>post yfw you realize the occult magic Himmler was attempting to harness and meme magic are actually the one and the same
Post yfw you realize the occult magic Himmler was attempting to harness and meme magic are actually the one and the same
>pol worships nazis and harnessed their true potential
It all makes sense now.
They were only missing one ingredient.
Wait are we the new thule society? Are we a secret society Sup Forums
Hitler spent his life looking for the relics of a Christian god, when all along it was an Egyptian Frog that held the true power.
Funny thing is this is all true. The Nuremburg rallies featuring thousands of swastikas was in part designed as a means of "charging" the sigil. Now we have people from all over the world doing the same with Pepe/Kek. Whether knowingly or not; by posting and praising Kek, Sup Forums is willing him into existence. The increase in happenings may just be in part because of the collective energy of people the world over.
They lost though
Only after there was significant sentiment against them. Until then, they steam rolled
In all fairness, the lance got him pretty far. Who could've guessed that it was Kek that held the secret, when the lance and other artifacts had so much more obvious potential.
Fuck yea Neo Thulean society
What if Kek isn't a god, but a conduit that was created through thoughts that allow us to channel our energy?
Shame they have no frogs in germany
Its becuase they couldnt roll dubs to save the white race
Doesn't matter, has roughly the same result. You used to need physical conduits (the nails, the lance, rune circles, whatever), but the internet has made that obsolete.
Again, they thought the lance + other artifacts could make up for a 10 to 1 disadvantage. They can't.
>the spear of longinus didnt give him power he wanted but the picture of a cartoon frog on Nepalese dog training board is plunging the world into chaos
What a time to be alive
>we have created a chaos god
I suppose we are if we say we are
that's how meme magic works
>80 year old memes
Heavens to betsy, I've Invented a praying machine
so when do we become SMT and go around with cyberpunk tech gauntlets summoning gods and demons that only exist because people believe they do
tR go home
sorry m8, mistook you for my other friend who loves smt and is skeptical about hermetology
>mfw my face when
No no, summoned. Consider your trips check'd
It started as a joke.
With him, it always starts as a joke. They thought they made him up.
Past generations walked the world with their eyes open, watching everything for signs and omens from the gods but now, once again, the young walk the world their eyes closed, so self-assured in their knowledge of reality, they had no idea they were being led.
Humans have such a short memory...
It's all happening again. Same as before...
Well shit.
This keeps up we may get an X-files episode.
I wonder how it would feel for them to see today and know they got so close, but so far. Unless they always intended for Sup Forums to find he missing piece of the jigsaw at a more important and urgent time in history.
Also remember that ridiculous, high-energy Kekist thread we had weekend before the one just gone? Look at what's happened since.
>Turkroach purging intensifies
>Terror attack epidemic in Germany that could start the civil war at last
>DNC leaks and subsequent carnage
>Hillary on the verge of indictment and disgrace if the mid-week leaks are good enough
>RNC relatively peaceful and Never Trump fags discredited and BTFO'd
>Trump did a two-second Pepe pose mid speech
Either way, glorious digits will ensue.
Your doubles have been rewarded my child.
We're pushing things so close to creating the ultimate happening. It feels like we might actually witness it soon the more people keep praising Kek and the louder they do so.
Wait the lance actually helped them?
Didn't work did it the Nazis lost
when did we begin to praise kek, can someone give me a history on our discovery of the one true god.
This shit is getting ridiculous.
You know nothing
okay, this Kek shit is getting a little annoying, but I've heard for years that true Magic is really just the control of Language.
Others who know more than i will have to say but the idea is that our reality is determined by Language and therefore magicians can manipulate it by changing discourse.
They also frequently mention that magical terms usually have some derivation from old linguistic scholarship:
Grimoire = grammar
casting spells = spelling
Abracadabra = ignorant person's impression of simply reciting the ABCs.
You know what'll be great? When the normies pick up on this and run it to the ground even harder like every other meme from here.
Only because they had too much compassion for their enemy.
We won't make the same mistake.
Burn this world down with happenings so that a glorious new world may arise from the chaos!
>tfw Himmler would be proud
Kek be praised!
Look at me
We the jews now
>implying it won't make him stronger
>implying Trump doesn't know about KeK
Actually that's the ambition that the normies get it, pick it up and run with it.
Imagine five years from now normies are running about burning down churches, mosques, synagogues and other religious buildings and saying they did it 'because kek willed it'.
Normies use it in court. Prosecution - 'normie why did you set fire to a petrol tanker then drive it into a packed school' Defendant - 'kek willed it.'
But I dindu nuffin gets replaced by 'kek willed it' when nigs chimp out.
Normies fucking shit up in the real world in the name of kek and we can all sit back and enjoy what Sup Forums inflicted on the world. It's /x/ tier stuff, we meme happenings into happening through a contrived process of chinese whispers and normies adopting the meme.
Praise Kek for that and amen.
Everyone knows Hitler was a closet pagan. He praised Odin every day.
Under rated
jesus fucking christ
praise kek
I'm pretty sure this is how Scientology ended up happening too and they thought fuck it lets just cash in when the normies fell for it.
This is actually a way out of NEEThood to if the normies adopt it and we sell it.
I know how you feel. It's Jamaican me crazy.
i can only imagine /x/ reaction when they realise the power of kek , i think they might die
It's also seriously fucking spooky seeing just how many times 666 has appeared in a Kek thread.
Praise Kek, peace be upon Kek.
No, scientology did not start like this. Their founder wrote sci-fi, took it too seriously one day, and started a new-age hippie-like cult. He was legitimately a 'special individual' too.
It just happened to be one of the many cults out west that a few hollywood personalities jumped into.
>tfw this was keks plan all along
>tfw kek wants normies to fuck shit up in his name
>tfw the ultimate redpill is realising Kek is behind everything
An user had his thread deleted about Hillary mentioned Moloch, Moloch being a bull god. "Kek vs Bull" was mentioned...
Like this? Battletoads were one of the first memes on this site. Kek is the Ultimate Battletoad, fighting Moloch!
Mother of Kek.... I am not worthy.
The age of happenings is upon us!
nothing's special, Sup Forums got so bored with this 'coincidence' for years they just use it to post wins when someone gets trips.
I want to have a pet frog, but I don't know what type of frog is the most KEK blessed.
sevens everywhere
This user understands the true nature of Kek and as such, has received His blessing.
Kek is not ours. We do not pray to Kek to ask for favors, but to revel in His glory. Kek does not reward us.
For Kek is chaos; the destruction of old, the hour in the night just before dawn.
We do not own chaos, nor do we stand to gain from it. We may but bask in awe at His will
I want to bump my own post because this blew my fucking mind when I thought about it. What does kek think? Why are Moloch threads getting deleted? Maybe Kek doesn't want to fight him or isn't ready yet.
We believe in you KEK, you're our champion. You are our Battle Toad. You can do it!
I don't know how to play poker, what's up with that webm?
A Moloch thread that was gaining steam on /x/ got 404d after about 100 posts. I've seen plenty of other threads where people were talking about him there that were allowed to go to archive.
What? Isn't 616 the Number of the Beast too? Should we take this as sign you like our praise? Is Pepe so sad because you've been sad Kek? Lost in the darkness for thousands of years? No one remembered you, beyond scratches on those walls in Egypt and even then, it's not like your name was important to anyone. It's why you took so kindly to /r9k/ and robots didn't you?
Have faith Kek, believe in us who believe in you! In this Ethereal Election, we have chosen you for as our Chaos Candidate for President of the Patheon! Command-in-Chief of the Gods! What do you say Kek?
Do you accept our nomination?
What do you think the swastika is? It's one of the most ancients forms of meme magic. Native Americans, Africans, Europeans, Asians all had swastikas and generally were symbols of good luck. They perpetuated those swastikas to alter reality and the Nazis were attempting that as well.
He doesn't work like that dummy
He has his own agenda
And now all of these days you're not allowed to use it in any western countries, which are the ones that are all the ones going to shit.
Hmmm... No dubs; no good. We get your scared Kek. You're not one of the big gods, but we're not the big humans either, but look how much fun we're having together at least. We wouldn't ask this of you if we didn't know it would fun and interesting for us all.
We need you, you need us. You bring the light out of the darkness and no one needs that more than the Anons of Sup Forums who've been lost in the dark their whole life.
>nothing personnel kid
Obviously. I've been saying that all along. I just don't know why he'd be getting involved in politics, if not just for the lulz. What is Kek's agenda? Or does he not have one and not really care? He obviously enjoys the attention he gets from us though, like those chinese frogs you pet for good luck. Kek does like to get petted, I think.
Why would the mods delete it though? I guess it's some SJW janitor that doesn't what the Queen looking bad.
Both a non-believer and a non-understander.
We bring darkness into the light because it is Kek's will that we bring chaos to the wider world. By rediscovering him we can pick up the torch, be his agents and continue on his work again.
Our times need chaos because order has become so corrupted, stagnant and blind. We're just doing his work now that it's needed again. Kek is a bigger god than you think, chaos is what creates change, change is chaos.
Kek is ultimately the master of change.
A strong, highly centralized government is the exact opposite of chaos
So basically Tzeentch
At first I thought the future would be exploring space and world peace
Turns out instead we'll have kids killing and burning down buildings in the name of an old egyptian god. Not the future I expected but a nice one after all.
Well you got the doubles I was trying to get to so I guess your right.
Kek gives me doubles all the time though? I just don't know what to make of it.
>Kek is a bigger god than you think, chaos is what creates change, change is chaos.
>Kek is ultimately the master of change.
I get that. Destruction is change. Pic related.
I think there is something to it though, especially the Battletoads thing, we forgot all about that. Is that when we brought Kek here? Either way it's a funny pattern that Sup Forums takes a liking to frog characters all the time, even before Pepe/Kek.
Kek would be the god of Chaos undivided. Kek brings bloodshed, pestilence, change and pleasure all at the same time in randomised proportions.
rare memes
Oh, mighty Kek, please bless us with your gifts.
History repeats itself when it has writers block.
Himmler was looking in the wrong place. He was fucking around in India and Europe when he should've been in Egypt and Palestine
Thule and Sup Forums rhyme.
>if the nazi's studied the Egyptians, they could have literally meme a race out of existence
No they don't...
I don't get why he made such a schoolboy mistake. If you want the answers, go to the earliest sources of civilisation and look at what they offer.
The 18th Century Illuminati had the right idea when they started with Egyptian symbolism. Who knows, maybe the monotheistic 'higher being' they believe in but refuse to name is actually Kek.
So when do you think we'll reach a point where we have kek meetups?
That's my guess.