Literally have military bases all over the world

>literally have military bases all over the world
>stir up conflict everywhere they go
>force other countries to pass through laws according to their own agenda "or else" behind the scenes
>"""""""foreigners should mind their own business"""""""

Other urls found in this thread:

>invaded us three times
>stole our corn, cowboys, poinsettias, etc and called them their own
>made their illegal immigrants declare independence from us
>stole half of our country
>helped France the first time they tried to invade us
>helped our dictator in charge for over 30 years because he gave them all our resources
>tried to install a new dictator when we fought the one above
>took advantage of our poor for centuries, giving them special allowances in order to make them go there and work on the rail network, farms, etc
>blame us for the fact that they invited those mexicans over centuries
>biggest consumers of drugs in the planet, and drugs are cultivated in south america so they NEED to go through mexico
>declare the “war on drugs” because they are puritan retards spreading their cancer around the world, and in the process mostly jail blacks and the mexicans they invited in a disproportionate manner, to the point they became the country with the most prisoners in the world
>make us start a war because they can't either stop consuming drugs nor legalize
>70% of the arms cartels have come from USA
>ask us to deport central americans; and then proceed to blame the central american immigration on us even when we deport more than 90% of them; to then pretend we not only don't deport them but help them reach the US because we are evil; while saying we are hypocrites because we do deport them. At the same time
>use their global media to talk shit about us and create shit stereotypes
>made us their slave labor with nafta
>blame us for nafta as if it was a bad thing for them even though they gained over 4.2 million jobs because of it; obtained cheap things, while making our gdp per capita stagnate and destroyed our agriculture with their subsidized corn
>export their shit food culture and sugar infested garbage here

>blurur durr stop pretending to understand america yuropoor
like it's some fucking mythical kingdom of shangri-la

And yet, America is so terrible that half your countrymen have moved here/tried to move here to escape Mexico.

>be american
>cause yuropoors to be obsessively butthurt by just existing

too easy

>stop pretending to understand america yuropoor

It's Sup Forums, man. This is where your entire knowledge of other cunts is formed by MS Paint comics and Sup Forums infographs.

It's always easier to blame others for your problems than to look in the mirror...

>made their illegal immigrants declare independence from us

Um...didn't Mexico deliberately invite Texans to settle in Texas or something?

>use their global media to talk shit about us and create shit stereotypes
Worst one on the list.

See :
>took advantage of our poor for centuries, giving them special allowances in order to make them go there and work on the rail network, farms, etc
>blame us for the fact that they invited those mexicans over centuries

Dude, you do know that you're replying to that one butthurt Mexican nationalist who spams walls of text about the Aztec Empire?

>This is where your entire knowledge of other cunts is formed by MS Paint comics and Sup Forums infographs.
We are not Sup Forums.

the only solution.

That's not me lol

Big deal, we do the same with Bolivians. Wherever there's a toilet that needs cleaning, there's an illegal Bolivian to clean it. Every cunt has some sub-race they use to do their dirty work.

Only dumb leftist CHIs at Berkeley care about Aztlanshit.

Agreed. I am not in favour of the Mexican nor the American, I just pointed out that the Mexican already replied to the argument of the American.

Begs the question why Democrats are so enamored of using sub-minimum wage slave labor. I thought you guys used to be the party of the working man.

these are true.

>Stirs up conflict, ruin other countries, rob them of their resources and destroy their economies
>make life terrible and unbearable anywhere but in the lands of USA and their few chosen vassals.


I wonder how delicious it would be if America was ruined and your refugees are getting shot at the Mexican border or drowned in the Pacific and Atlantic while trying to flee a broken country.

Man, if you're going to use a Japanese proxy, don't write in such perfect English. You're a little too obvious here.

But I'm Davido-kun in Japan.

Most of the butthurt here was stuff done by Democrat presidents anyway.

Anyway, only Stormfags/communists/Mudslimes mindlessly hate the US.

>crashes economy and also has by far biggest eco footprint per capita
>gets its oil by stirring war and conflict
>profit is its #1 goal and destroys anything in its way (including itself)
>"nothing personel europoor"

only idiots mindlessly love the us

>makes proxy armies the moment private gomez stubs his toe in the desert
>said proxy armies kills millions of people, children and babies included, all so it's citizens can get cheap oil
>defend the jews in the process
>two birds with one stone

the best

>be American
>laugh at poorfags
>laugh at losers
>throw Eurofags in lockers

>force other countries to pass through laws according to their own agenda "or else" behind the scenes

>get shot

>be 56%
>get shot
>go to hospital
>go bankrupt
>forget to tip
>get shot

t. Proceeds to blame the Jews for all of America's problems