I'll start.
America landed 12 men on the surface of another world and returned them to Earth safely
I'll start.
America landed 12 men on the surface of another world and returned them to Earth safely
Other urls found in this thread:
Invented freedom and mercifully gifted it to the rest of the world
Truly the greatest country of all time
Be Englands favourite son
Invent the world's greatest meme.
That's Canada
How did they land on a hologram?
Take credit for both world wars even though they were irrelevant in WWI and the Soviet Union did most the work in WWII.
a fucking leaf
Have been the #1 super power despite being only 60% white and dragging 129,104,807 people along, kicking, shooting, welfaring, and screaming.
Papa is proud of me!
Is it fuck, those leafy cucks can do one.
Got absolutely BTFO by fucking RICE FARMERS
>the Soviet Union did most the work in WWII.
Why is this lie told by leftist cucks doing on Sup Forums?
at least that's history for us. you aussies are being fucked by the chinese at this very moment
>invented a way to send living organisms through the Van Allen Belt. Then, uninvited it.
>make America terrible
>make America great again
It's amazing how burgers really believe in all this moon landing bullshit.
I mean, look at this shit. Looks like some campsticks wrapped in foil hanged by some magic wires being lifted.
Wake up and get your shit straight, fat fucks.
who panned the camera on that video?
Because of politically correct rules of engagement.
VC fired from populated villages then ran and his in the jungles.
If we had been allowed to use our weaponary, Vietnam would have been turned into glass.
Without the USA, Japan would have FUCKED China and expanded their empire big time. Probably would have stretched Soviet resources thin as well, specially without the Lend-Lease Act.
moon landing conspiracies are the lowest form of bait. step it up senpai
The ayyliens
>removed over one million kebab
Despite the Seven years war fought against the motherland so the merchant class could benefit. But I forgive you. Then went on to build a continent and help out old dad from time to time. The past 50years have been a disaster for all of us but Trump may fix that. MAGA.
Wtf have you assholes done besides Fuck trannys kick soccerballs in boyshorts spread aids and kill each other in the last 1000 years ??
All the leaf posters on this site have really redpilled me on the syrup nigger problem.
I didn't even spat crazy conspiracies. Just look at the """ship""" they used to land on the Moon. Also, the dashboard computer was so efficient than a old pocket calculator.
Damn, I won't even talk about light or radiation.
You get a pass kennsingtonfordshiresborough
The wright flyer looked like a couple of dudes made a rudimentary engine and nailed together some sheets. It still flew for several minutes.
Von Braun's rockets made it possible. Most white Americans are ethnically German anyway. America's accomplishments are the joint accomplishments of the European race.
A Brazilian who knows more than nasa scientists
Imagine that
"a world" a trabant surrounding our world
Not a world you shitdip
They managed to destabilize the middle east and bomb them to liberality. No apologizes for that, you did that. Just keep it straight and tell them it was for democracy.
"Won" he second world war after they watched how their allies fucked up blantantly.
(saying ussr did their job is haram)
Oh yeah destabilizing southern america is not a secret.
dropping not just one but two atomic bombs for research was a good thing.
Agent Orange was the best thing america ever came up with. Burned everything to the ground, also civilists.
Boston tea party was also very good.
and everything that got spread from
But the very best of all is bombing for peace and fucking up nations relied on lies for the bombings, leaving the burned ground and educate europe (who is in the middle of that shit with rules to take them) why they take these refugees (silly yuropoors) is the best thing
Fuck right off. Australia is better than you in every conceivable way.
Atleast we didn't lose to a bunch of birds
>nasa """""""scientists""""""""
It's not hard to understand why your country is ruled by jews. You are so naive.
>Implying the US isn't china's bitch
ABSOULTELY BTFO of Britania which was the worlds largest empire before we were a nation. No hard feelings papa.
Kept the Soviet Union from easily conquering a crippled Europe.
>He thinks we flew to the moon in the technology the public was shown.
>He thinks the footage is from the actual moon landing.
>the Soviet Union did most the work in WWII
Yeah, they were really instrumental in that North African campaign....wait, what?
Yeah, and also in the Pacific Theater. They really put a major hurt on the Nips at Okinawa....wait, what?
>it was actually from the mars landing
>investigate 3/11 btw
At that time you wasn't even into world war.
You fought them for your own interests.
You wasn't into world war since pearl harbour
>jas. and son
muh nigga
He is /comfy/
>moon landing conspiracists have admitted now that we actually landed on the moon but have resorted to claiming that the footage we saw was an elaborately constructed set when we could have just used the fucking footage from the landing
who was filming this?
Who ending up staying on the Moon to pan that shot out?
A dude in mission control
They tried to do it on the previous landing, but the guy got the timing wrong.
Since there is a 10 sec delay between issuing commands and the camera moving, he had to memorize and practice the proper commands beforehand
Then 10 sec before liftoff he started the sequence
If you watch the full video he does a great job tracking it, even though he had to hand calculate the proper angle to be at at the right seconds (with the speed of the LEM and the distance the rover was at, etc)
Pretty incredible story. He was only like 22.
What have you done with your life?
>muh soviets did everything
>Americans didn't do anything lol they just take credit so edgy lel lel
Basically every leftard keeps pushing this same bullshit.
But when you mention the pacific campaign
>ooh those poor japs they were nuked fuck americans they shouldn't have gotten so involved in the war
are you memeing or for real?
An ayy lmao
So there is a camera still on the moon? This raises so many more questions
Obviously America was responsibility for victory in the pacific campaign (including the successful deployment of nuclear weapons that allowed the USA to prevent millions of American and Jap deaths,) but Russia did the vast majority of the work in Europe. This isn't hard to understand, it's not """""leftist"""""" bullshit
Good Euro, eat our burger memes to grow up big and stronk
We never went to the moon. The earth is flat and the moon isn't an actual body in space like people have been taught. NASA is literally just a propaganda machine created by the govt.
Produced the only boxer known to defeat Ivan Drago
He wasn't American enough to come back
Me and daddy England help the Soviet Union you fucking LEAF
>Damn, I won't even talk about light or radiation.
Good. Considering how ignorant you are about everything else you've discussed, none of us want to hear your shit conspiracy theories about "light and radiation."
I know that, millions of soviet people fought and died in the war not going to deny that.
But i heard many people practically bashing the us and diminishing all their efforts as if they didn't do anything.
They practically say the war was won by soviets alone and glorify them.
They both dis great and terrible thing on the war, they both moved millions of people trying to win the war and did so.
You know you guys were there too right?
The moon buggies had cameras on them. These cameras could be controlled from the ground - rotation, pitch, zoom.....
In the gif, they parked the buggy some distance from the LEM. In the full vid, they keep looking around for a minute or two after takeoff.
Then the batteries died, I believe. Once they looked straight at the sun and the sensor got zapped, if I remember correctly
You know, history gets written by the winners of it.
Japs are considered to do as much trouble as the germans, that's why they not only nuked once bu twice.
Making a statement.
Fuck with usa and you get erased from the map. Saddenly that didn'rt help really. Too many based japs are on the rise sniffing worn panties of middle aged womens now and living in a cell not bigger than any pig would have in europe.
The thing is, america is an evil fucking nationalst state that can't hide its hitlerlike tendencies. They adored us but were too cucked to do it themselves. So after te war they cucked us into oblivion and made sure we will not rise again in the next 100 years.
And today they are as much into that power thingy as we were and they will not stop and mock the entire europeans for being cucks
even as they are the very nature of any wet natsoc's dreams
Skip to 2:50
Forgot the link fuck
More like his wife's son
so what you're saying is that almost single-handedly defeating one of the primary Axis powers and attacking the European continent from the West on D-Day were not huge contributions to the war effort.... OK.
It isn't. Stop buying into this meme. China may own a solid portion of our debt but the US is China's biggest client. It's an economic stalemate where neither country is the bitch.
Pretty sure we're the first case of a colony conquering its home country.
I have to say the way the craft goes up after launching seems a bit off. In the vacuum of space, for it to jiggle like that as it is lifting off seems more like the work of wires pulling in an dissynchronous manner than newtonian motion.
Why does it spark like that if there's no oxygen to burn in space?
Trump will be our Führer and preside over a true 1000 year Reich, and it will be glorious. Achmed will be stomped into dust as the West is liberated from mudslime pollution, and America will be made great again.
Who filmed this shot?
Did they leave a guy on the moon?
Unauthentic and Homosexual
I swear moon landing hoaxers are the dumbest people on the planet
The thing with flat Earther / lizard people / alien probing believers is that they are genuinely retarded or have an untreated mental problem.
Moon faker believers are just plain dumb.
let me google that for you...oh how interesting.
I didn't say I was going to link it. Google is your friend, moron.
its always the 1st one
just like your instincts..
really makes you think....
All I did was ask a fucking question you sperg, I was just curious how they generate the propulsion to get back to Earth if there's supposedly no oxygen in space to burn. Do you know or are you just going to have another autism attack again?
...Rocket Fuel includes an oxidizer. Usually in the form of liquid oxygen. Are you an idiot?
Furthermore, at least when someone says "God planted dinosaur bones to test the faith of creationists", they can have that believe because you can't prove it wrong..... It's the sort of belief that is self fulfilling.
But moon hoaxers are the opposite - there are literal fucktons of physical evidence, but they ignore it.
Which is why on the totum pole of stupid they are above the creationists.
I'm not a rocket scientist or an autist who would waste time reading that shit cool thanks for the info
>another world
>the moon
American education, everyone.
this tho
N2O4 and Aerozine 50 are hyperbolic, bruh
it's common knowledge.
my sister and girlfriend know this and they are beyonce fans.
it's one of baby's first questions upon learning there isn't much matter in space.
you must be about 8 years old, son.
technically, the rice farmers got fucking slaughtered by us and we left because we got bored of doing that
but yes technically we didn't achieve our objectives
TIL a movie set in Beverly Hills is another world
according to, of all people, Chomsky, we did achieve them.
discouraging communist governments in Asia was the primary goal and it succeeded.