MOD von der Leyen called it a 'signal for peace'
The new Bundeswehr will be down to just 58000 soldiers, 19000 of them are female.
MOD von der Leyen called it a 'signal for peace'
The new Bundeswehr will be down to just 58000 soldiers, 19000 of them are female.
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Germany has an army?
I actually feel bad for you krauts, and I'm Canadian.
>get attacked by migrants 3 times in a week
>downsize your military
top kek
Maybe they feel unsafe in such a militarized state and that is why there's so many attacks. Imo they should cut down on the polizei too.
Why not go all the way Germany?
There's 53,000 US armed forces in Germany, why don't you lower your own army to below your occupiers? Just give up the ruse entirely.
not anymore
Well you heard it. 58000 soldiers, 39000 real soldiers
that's literally nothing. we're basically defenseless against invasion
Smart move, dont want too many tanned Germans in the military
But is that enough? We should really make Germany feel more like their home country by preemptively bombing all the cafes.
>Sorry you feel the need to attack us, peaceful foreigners. Let us downsize our military for you.
what the fuck
>we're basically defenseless against invasion
so same shit as yesterday basically
>defenseless against invasion
A gun behind every blade of grass.
That's what they mean by "militia."
My ancestor's homeland is being raped by the parasite AGAIN.
>39000 real soldiers
There are more US soldiers than German soldiers in Germany.
how does that accomplish anything at all? this is a ploy to cut the military budget to provide more gibs to tanned germans
Germany has tactical broomsticks, you'll be fine
we need more strong women like her in politics.
If you gave a shit about your homeland you wouldn't have left it.
Can I have your G36's?
that quote was made up, there is no japanese source that cites it.
They just want America to save them, fucking free loaders
Pay dents
i just want these fucking third world immigrant shits to die. they are ruining everything. fuck them in their dirty fucking asses.
Yeah, here's their insignia.
You don't say, what do you think happened in the past year? You think these fuckers are here for business, Klaus?
Words don't change facts.
Sure thing.
They might actually work at -40°C
What kind of shit are you posting, OP. None of your claims are in the article, faggot.
Yeah, just rely on Sup Forums not being able to read German and ignore the sorce. *Nice* thread.
Smart move.
Wouldn't want the germany army to get any ideas from what happened in turkey.
It's a plot to get rid of any army personnel which might support a coup.
This is fucking insanity
> 'signal for peace'
more like a signal to downsize Germoney's army size so they can call for a EU army
So essentially we are funding rapefugees by proxy, and by we I mean America
Merkel won't have a job much longer. She'll be fired or killed. She is completely tone deaf to the political climate of her own country. This is Obama level of "you don't know what you want, I know what you want now shut up and do as I say."
>Signal for peace
>Oh shit we're being invaded by terrorists
>let's weaken our army
>that'll show them
>that quote was made up,
No it isn't maybe miss attributed but it's a real quote dumb ass.
You're kidding me.
Germany is so fucked hahaha are you fucking joking? 19000 "soldiers"? Only 60000 Bundeswehr...
After all the bullshit that's been going on in Europe? IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. Are they fucking stupid?
You heard it here first folks. Even the fucking leaves feel sorry for your asses.
Uh... what? Why is ending NATO a mistake, again? Fuck you, Euros, fuck you so hard. Britain is the only country from that part of the world that Canada wants to associate with
Rainbow cunt
>Rhode Island national guard could take over and occupy the nation of Germany
>defenseless against invasion
>what has been the past 3-5 years of rapeugees
This is a joke right?
Ok Hans. We are sorry we said you Germans have no sense of humor. The joke is over now. Please come back!
Fucking die you cucks
Maybe they don't want young white men to be able to interact with each other, get firearms training, and be physically active?
Anybody who doesn't believe that there's outside, anti-white influences pulling the strings in Germany is blind
>attacks on your people becoming more frequent
>decide to downsize your most important line of defense in case shit really pops off
fucking pottery
>get attacked
>downsize security
Also defenseless to a right wing revolution to overthrow Merkel and her degeneracy & cuckholdry.
You know what to do Germany.
You can't even protect your women from Somalians, how the hell are you supposed to protect your national sovereignty?
Is that part of the deal after WWII?
I can see why Germany would want to control an EU army that could bypass its national treaties if that's the case
That you were allowed to have any kind of army at all after the two world wars is beyond me.
Everyone translate it, they've got 170,000 total which is actually the smallest they've had.
OP is a faggot exploiting Sup Forumss illiteracy.
>women in charge of the armed forces
>be german
>admit rapefugees all day erry day
>get blown the fuck out multiple times in a week
>the response is to protect yourselves less because "racism"
i can't even laugh at this, its downright shameful, its incredible how insane the european mind currently is.
You're no fun anymore krauts. Stand up for yourself.
this whole thread...
You have no idea, how retarded you guys look at the moment.
>oh no I'm being attacked
>*kills self*
They heard about a coup being planned and are going to get rid of the ones they suspect are part of it.
a sense of humor is unnecessary when you are the joke
>when you realize the president of Germany's name, Joachim Gauck, is an anagram for "Cuck him Ajaago"
Shouldnt be too hard to overthrow your government then. There's always a silver lining.
oh enlighten us dear PC obsessed kraut, tell me why committing suicide is a good thing?
I cant stop laughing .. i'm so sorry Deutschland .. i love you guys but jesus christ.
>instability within the nation increases
>downsize your own army in response
>probably use the money saved on more Muslims
I can't even make fun of Germany anymore, it's like laughing at a horribly disabled war veteran
That just means the robot "peacekeeping" and military units are ready
Downsize army let plebs riot and then out of the blue surprise cyborg overlords
What kind of country you want senpai?
No Germany, it's you that doesn't realise how retarded you and your abomination of a country look.
I would feel pity for you, but you walk around with this attitude that you are in the right and then I think? Well you deserve every bad thing coming your way you disgusting piece of self righteous shit.
How stupid do we look?
Just fuck my country up!
>also we need to increase weapons laws
>don't you know you need to lose that bow
>except immigrants need guns just in case of right wing backlash against their violence
You can't even parody anymore. If the jokes actually became policy it would just seem like business as usual.
This whole thing is a joke right?
I mean like this world we live in. It's all a big joke right? Some powerful dudes are just fucking with us with all the ridiculous shit that is happening in western societies.
Considering Germany has a population of 50 million and 90% is still white there's gotta be at least 100,000 of you guys willing and able to overthrow the government.
I still believe that our reality is a simulation. We are literally some other beings' play things. That's why everything will always be fucked up, because it's entertainment.
You fucking idiots. None of OPs claims are true. NONE of them are in the source. And noone of you even read it obviously. But immediately you flood this thread with bullshit memes and retarded, stereotypical phrases. Your replies even made you look more stupid than you already do.
You've found a way to become more beta than Canada.
Wonderful job, Germany.
You cant read the article and every retard will chime in without checking the facts.
The amount of military personal is a bit less than 180.000, and has been for years in that range. 59.000 soldiers in Heer/Army combat troups. 40k in support roles (Streitkräftebasis) like MP, logistics and so on. The rest is navy and airforce. Fuck you for your fear mongering.
The point is that 2/3 of the 170,000 aren't soldiers, they're bureaucrats and civilian contractors.
Germany is doing fine though. Nice country.
As for Canada IDK. The only context about which I hear of you guys is the USA making fun of you as weird frenchie country bumpkins of sorts.
Probably a skewed impression from someone far away... so what have you guys been up to?
>implying you would slap this until it hurt
>broomsticking urself
I dont think thats a good idea
god I want her to ram my ass
Poland you know what to do
Women making important decisions.
Not even once.
seems like they are saying, god wtf do we need to do to get these people to revolt??? total cucks! sad!
too late, meme magic has made this real
I want to be shrunken and stuffed up her nose
Mein Vaterland ist ein Nation am Sitzpinklern. Du solltest dich angeekelt. Fick Deutschland.
Meine Familie war richtig zu verlassen. Du bist verdammt. Der fiend ist im der Mutterland, aber es ist ein Gast. Blamabel.
Germany is a pale shadow that should be dispelled.
Do Germans even have elections to get this knuckleheads out of office?
They are now part of the nation cuck shed building initiative to aid in the integration of these peaceful rocket engineers.
want to pile on but our SecDef is a fag lover who never served.
>feels bad man
That's what you get with women, who are hardwired to get off on the thought of being overpowered, defenseless and penetrated.
Never put them in charge of country or military. You could just as well shoot yourself.
Also in addition, there are 600.000 reservists. 90k are plannend for territorial defense. 30k reservists are more or less active right now.
>liberal female politicians are traitors
no surprise
Go buy a gun in some neighboring country