This is what Conservatism should look like, you dumb Stormfags nominated a Joo York billionare because he waved shiny objects in front of you and yelled about Mexicans.
This is what Conservatism should look like...
>I am a severely ass devastated marxist faggot and racism is bad mmkay.
>Open borders faggot who is being shilled to syphon votes from trump
How about fuck off
Yeah, a no name faggot who literally wore a hippie peace shirt under his jacket every other day during his 2012 campaign. Real conservative.
>let me debate
What a fucking cuck!
>m-mr pootin c-can y-you stop being n-n-nasty
Gtfo faggot...
> I've built a house
>I've climbed a mountain
> let me debate
woaw I should get in the debate too
pic related
Have you seen him during interviews? He's completely unelectable. He sounds like more of a pussy than hillary. I don't even understand how he was able to get into office.
Open border cuck
>lol yay libertarianism haha look at me conservacucks look at meeeeeeeeeeeee
>ew this redneck just gave me an icky pooey gun, gross!!!!!!!!!
wtf!? i love gary now!!!!!!!!!
>open borders
Not even once.
Fuck you Johnson strokers
>tfw libertarian republican
>tfw i think all these third party libertardians are cucks
>open borders
Go drink lighter fluid.
>a marxist
>supporting the most free-market capitalist candidate there is
Maybe you should learn the meaning of words before you try to use them junior.
Yeah I voted for him in '12. Look how much good that did. I didn't even know who he was, I was away from civilization during the heat of the race and I had no idea who I wanted to vote for so I just selected the third person. First time I heard his name.
I'd say I'm okay with him debating but more than two people really muddles up the debate too, just like the primary one. It turns into a huge cluster fuck.
>gun grabber
Even in countries where we let more than 2 people debate you have to hold a district (or riding) before you get a place at the debates.
Whiner can fuck off.
This is the second time I've seen someone roll 604 today with this pic.
Interesting, the Johnson shill threads are starting to pick up.
Very reminiscent of the Cruz threads
I wonder why?
>wants to legalize all drugs
>for open borders
nice conservative you've got there
>Raised government spending 7% every year when governor
>supports TPP
>Open borders
>Gun control running mate
>fucking carbon tax to pay for a UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME
I thought we already had a democrat running?
Conservatism is bout small government and free-market capitalism
>guaranteed replies
These Trump faggots mad as hell that a nobody could knock them out on Nov. 8.
>peace shirt under his jacket
Conservatives originally wanted OUT of wars, not INTO them. Peace doesn't mean destruction, it just means war isn't happening.
Which is why he's pro gun control and supports the TPP right?
He isn't even a good lolbertarian, let alone a good conservative.
Isnt it weird that Brad Pitt, the hottest actor of all time, is from fuckin Kentucky? What the fuck
Johnson is not for gun control.
TPP has it's flaws, but it is mostly about free-trade, which is a large part of what libertarianism is about.
I'd disagree it's mostly about free trade actually, I'd argue it's massively about getting patent and copyright reform enacted by the united states for the sake of Hollywood & the Pharmacutical industry. If will absolutely lead to legal reforms in Canada for the sake of American Industry in exchange. Libertarianism isn't about extending how long it takes before you're allowed to make a generic equivalent of a medication in other countries, or about what ISPs and content providers are required to do on behest of the government and rights holders. But that is what the TPP is about in decent part.
Libertarians don't support ISDS, which allows foreign cooperations to sue your government and override your laws. These courts are there in the interest of fairness, promoting investment, and making sure foreign investors can't be screwed over by whatever government, but it basically means you're agreeing to let foreigners sue you in ways they couldn't before.
Pretty laughable to call supporting it libertarianism. Supporting it means you accept other governments having a little more control over you, and in exchange you will all open up your borders a little. TPP being good or not is debatable, especially as nobody really wants to get "left out", but one thing it is not is libertarian. A libertarian trade agreement would just be about how many bushels of wheat you will allow, in exchange for us allowing so many barrels of oil, not any of this legal reform bullshit.
Let him debate, what's the harm?