So, do you think the United State's prisons need to be revised?
Prisons system at US Vs. Norway
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shitty treatment for shitty people, now fuck off
No chance that would ever work in the US
>Make prisons more inviting to dirt poor criminals
Yes, straight up death penalty for any crimes.
you work on that 17 billion dollar debt of yours in stead of worrying about the state of your prisons
Fucjing science books cost up to 60 dollars in america while you can buy alcohol and weed at half of that amount
>17 billion dollar debt
hallelujah our economy is finally fixed!
Eat a dick, fascist faggot.
Twenty or thirty years down the line we'll be able to assess how well that Scandinavian rehabilatory justice thing works for muslims.
My money is on "poorly".
People already go to prison because they can't cope outside. Why the fuck would we make it more pleasant?
If we implemented Norway's system it would turn into taxpayer funded adult daycare for criminals.
You know people can get a college education in prison?
Norway growing "refugee" population will result in parity between our nation's when it comes to prison rape.
Hmm that prison looks better than my current living conditions I better kill somebody.
Too bad we don't have that here, prisons suck here so I don't commit crimes.
liberals want a society like prison
Don't think they'll get a chance to find out seeing as they don't tend to send suicide bombers to prison.
It's a little bit more than that, but thank you. I agree.
No PS4 remember? How could anyone survive?
but yeah that prison sparked tension, little student apps and shit there, crappy as shit stuff you end up in renting private.... like ten times lover this standard, you never have food, they get well fed... you work your ass of lit day, night and the weekend... and these jackasses just get's everything and can lay and fart on their beds watching the propagandatube or playing sigh ps3....
Criminals should be executed, stain on the state.
You can go to prison if you make a simple mistake while you are driving, not everyone inside is a lost cause.
>go to norway
>commit crime
Let's replace all Americans with Norwegians then we can talk about making America more like Norway.
No you can't, unless you're driving while intoxicated.
In that case, fuck off
If we give our prisoners anything more than a book they just build shivs out of it.
>go to prison in norway
>get a fancy apartment, free food and amenties and get to fuck one of the female prison guards every now and then
>go to prison in the U.S.
>get this
Right now I'm working like 65 hours a week just to afford a crappy 2 room apartment. Should immigrate to Norway then go on a raping spree to live a nice life?
19 400 000 000 000 dollars in debt.
1 000 000 000 000 dollars are in our oilfund, which is the biggest in the world, said to be massive. Americans have 19.4 times more than that in debt.
wow, maybe Bill Gates should just do us all a favor and pay it all off himself..
yes there needs to be more funding & access to harm reduction programs for non violent drug related offenses.
harsh mandatory minimums only cause psychological & emotional damage to addicts thus usually turning them into bitter, hardened non productive violent members of society which can be totally avoided. it benefits law enforcement for profit short term but does long term damage to everyone.
We should export our criminals to luxury prisons since they rehabilitate
That's the plan the Somalians all the other shit have as plans it seems.
No. They're criminals and should be treated as such.
If I go to Norway and kill a bunch of people do I get to stay in their prison or do I get sent back?
Prison shouldn't be about vengeance. It should be about removing dangerous people from society.
Basically creating NEET buildings for prisoners is fine by me. It may even save us money and produce less crime. People go to jail and become far better criminals because the environment fosters this result.
Can you be our president user?
whats the point in sending people to prison if it makes the feel like they're on vacation. wtf norway.
We already give free housing to minorities.
homogeneous population... now fuck off
and america has a gdp 46x greater than yours
This. Drug addiction is related to unloving environments. The drug replaces love for many. Putting medical patients in a building full of hardened criminals that reinforces the reasons why they even turned to drugs is the dumbest idea.
America, as per usual, are too retarded to understand why Norway is doing what they are doing.
Punishment vs. Rehabilitaion
Criminals must understand that their crimes have consequences. why should I worry about it, if I havenĀ“t committed any crimes?
where can i apply for a place at a norwegian prison?
>implying everyone sent to jail is a shitty person
Yes we should revise all the black felons back to Africa, as well as the latino felons back to their respective countries of ethnic origin.
The consequence being they are removed from society and are essentially on time-out for years.
Their lives are forcibly regimented by what amounts to a parental figure. You can either make that parent abusive shitlord surrounded by shitty abusive siblings or you can do the reverse.
consider suicide
>Norcucks literally shell out money to pay for Muslims and Somalians to sit around in cushy cell and watch tv or play video games
Absolutely hilarious. Another Scandinavian victory, huh? :^)
Look at how the Clinton's shaped the prison system.
Ask yourself why black people vote for Clinton.
Understand black people enforce their own slavery.
The problem with harsh prison sentences is that you allow average inmates to socialize with each other, reinforcing their criminal behavior. It should be solitary for all crimes except white-collar ones.
does anyone here realize that locking up criminals with other criminals only makes more criminals.
People in jail in Norway are less likely to commit crimes after. People in US jails are far more likely to commit crimes.
Common sense. Rehabilitate people.
Oh we understand. It's just criminals aren't people. You do bad shit you deserve to be treated like shit.
they vote for her due to her branding
>prison system in a small, ethnically homogeneous backwater
>any way applicable to America
if I was norwegian I would become a drug lord.
Seriously those prisons just fucking entice people to commit crime.
Why not sell cocaine, make a couple million, put it in an offshore account, and go to ehat is essentially a hotel for the next few years? You would leave being set for life.
If Hillary wins I'm seriously considering going to Norway and raping the hottest woman I can find so I can take advantage of this
boy I wish it were 17 billion dollars
>maximum security prison
>some white collar adult daycare in Eurocuckland
>Norwegians are less likely to re-offend than negroes
Well now I've heard everything
Prison isn't supposed to be nice.
It's punishment for breaking the law.
It's not to hold hands and sing kumbaya.
Norway can afford to make cozy prisons because they are locking away somewhat civilized people and not niggers who destroy everything they touch.
LMAO at all these people thinking it's a good idea to go to ANY prison.
It's not worth all the debt, wasted time, the criminal record, and most of all FREEDOM.
Being trapped in a cell is the worst thing that ever happened to me
stop posting any time
Prison isn't meant to be criminal college.
It's punishment enough to have your freedom taken from you.
This idea is why we have huge recidivism rates.
Prison is supposed to be for reform, not punishment. You want people to be functioning members of society when they get out, not newly inducted into prison gangs.
That's because you went to an American prison.
There's also a pretty big behavioral gap between Norwegians and Africans, isn't there?
Have you tried not going to jail?
>fuck one of the female prison guards every now and then
This is allowed? Holy shit I was born in the wrong country.
No, I went to a jail cell for 2 days. Fucking shitty, I can't stand being trapped. I used to not go anywhere before that but now I go on at least three walks a day, keeps my mind fresh so I can keep working.
Which do you think is worse?
Being locked away in a cell with no known to talk with, isolated from any human interaction or being being with a group of guys in a shitty situation?
There is a reason why isolation is considered an incredibly good torture method, this is what they are doing to a lesser degree.
So no you don't.
>Norway: 94.4% Norwegian, 3.6% other European, 2% other
>USA: 64% white, rest filled mostly by Hispanics and blacks
Hmmmm, really makes you think...
Holy shit Norway you're paying tax dollars to send criminals to a luxury hotel, need some explaining
I'm going to preface this by saying that I know this will sound edgy as fuck, but it's really not.
I think the death penalty needs to be utilized a lot more than it is. Like, outright replace prison (not jail). Real criminals rarely reform, and society treats ex cons like fucking lepers. How are you even supposed to get a decent job or a decent home or a not-shit wife if you've been branded a criminal?
So if your life is effectively over as soon as you step into prison, why not just mercy kill the poor fuckers instead of wasting a hundred thousand a year per inmate keeping them alive for 50+ more years when they're never going to be allowed to rejoin society? What's the point of living after that?
The same goes for prison.
You forfeit your rights when you impede on others'
I know. That's why they are in prison.
came here to post this
Yeah I'm sure the best way to rehabilitate people so they can function peacefully in society is treating them like shit while they're locked up and making it arduous to find a job once they're out.
In the case of black people, we need to some how restore the black family unit. I'm a firm believer that strong families led by strong fathers is what keeps societies from falling apart.
We also need to save the white family unit too because whites are on the verge of becoming niggers v2.0.
Wow, guess I should move to Norway and go on raping spree then earn my liberal arts degree on the country's dime!
So you'd want pic related.
[spoiler] I wouldn't mind [/spoiler]
Not only this but they learn to become better criminals. You're essentially destroying their self image and replacing it with a very negative self image. They are no longer people. They are criminals and as such they will be the best criminals they can be until they are arrested again only to repeat the cycle
I work at a prison, I'm actually at one right now, and they definitely needs o be revised. When need to send less people to prison, and make them much, much harsher. The inmates here get iPads, Chik-fil-a, and it's run much like a summer camp. This cause an alarming rate of receitivism among the worst offenders, while locking up people who made a stupid non violent mistake at the tune of $42,000 a year(at my facility).
I'm not saying coddle them and give them each a comfy apartment, but what I do believe is giving them opportunities for education, resources to get out of gang life, and give them a healthy environment to better themselves. Putting them in with a bunch of thugs and letting them reconnect with gang members isnt a good way to go. They'll wait out their term and go and fuck around.
I'm mainly talking about kids that commit grand theft auto or assault, murder and rape, or other really horrific crimes though, they can stay there for life for all I care.
You people don't understand the gifts of freedom to say shit like this.
No matter how nice the prison it's never nice to be forced to stay there
Shut up cracker.
If we had the answer we would have done it by now. Factually subsaharans are not well integrated or successful anywhere as a group.
Individuals can succeed but they are outliers not the average.
'We' can't solve this problem. It's not our fucking place on Earth.
Dude we need to send them all back to Africa and create a Nation within North America for the Native Americans, this would be the perfect plan. I see so many lefty faggots crying over how Whites don't deserve to exist because of what their ancestors did. IF we restore their people and their ways of life, then we have a platform for moving towards homogeneous white countries, if we make up for the past then most definitely OUR people will be wanting to have a home. Something like Japan.
They don't have criminal niggers and white trash in Norway.
Considering that 60% of all people in jail are there for violent crime, another 20% are there for being thieves/property crime, why should we show them compassion?
These people have robbed someone of life, or dignity, or property. Why should they be treated any differently.
>non violent drug related offenses.
Despite what you've been told, NVDRO only makes up 4% of the entire US prison population.
>This idea is why we have huge recidivism rates.
recidivism rates are huge in every single country no matter how cozy the prisons
>Prison is supposed to be for reform, not punishment.
absolute garbage. kill yourself you faggot hippie cunt.
Being a wageslave working just to afford rent and food isn't being free.
This is fine except for when someone is imprisoned for a crime they didn't commit. Technology is better but it still happens.
>NVDRO only makes up 4% of the entire US prison population.
4% too many
>Norway has extremely low recidivism rates
both, probably.