, i agree - i still listen to his discography regularly.

blame guilanni
he drove the porn out of timesquare and that was the beginning of the end of tge real nyc.. now its just a bunch of assholes who have money

>2,683 people murdered in one year
inb4 b-but it had soul and felt real, so what if literal rovings gangs operated in the daytime and crack was rampant

Can i get some reccs of his to check out. I loved the little star wars bit he was in.

Also would like to mention I'm thinking of getting into stand up and need more guys to look up to other than just dave chapelle and norm macdonald

That Nigger's Crazy. It's on YouTube.

implying these two songs arent better than the actual theme

Beverly Hills Cop is one of the greatest movies of all time, phaygoat!

Kotch started cleaning up NYC, rudy just gets the credit. Not that he didn't continue the trend.

I like the sequel more