Health insurance going up 300%

>health insurance going up 300%
not fair



At least you have health insurance


i'll probably have to cancel it

Thanks OBama.


>needing health insurance


So much winning

I voted for Trump to fix health insurance not to take it away :/

Have insurance never had a meeting with my doctor, got sick one time, went to urgent care, doesn't accept my insurance


>America is basically just a favela

ayy lmao

life in america


mr toilberg wont give me health insurance so i have to pay $150/week if i want it

What angers me is it was nothing but Obama increasing healthcare insurance premiums the whole election and then people were suddenly quiet when Trump removed health insurance subsidies and let them go rampant with pricing

Every election is squabbling between deluded voters on negligible issues like gender neutral toilets and a candidate's sex life, and I am sitting here without investing everything in American corporations, the winner of every election

Such is life
Bernie 2020

Gott strafe Amerika


Oh ya also it got expensive now so family is thinking about canceling or changing, glad my mental health care was free before they kicked me out

>Trump is gonna fix the healthcare system, lmao we sure showed those sjw libcucks

freedom ain't free and shit, m8


Our Healthcare system is one of the single hardest modern conundrums to find a solution for.

Anyone who can figure out how to cheaply and efficiently cover 330 million people in one of the most ethnically and income diverse countries in the world would be worthy of a nobel peace prize.

did you also vote for him to keep net neutrality?
Has he brought coal mining jobs back yet?
What about that wall?

>not living in civilised country
>not having everything paid for from your taxes


Jesus fuck. You're making Repo man a reality.

If health insurance gets too expensive (past a certain % of your income) doesn't the govt have to take care of it?

That said I hope it doesn't effect my employer provided healthcare....I have a really choice plan (only $1000 deductible) and don't want to lose it.

Dont be poor faggot

But you know, taxes are bad..

Raise taxes, take a little from the defense/military and implement universal health care like all other 1st world countries. Go state by state if needed.
Stop making everything profit driven.

Listen here m8, I'll have you know that anything, anything beneficial for the citizen is unironically socialism and against American principles

>ethnically and income diverse
I fail to see how this would make it any harder to give people the healthcare they need.

Sadly true

I forgot about that. Let them suffer.

No because when you give the government your money they spend it on themselves instead of the people.

By this logic you should be able to make a system to cover everyone on the planet, right? Since culture and income differences (and size) don't effect the ability to deliver good healthcare for all, right? Why not just have the UN make a super global healthcare system and end all disease tomorrow?

Oh wait actually its hard and the larger/more diverse something is the more complex it is.

Our healthcare budget already dwarfs our military budget just on the healthcare we do offer. We spend a ton of money on healthcare as is. Raising taxes is easier said than done. But I hope to see this in my lifetime, just because healthcare is such a mess. It won't be done with Republicans in congress though because they hate poor people. Democrats hate the unborn so if/when we do get healthcare it will force doctors to perform abortions guaranteed and so everyone will hate it no matter what.

If we want to actually get serious about fixing Healthcare in the US, we need to cut the bullshit and start straight up social engineering people to adopt healthier lifestyles.

>Tax junk food
>Susidize healthier foods
>Make cooking and personal health classes a mandatory part of Pre-K education
>Decriminalize drug use, and make rehab centers widely available
>Push routine clinical check-ups much the same we enforce getting car inspections
>Tax incentives for people who can prove they do a certain amount of physical exercise every month

And more controversially
>EXTREME obesity is considered societal negligence, fatties get sent to a camp to lose weight
>People who can’t afford health insurance for themselves or kids who get pregnant get a state-issued abortion, whoever knocked them up gets a fine

That’s the only way we’d ever be able to make Healthcare work here, but we’re way too pussy to do it.

And this year's Bank of Sweden Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize for not being American goes to...

>healthier lifestyles
Followed by
>Decriminalize drug use

Then you'd better start saving up for when the HFCS in your tap water gives you the 'beetus and claims a foot or two.

Wow look at all those countries which are smaller than the USA (in term of population) and less economically/culturally diverse than the USA.

Let me know when India, Brazil or even China get a healthcare.

>Let me know when India, Brazil or even China get a healthcare.
Healthcare in all three countries is still an order of magnitude cheaper though

You guys have states. Start one at the time.

>being in a country so backwards that you have to compare it to trash covered hell-holes like India and Brazil

Will never happen, the republican will simply build his platform against it and win

So you are basically a 3rd world country like Brazil? Good to know you accept it.

Boomers are the fattest
Also the most entitled and politically active
They're all going to be dead soon so they're torching everything just to what it burn
Good luck getting anything done

But they do have health care, health care is a constitutional right in Brazil , also free in India according to wikipedia

We have universal cacheteare we just don't call it that

>I voted for Trump

Sending people to jail for drug use to stop people from using drugs is about as effective as sending a fat person to a cake factory to lose weight.

Prisons are fucking loaded with drugs. It isn’t even uncommon for somebody to go to jail and THEN develop a drug habit.

That's what I get for buying a fucking iPhone
health care I meant

>Comparing yourself to India and Brazil

One important difference, healthcare standards in the US are second to none. Even seasoned rheumatologists who trained in Britain rely on the issued guidelines of the American Rheumatological Association/College Of Rheum.

However paying thousands of dollars for an ambulance ride, throat infection investigations or abcess drainage is absurd

I assume he was suggesting that decriminalizing drug use would encourage addicts to seek help without fear of being discriminated against/prosecuted. In the long run you'd think that would reduce the number of addicts overall.


>EXTREME obesity is considered societal negligence, fatties get sent to a camp to lose weight
This would cost a ton of money, both in running the camp and in lost labor/wages.

>Decriminalize drug use, and make rehab centers widely available
Also cost a ton of money though its not retarded unlike your first one.

>Susidize healthier foods
Cost a ton of money, plus we have a ton of food subsidies, plus there is no concrete line between "healthy" and "junk" foods.

>Make cooking and personal health classes a mandatory part of Pre-K education
What? Pre-K? You mean K-12? Are 4 year olds learning to cook? Most people who don't cook aren't not cooking because they don't know how, its because they are tired from working all day and just want to eat whatever when they get home. Its the old "hot meal waiting when the workers get in". McDonalds offers this, the households where you have both spouses working long hours to keep a roof over their head does not.

>People who can’t afford health insurance for themselves or kids who get pregnant get a state-issued abortion, whoever knocked them up gets a fine
Why should babies be punished for not affording healthcare? Fuck off.

>Push routine clinical check-ups much the same we enforce getting car inspections
This one is good probably your only good idea. These same routine checkups should also encourage healthy lifestyles and get people discounts on healthcare if they stay below a certain weight and stay off drug/cigarettes/alcohol etc

>Tax incentives for people who can prove they do a certain amount of physical exercise every month
Any kind of means-tested stuff is pretty expensive (who verifies the proof?) and is exclusionary (aka for rich suburbanites buying gym memberships and not towards working people in rural areas who exercise at home or at the local park).


>tfw our government gives just as much a fuck about us as Brazil's

Another thing your country fail at. Proper rehabilitation instead of creating worse criminals/addicts in prison.

Yeah because they don't have 1st world standard of living or 1st world standard of care. USA has the most difficult of all worlds, you cannot compare any other nation to the USA.

We are a more successful version of Brazil, insofar as we are both very large new world nations with higher income inequality. I certainly have FAR more in common with a Brazilian than I do with a fucking Old World European microstate. You can be a rich vs. a poor New World nation.

Fuck me, the Swedish guys map was out of date and now my foot is in my mouth.

>now my foot is in my mouth
Careful you don't choke, that ambulance is expensive.

>healthcare standards in the US are second to none
This a pretty good point, but I'd legitimately rather be dead than have a gigantic hospital bill put me in crippling debt for life.
A burger who needs medical attention is like a starving homeless man outside a 5 star restaurant.


>I certainly have FAR more in common with a Brazilian than I do with a fucking Old World European microstate. .

What did he mean by this

The private Healthcare here is a lot better than the public one back in Denmark, and cheaper. Public health care in social democracies are overrated and more countries should look at the Swiss model.

There is always porn....who knows you might get famous afterwards.

So you are basically saved to be enslaved for ever with medical debt
I can take the bad attitude and cuestionable methods if it means I can live without eternal debts just because I got sick or I have the misfortune of getting into an accident



Or even better;

>Rich guy sues you for whatever reason
>You are too poor to afford an attorney
>Have to get fucked with a settlement or get fucked in court

Look up "Patent-trolling" america is a fucking joke of a country.

>not living in California and signing on to free subsidized health insurance
>can brazenly lie on all the forms, they don't check anything
>don't even ask for your SS number
>clearly designed for use by illegal immigrants

Just that, like what do we have in common with Euro countries? Yes, we have a mixed European background like every other New World nation. And...? You see these countries with like 10 million people in them mostly of a single cultural background and history and a fucking monarch (if not a monarch than a dictatorshgip within the last century or so) talking about their "healthcare system". Please.

>Costs a lot of money
>Costs a lot of money
>Costs a lot of money
>Costs a lot of money
>Costs a lot of money

Nigga, our current fucking Healthcare system costs a lot of money. The cost of implementing those ideas would still be FAR cheaper than what it costs to treat chronic health problems.

Ironically enough, the regular doctor visit idea is perhaps the most MOST expensive of all of them, and that’s the only one you didn’t have a problem with.

>Why should babies be punished for not affording healthcare? Fuck off.
Spare me. It’s far more cruel to a child to let them grow in a poor as fuck household where his/her parent(s) can’t afford to take care of them, and have them in all likelihood grow up only to perpetuate this disastrous cycle.


>A burger who needs medical attention is like a starving homeless man outside a 5 star restaurant
Beautiful analogy

America claimed liberty and equality for all but immediately reinstated anti-democratic principles after its conception, the aristocracy, fascism in a limited set of areas, religious infringement or privilege, financial inequality, etc

It`s just 9D waterpolo.

>Nigga, our current fucking Healthcare system costs a lot of money. The cost of implementing those ideas would still be FAR cheaper than what it costs to treat chronic health problems.

No it wouldn't.

> the regular doctor visit idea is perhaps the most MOST expensive of all of them,
Regular doctor visit costs like $100-200 in a year. Its not expensive at all and its effective and it prevents worse problems down the line. People pay for these out of pocket all the time.

Camp for fat people? Fat camp costs ~$1000 a week (you can lose 2-5 lbs per week though they vary greatly in inducing long term behavioral changes), and about 71% of American adults are "fatties". 71% of the American workforce is going to drop out and go to a literal camp for fat people? To lose weight? Like lets say Americans average are 15 lb overweight (being generous). They need a month of fat camp on average (being generous). You are looking at almost a trillion dollars just for the costs of the camps, not counting how many new camps will need to be constructed and the extreme costs of 71% of adults going into fat camps and not working or looking after their family members while they are away. And if it doesn't inspire long term change (like if going to this BS camp was forced top-down bullshit), then they are just going to get fat again. Congrats.

Food subsidies? I would need to see PROOF they work before I go for them. Easily would cost more than $100-200/person/year if you want them to make a difference in what Americans eat. Whatever difference it makes is going to be pretty fucking negligible and shady though, just like all of nutritional science.

Rehab centers are good too, but not as good or as cheap as the regular checkups, though maybe it would be washed out with the gains from not needing to jail druggies.

One of the most disgusting practises alongside third-world slavery in this world and child labour is the private prison industry in the US and its collusion with law enforcement. A lot of Americans here will accuse me of sympathizing with criminals, black and hispanic, BLM and its not something we regularly discuss so don't take the wrong impression if you're reading this

>he cost of implementing those ideas would still be FAR cheaper than what it costs to treat chronic health problems.
Now you're at the stopgap, people who influence government policy will never sacrifice their profits for something like that

This is however a liberal position somehow, as if the welfare of conservatives in a similar financial situation isn't even on the table somehow

>Regular doctor visit costs like $100-200 in a year.
This is nothing compared to experiencing an emergency and waking up in the ICU to back-breaking debt

Solutions built on mitigation or convenience will simply not cut it, otherwise you'll just wait until financial situations make you vulnerable

Ah Sudanon doctor. I love seeing you pop up.

>This is nothing compared to experiencing an emergency and waking up in the ICU to back-breaking debt

I know that, I was explaining to the man why it was the best (and probably least expensive) of all his ideas. He was under the impression that it was the most expensive, more expensive than sending all fatties to fat camp (wtf)

>be amerifat
>get diabetes because grape soda comes out of the tap, not water
>lose a foot
>go into bankruptcy over medical costs because no healthcare
>get shot on way home from hospital
>forgot to tip my assailant

just another day in the life

Why is it expensive?

I could literally go buy a used hospital bed, sterilize a room, put someone in it, buy the drugs from the pharmacy and some medical supplier for restricted ones, maintain the patient until release, bring in friends for consultations. drive the patient to dialysis on an outpatient basis, and I'd still do it all for a fraction of the American cost and with a negligible reduction in standards

Where is the part where the medicine becomes so insanely expensive that dwarfs the most expensive facilities in Europe and the third world


What the fuck is this lowlife Nigger doing here? Kill yourself you watermelon munching brain dead monkey fucking nigger


t. butthurt another negro went out of line and talked with the whites

Ignore him, I like you and appreciate your contributions

This :3 I hate the racists on /deutsch/ we call them Ronnies. They vote AfD and shit like that. I love BBC, you as well?

Ummm racist much?

Thanks, but I am interested in knowing if he's the Russian/Polish Sup Forumstard or the Kurdish who's scared of revealing his identity

Imagine immigrating to a country with universal healthcare to shout at others who criticize the US's system

The dumb part is that no-one even said anything against your precious dogma, dumbo. You're less angry because of the 'non-racism' than you are because of your stupidity, I still remember your chimpout in the intelligence thread

>I love BBC

Like father, like son

What are you talking about? Fat camp for fatties would be expensive because it requires long term housing, food, supervision, etc. Plus you'd lose a ton of labor. Plus it wouldn't even be effective if twas forced.

Doctor visits are NOT expensive and I said so myself. $100/yr for a doctor visit is not expensive for a middle class American. You aren't listening you are just rambling.

>I could literally go buy a used hospital bed, sterilize a room, put someone in it, buy the drugs from the pharmacy and some medical supplier for restricted ones, maintain the patient until release, bring in friends for consultations. drive the patient to dialysis on an outpatient basis, and I'd still do it all for a fraction of the American cost and with a negligible reduction in standards
OK then go do that dummy. What is your point? Also its weird you say "negligible reduction in standards" when Sudan's life expectancy is 55.9, which is frankly pretty terrifying.

It's okay monkey
>chump chump chump gib banana
Is all I hear. Go back to your mud hut picking parasites from the backs of your relatives like the doctor you are

>Fat camp for fatties would be expensive because it requires ... food

American edcuation.

Health insurance isn't a right, you fucking parasite.

Historically, people never had free medical services and no one thought to complain. God didn't intend for us to have access to modern medicine, only those he blessed with wealth.