Iranians get in here!
No Hellenes allowed!
Iranians get in here!
No Hellenes allowed!
Be careful, that "Persian" Jew/Turkposter with the heavy filter might come in and shitpost
I'm aryan (nordic) am i allowed in here?
Also, have a rare Gita
certainly my friend, have some tea
No, but nice trips anyway
>run off to the Anglo sphere like a bitch
>"So proud Persia stronk"
also when will you admit you are all arab rape babbies and only .00000000000000000001% actually still look Aryan?
Aryan means noble it has little to do with Hitler's definition of aryan. Iranians and Germanics split from proto indo-europeans in current Ukraine about 9000 years ago.
Aryan is a non-word it has meant different things in different times. Iranians aren't white and the Iranians that look white are mostly descendant from Russian settlers in the North or Georgian/Anatolian migrants that came in the hundreds of thousands
I have a question?
I saw an bbc documentary about iranian involvement in the syrian conflict and they showed a clip with some Iranian advicers driving through a small village and they talk about the children in that village. The conversations goes something like this.
1. Iranian:
> those kids are cute they almost seem human
2. Iranian:
>yeah but dont forget they are arabs.
Is it just banter or is the resentment real against arabs?
>"I'm 60% german, 20% Irish, 50% Scottish, 2.3% Italian, and 1/16 Native American."
>Accusing anyone else of claiming false heritage
Are fellow Arabs welcome?
>Aryan means noble it has little to do with Hitler's definition of aryan.
light skin genes (and other white traits) came to the Middle East with the proto Aryans
Ironically those light skin genes actually went to Europe from the Middle East
the only reason the Middle East is so brown today is because you are all Arab/Mongol rape babbies now
also inbreeding
I think I saw that clip, what he said was "there's no humans here, only Arabs"
Iranians are very racist against Arabs but they're almost universally talking about Arabs from the Peninsula (ie. Saudi Arabia). Mesopotamian and Levantine Arabs aren't seen this way so they were probably just joking in this particular case. Iranians genuinely dislike Peninsula Arabs though
>fellow Arabs
nice meme
I have no problem but expect someone to sperg out
Iranians are what happens when you take white people let Achmed rape them and then force them to marry their cousins thanks to Islam for centuries
I compare it to this
In other words modern Persia is what future Sweden will be
where are your proofs?
most Iranians are much darker than that
and it is genetics that show light skin, hair, and eyes genes came from near the Black Sea
That's a meme.
pic is a mosaic from the Sassanid Era (ie. before Turk and Arab invasions). All Iranian artwork from pre-Islamic times shows people that look much the same as today.
Nordicists get out!
It depends on how much sun exposure. Iranians have a lot more outdoor lifestyles.
like I said
modern Iranians are much darker than that
All the ones I know are identical to Pakis
>tfw no heritage
Iranian Zoroastrians are the purest Iranians because their communities remained isolated and never mixed with foreigners. they look like brown cunts just as much as every other iranian. Iran took about 500 years to become majority muslim following the Islamic conquests. It was a slow conversion, the population wasn't displaced.
Please post proofs of your Nordicist claims. Iranians were never white
Yup i think that was the one. If i remember correctly The Iranians was trying to set up a militia but they had big problems with the lack of dicipline and morale among the arabs. In the end they where killed in a ambush thay went wrong. Quite intense with them fighting in the wheat fields and it ends with camara man dropping the camara and picking up an AK instead
>implying that's an average Iranian
I'm sure you could fine as many "white" looking Zoroastrians as you could find "white" looking regular Persians
rape knows no religion.
When will you guys get bored about talking about race?
They were most likely pasdars. These are government loyalists and they'll fight on the front lines regardless of rank (a lot of Generals get killed this way). They'll get a funeral with banners saying "Congrats on your martyrdom!" and banners around the country with their faces on them saying they died at the hands of ISIS. Most of the people just think these pasdars going to syria are insane zealots.
Iran has a military tradition of forming armies out of other populations and proxy armies and this goes way back to ancient times. They're building the NDF in Syria which I think started as a massive paramilitary but I'm not sure on the situation now. They're also building the Hashd brigades in Iraq which is maybe 100k strong of many factions, including Sunnis, Shia, Assyrian Christian militias, Yezidi militias, etc.
Iran has an actual military that functions more like a Western military that we call Artesh (not the same as Revolutionary Guard). They don't really have much modern gear because of the sanctions and isolation. They tend to use tanks as mobile artillery and had to cannibalize most of the airforce bought under the Shah to keep the remainder functioning.. But you won't see Artesh fighting like these pasdars
>Yup i think that was the one. If i remember correctly The Iranians was trying to set up a militia but they had big problems with the lack of dicipline and morale among the arabs. In the end they where killed in a ambush thay went wrong. Quite intense with them fighting in the wheat fields and it ends with camara man dropping the camara and picking up an AK instead
I'm half Iranian, one half of me wants to glass the Middle East, and so does the other.
When stormfags stop trying to tell me ancient Iranians were white.
Iran sounds based AF, sorry my government is such a whore for the Israelis.
just shitposting really
Iranians get really butthurt when you point out they no matter what view of history you take they are rape babbies
Either they are
1. Aryan rape babbies
2. Arab rape babbies
And that's not to mention the numerous Mongol and Turkic rape babbies already in the country that they can't deny. Persia's entire history is one long chain of getting BTFO
Armenian born in Iran here. Iranian girls are cute desu, but my family will never approve of me marrying one. They want my wife/gf to be at least half Armenian.
Hold me, bros..
I don't think our government wants to be on friendly terms though, just doesn't want to actually fight. USA and Israel are used as external enemies to keep the country united and supporting the government.
It fits well into dualist nature of Shia doctrine of Good vs Evil. That USA and Israel are evil tyrannical oppressors and Iran must resist etc etc. for reference, the West kind of does the same thing with "he's the Hitler of our time!!!"
>Armenian """"""""women"""""""""
>the West
oy vey yes those evil white rednecks oppressing the poor brown muslim man
Whoa man. I couldn't imagine fucking one doggy style. I just image the most hairy ass i've ever seen. Like you spread that ass and all you get is ass funk with hair and dingle barries. Pretty disgusting.
She is a disgrace to Armenians, like the Kardashians. Most are conservative.
Fuck loads of Armenians in Iran. Actually a lot of Iranians have Armenian ancestry. The Safavid and Afsharid Dynasty relocated hundreds of thousands of you cunts into central Iran (~ Isfahan) because of revolts (standard practice of the times). A lot of communities kept to their Armenian identity and language to the modern age. There was an Armenian community near my dad's village when he was growing up but I think they all left following the Revolution.
Many where, hell, the Scythians had red hair and blue eyes.
Still, Iranians are smart people. I much rather be with a bunch of Iranians then Israeli's
I love Persian history am I allowed?
Pls no bully
according to our Iranian armchair expert all light skinned Iranians are "Russian infiltrators"
If you can believe that.
Between her and the Kardashians I was starting to think Turkey had the right idea.
I am Iranian, here are my thoughts on Iran and Iranians as immigrants, as well as immigration in general.
First off, an immigrant shall not be allowed to vote, hold office, have more than one child, smuggle their relatives from overseas, or marry outside of their ingroup. These should be set-in-stone requirements for all immigrants, and it is a shame that the majority do not abide by these rules. Full assimilation is also, obviously, required.
On allegiance: an immigrant may be culturally loyal to a nation (i.e. assimilate fully into the culture), but they will never be loyal to the blood of the native population. For this reason, they do not belong in any nation besides the one that their blood is linked to. I don't belong in this nation, but if I were to return to Iran, they will arrest me (or worse) because of my beliefs (I denounce Islam, want nothing to do with it). I admit that my actions are cowardly because I put my security before the purity of the nation I am in.
On Iranian identity, we are not white as many shill. We are distant cousins with Europeans (Indo-Europeans); our skin has a relationship with our position relative to the equator (I am Mediterranean-esque, tan, olive-tier).
We, technically, are the true Aryans, though. That's what Iran literally means.
It is a good nation with rich history that has been ruined by negligence/incompetence (Islam, failed leadership, CIA coups, etc.).
Also, if you are half-breed (mix of Iran-X), you are literally less than garbage for interbreeding with the native population and denying the white children a future. The least you could do in a Western nation is be sympathetic to white plight.
Half-breeds are scum of the Earth, in general. This goes for the other way, as well. I have never, and will never, pursue white women, and white men should be smart enough to continue their bloodline and not mix blood. But nowadays, women are degenerate and disloyal, so.
Let's hope shills don't crash this thread.
Girls like those wax and shave everywhere and keep themselves neat.
Traditional Iranian girls will not trim any hair on them until they're married. So if they grow moustaches and monobrows they'll keep it on untouched right up until they're married so they're looking as natural as possible. Just before the wedding they'll get the full wax treatment and get their eyebrows done up and arms/legs waxed and privates all neat and they'll turn into something else overnight. But most girls these days don't follow this tradition and will start taking care of hair in their teens
Is a aussie so you know that means it shitposting.
>Also, if you are half-breed (mix of Iran-X), you are literally less than garbage for interbreeding with the native population and denying the white children a future. The least you could do in a Western nation is be sympathetic to white plight.
>Half-breeds are scum of the Earth, in general. This goes for the other way, as well. I have never, and will never, pursue white women, and white men should be smart enough to continue their bloodline and not mix blood. But nowadays, women are degenerate and disloyal, so.
all iranians are half breed kek
Islam is the problem.
Schlomo, please. Is Bibi telling you we are "two months away" from nukes again? Sorry for disrupting the geopolitical games your kike overlords are playing.
Half-breed of what, exactly?
>tfw 60%
100% Arab
yeah wtf Armenia
yeah I'd be fine if all the middle easterners thought like this
Too bad the kikes had to ruin everything in the 50s and 60s and now most muslims in the west are far left and/or terrorists
If the middle east had been westernized and jews just "bought" up Israel like they bought up NYC none of this would have happened.
because it's true in most cases. Take his pic That is Larijani. His family is from Mazandaran. Mazandaran and Gilan were the two hotspots for Russian settlers. If you go to Mazandaran and Gilan you'll see lots of white Iranians. The Russians sent a lot of settlers to this area when they tried to annex Gilan for its silk industry.
The "white" Iranians were the tribes in Central Asia, not Iran. like the Sogdians (their descendants are the Pamiri people in Tajikistan). Most white looking Iranians you see in Iran will be non-Iranian migrants
Not Iranian, but interested. Was the country better under the Shah? What are Iranians opinion on this in general? When I watch youtube videos of the last Shah the comment section is always big contrasts.
How did the ME go from in the pic to full allahu snackbar?
How come Iranians support the leftwing of politics the Homosexuals and shocking degeneracy of the human race caused by SJW?? why!
He started off as a shill but towards the end he got more independent but also erratic.
Shah was a Zionist puppet, acted in the interest of the Jewish-Anglo alliance and played to their fiddle.
The good thing about his is that he revitalized a certain forgotten element of ancestral pride, something about seeing him in traditional royal garb really makes you proud.
Some of the political prisoners he took were socialist fags, but many others were just people who wanted an element of sovereignty.
I'd much rather take another go with a Shah than a theocratic shithole.
He names the Jew, realizes the strings he is being lead by, like this guy says:
Prince Ali, white nationalist he...
Israel shit on all the modern progressive muslim nationalists in the 1967 invasion of Egypt
once the Middle East nationalists were discredited the muslims turned back to their dumb pedo religion for support
the rest is history
Before that time being western was "cool" and "modern" in the Middle East
there were even middle eastern stars in 1950s tv shows in the US and no one cared because they dressed in suits and ties.
Small part of it you should be able to find full recording on youtube somewhere
shah was a US/UK puppet, many persians hate him for that
wew, but what if I like rimming a chick with a little ass hair?
you know, for that extra tang?
Can you all line up in an orderly straight line? I'll save bullets this way
There was more social freedom but the society was still quite conservative (women weren't working and didn't really do anything but stay home).
It wasn't "good" under the Shah. There was lots of corruption. The Shah was building palaces when most of the country didn't have water or electricity. You could be arrested by the SAVAK for as little as owning a book written by the wrong author.
In saying that, I'm pretty sure the country would have been better off without the Revolution and I'm willing to roll the dice that things would have gotten better. The Shah was a confused man. He was very kind hearted and had a big heart but at the same time he thought continuing the legacy of his father was the right way to go (his father was an authoritarian).
Every trip I go back to Iran it seems people are getting more and more pro-Shah. Ordinary people are generally quite simplistic and want a two dimensional analysis on everything. "If the theocracy is fucking shit then the monarchy must have been the good guys". In my opinion the theocracy is just a darker and bloodier shade of shit.
They named their dynasty Pahlavi which was to pay homage to pre-Islamic times. While they didn't spend money on bringing the poor into the modern world, they funded a lot into cultural works. Research into Persian lexicon that was replaced with Arabic. Funding Zoroastrian institutions. Inviting the Parsis in India back to Iran. I think they had long term plans on shaping Iran's future as an identity so it would have been interesting to see what time could have done
Is there any chance that Iran will become more secular in the future? It seems like it's easier to become more religious than it is to become more secular, especially when people want to kill you for not being religious enough.
top kek, what have we done to you, again?
So I guess you will be pissed that I a married a Iranian and we have 4 kids?
The religious ones mostly, and there's less and less of them every year.
He was a bit naive in assuming that he could pretend to play the western line just enough to get the necessary money and materials into the country to build it into something which might eventually have leverage enough to keep the US and USSR both from meddling. Sadly it didn't work out.
>continuing the legacy of his father was the right way to go
He was a bit like Nicholas II in a way, a guy that wanted the iron fist his father had but was too introverted and indecisive to wield it.
Thanks for sharing.
I did get the impression that the lower class had it pretty bad then, but it seems like he was an interesting person.
Not my grave, your children will be the abominations. You feel no shame, so there's nothing I can do. Those women are traitors, just like you.
How does it feel to know that an immigrant is more loyal to preserving the bloodline of a nation he does not even belong to?
How are russians seen in Iran? There is a lot of bad History but current circumstances of course have lead to an alliance of convenience
I think it would be fairly simple
make a peace deal between Israel/Palestine and end all the religious warfare. That would make Islam irrelevant again and the muslims would forget about it.
Too bad that is never happening
As a Sikh, I have an obligation to wage war on this thread.
Nah, I'm kidding. We good, senpai.
It's slowly happening. The demographics is strongly against the status quo.
pic related shows votes for parliament and now more women get elected than clerics.
But the system is tightly controlled in that Reformists are cut out of the system so they're forced to back moderates and other factions. Even some of the clerics are saying the current system is not sustainable and the theocracy has to reform or it will lose legitimacy in the population. I think given time it will slowly happen. There is voting mechanisms in the government even if it's a poor form of democracy and the demographics gets stacked further against the regime with every year
This is the US, the native bloodline died due to smallpox. Iranians are not niggers, and as long as you are not breeding with them no one will be bat a eyelash.
>Iranians got to experience the glorious 1950s
>the middle east wasn't always a theocratic shithole.
>everything went to shit once the jews showed up
Really makes you think
Can you explain Sikhism in a nutshell?
Personally, I understand that superpowers need to play for favourite with the little guys, it's the result of a globalized world where everything must be interconnected. They meddle into other nation's affairs and whatnot. Annoying when they get pissed when the little guy wants a shred of sovereignty. It's just the natural state of things. I blame their governments, the people are mostly isolationist, like me.
Cool pendant, mate.
pic related, mah nigga. Miscegenation is never okay, 14/88 ya doofus!
Are you trying to trick me, Moishe?
No they're still around
drinking away their casino money like the glorified Abbos they are
This kind of thing happens in gated communities (lots in Iran) where they have a swimming pool. It's closed from the outside so no police or anything can see in so people have pool parties and girls get in their bikinis.
It's kind of a weird country. You can buy bikinis in open shops because it's not illegal but its obviously going to be used in an illegal way. 10 years ago if people did this you'd get some fucker reporting you to the police and they'd knock on the gate demanding entry. these days nobody gives a shit and there's a lot more house parties and pool parties like this and people mind their business more. Even the religious people are getting sick of theocracy. It's like the opposite of what's happening in Turkey over the last 10 years
Nobody really has good or bad opinions of them these days but back when they were commies they were disliked a lot.
We call Russians Roos, which sounds like the rokh (the word for face). So people would call them do-rokh which means two-faced. It has to do with Russians trying to Annex the north of Iran and spread communism in Iran etc while they "helped" get rid of the Nazis control
well we all had to make sacrifices for le glorious Israel
the west had to destroy it's entire economy and the Middle East had to regress back to the 8th century
But as long as the jews are happy with their tiny ,useless strip of desert 1/20th the size of Madagascar, the island paradise that Hitler wanted to give them then I am happy
Been a while since I went though Oklahoma
Yeah i just read about that recently. Didnt know that northern Iran was "liberated" by the soviet union. Apparently the tried to set up a puppet government but was forced out buy the western powers
>tfw all the Iranian girls you know are alcoholic, drug-abusing tomboy degenerates with retarded tattoos and blonde highlights who have been poisoned by feminism and Marxist "equality" mindset
All I want is a traditional virgin Iranian girl to live with and eventually marry. I revealed my power level because I was tired of pretending and now everybody hates me. There is not a single Iranian girl (or any girl, but I don't care about non-Iranian women as I am not sexually attracted to them) whose vagina dries up when I show up, it's like I am le ebil male patriarch nazi.
Basically, fuck this gay Earth. I hope it was worth it, Marx. Look what the fuck you've done.
Well the probably think you want to put them in a cage?
yeah I think they set up a couple quasi-commie states based on the region but were USSR funded. The USA told them to back off so they stopped funding and they quickly collapsed and Tehran reasserted control. Iran was ripe with communism right up until the Revolution. They were the strongest faction and the Shah focused on stomping them out but Khomeini became a rally point for everyone anti-government, which nobody predicted. Communists, Secular democrats, other Islamists, everyone rallied behind Khomeini
yes, my wife has said the same thing, she just hopes the Theocracy fades away and not have huge violence. Her father was the only one of six boys to survive the Iraq-Iran war.
>pic related, mah nigga. Miscegenation is never okay, 14/88 ya doofus!
>Are you trying to trick me, Moishe?
I am mostly Nordic - 3/4s of my family arrived between 1903-1908 from Norway, Germany, and Denmark.
The other 1/4 has been around since before the revalutionary war. Will I be shocked if that means I have some native american blood? No I am not.
I married a Iranian girl who lighter then many Italian women. Go 14/88 all you want but I don't give a fuck.
I'm not a Muslim, there is a fine line between whores wearing underwear and bras outside versus trash bags.
I'm talking about sun dresses, what are you going on about with cages? Since when is marriage a cage?
So you're already an abomination and you tricked some retarded traitor to burn coal. Wowowowo what a surprise.