Do you like these types Japanese guys?

Do you like these types Japanese guys?

I think they look like Latins.


Middle Top is fully Japanese? He looks at the very least mixed.

Bottom left, middle third and right middle are pretty hot desu.


rook korean


she's so chubby, like a teddy bear, lol

Typical Jomon guys

Only middle and middle right. They look too asian.

too swarthy

Ancient Japanese were MEDS.

How about this Japanese


I love old day actors.



I like him but too cowboy in

glorious Jomon race.
no more ugly inferior gook blood

Hapa is just a fancy way of saying mexican. When did you realize that the union of a westerner and an oriental is always a south american?

long live our glorious imperial lineage!

No. There are a lot of latino youtubers in korea and japan and people think they are latino or middle eastern

Don't do shit post in here
This is not hate thread

Who are latino youtubers in Japan?


Mifune....I love him

Left: next japanese emperor
Right: korean prince dethroned by imperial japan

is it true that japanese girls dont like chiseled face and prefer baby face?

Don't do shit post in here

Recently Japanese girls like this
Kinda sad...

Ah, this one is nice.
These are also nice

Thank you (*^_^*)

When someone say japanese arent manly, just post Mifune.

you're pulling my leg if you tell me he's older than 14

Ignore korean gooks in diguise via proxy. Japanese people are beautiful and their beauty are natural, unlike those plastic korean gooks.

t. jap in diguise via proxy.

Yes Mifune is gold !
He is 23 now but probably that pic taken 3or4 years ago.
He has baby face btw.

Im also curious about how Mifune is able to grow a very decent beard for an asian. Does it mean he have jomon or ainu genes?

Japanese are the most hairy asian cuz jomon blood.
So i think he has more jomon blood than avarage Japanese.

this guy is also popular.
