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Americans are so fucking fat and stupid

So 00.4% (less than 1/2 of 1%) of Americans declare bankruptcy per year and we are "Ameripoors" now?

You unironically are
I'm hdi adjusted for equality you're slightly higher than Slovakia

It's still crazy that in the richest country in the world this happens at all. Yeah these people probably are bad with money, but predatorial doctoral practices cause a lot of unneeded monetary hardship.


And Japan is lower than Slovakia.
There's a reason everyone uses regular HDI.

>it's crazy that there are poor people in wealthy countries
Lad what planet are you on?

this has been known for a long time

75 000 people go bankrupt over medical bills in the US, and god knows how many are just in massive debt without going bankrupt because that would ruin their business or get them fired.

Your system is broken.

>this fucking finn

$1,626.52 for a C-section is pretty reasonable

I love that image desu.

It's best when you use both IHDI and HDI. If your rank stays the same or close to it that's a good sign that you are both highly developed and it's not an anomaly caused by something like gross income inequality. If the two ranks vary wildly something is wrong

Imagine if that reasoning existed in aviation.
>your plane has 1/200 chance of crashing, why do you complain you fugging commies

It is, although the insurance had to cover more still. It's the idea that a hospital would charge you or your insurance $40 to hold your baby that is crazy.

>hurr but that percentage is bad in some contexts
Not an argument. If someone says their data is accurate within 5%, and I respond by taking the percentage and applying it to a radically different context, I would be laughed away, and rightfully so. Dickhead.

In the Netherlands its impossible for your medical bills to exceed a total of 385 euros a year.

Although were all privately insured so its basically a scam to rip you off for another 385 euros.

>That'll be an arm and a leg + tip

well you pay taxes each year even if you don't use any medical services
I pay income tax alone 18 000€ i don't even know much more in VAT and other "hidden taxes"

Oh, no question, the hospitals are such a fucking scam these days since it's an oligopoly, my point was just that it's rarely the customers themselves who are really affected.

>invent capitalism
>cave in to Teutonic pressures
The absolute state of Nederland

are you retarded , the guy with that bill is paying 0 dollars exaclty

Think of it like this: If 0.4% of people go bankrupt every year, there's a 25% chance for some to go bankrupt in the course of their adult life until age 80.

The point is that in a normal developed society no one should ever have to incur massive debt or file bankruptcy for medical bills. It's nice that it's a very low percentage, but it would be better still if it were zero like in every other wealthy western nation.

We used to have public health care but it all got privatised in favour of insurances. The only thing that changed is that the bills went up.

I'm taking a shit on the first Ameican tourist I see

Maybe that's your point but it's not the point of the post I was replying to.

that's xray right? how can it cost that much?

You are still effected though, if not directly from your wallet then from lost wages due to your employer having to carry an insurance policy on you. You also currently pay more in taxes for healthcare than the rest of us so you're actually getting fucked in both ends.


Poos for (you)s


You never provided any arguments as to why we should consider 1/200 chance to be acceptable.
I showed you an example where 1/200 is absolutely inacceptable, I am still waiting for your arguments that show that 1/200 chance for going bankrupt is even remotely acceptable.

Why are Ameriblubbers so fat and stupid?

Oh no not INEQUALITY. Come off it, adjusting HDI for inequality is pretty much just trying to shit on Americans. Reality is unequal. If a poor guy is doing okay and a rich guy is doing great, how is that worse than a society when a poor guy and a rich guy are both doing okay?

Nah bullshit, there will always be bankrupcy in rich countries because rich country doesn't mean rich individuals, and rich individual doesn't mean someone who spends his money wisely.

75,000 seems extremely low, did you forget we have 323 MILLION people? That's not broken, you actually made me feel pretty good about it.


They will inevitably shart on themselves anyway so why bother? Best you continue to poo in the streets, that way they step in it and it ends up on their food when the put their shoes in the fridge.

Boring non-argument

34% white

Why is lack of wealth considered a personal failure? Isn't wealth handed down?

>poor guy is doing okay

By what metric is a poor person in America doing okay? Compared to their low class counterparts in other peer countries they have shorter life expectancies, higher rates of disease both chronic and acute, higher rates of infant and maternal mortality, higher rates of incarceration, are less educated, are less likely to move up the economic ladder, are more likely to be a victim of basically every crime, etc.
This isn't okay

>you actually made me feel pretty good about it.
You know how many people go broke in Germany every year? 0.1%. That's a quarter of the risk in the US, despite allegedly being a less wealthy country. The level of poverty you have in your country despite your large overall wealth is absolutely shameful. You are the single richest country in the world, you have the largest number of millionaires in the world, your society is incredibly patriotic on the border to nationalistic, yet barely anyone seems to care about 1.3 million fellow Americans going bankrupt EVERY YEAR. That's one bankruptcy somewhere in the country every 24 seconds.

you but that's you-know-who
"normal" (if you know what I mean) americans are doing just fine

>it's another "America is great if you ignore everything that's terrible and everyone who's doing miserably" episode

I'm just saying, if you factor out a certain demographic, America is easily on par with Europe at pretty much everything, if not doing better

t. europoor

But they're there, they don't disappear at your convenience.

t. Commie George soros
We unironicaly are more developed richer, and stronger militarily than Europe without factoring anything out.

'Temporarily embarrassed millionaires' on suicide watch

What does it mean when a person goes bankrupt?
I don't think we have that kind of system here. Only thought companies etc go bankrupt not individual people. Just get into denbts

>get trumped by seven European countries in human development even when disregarding the third world tier wealth disparity in the USA

I will never understand this logic and I think it's unique to America. No matter what they look or act like they are Americans. You live in a sea of shit with very nice little islands and rather than try to clean up the shit, you just pray that storms remain rare.
Also, no, even white Americans have a lower quality of life than western Europeans, Aussies, Kiwis, and Canadians. Compare your whitest state Maine with neighboring New Brunswick. They have similar history, culture, demographics, population, climate, and urban/rural development but New Brunswick is vastly safer, has half the homicide rate, a lower incarceration rate (even though Maine has the lowest in America) and a longer life expectancy despite being much poorer and having a higher unemployment rate.
I'm not cherry picking here, this is your whitest, safest, least incarcerated state and it gets BTFO by its Canadian neighbor despite having more jobs and money, and NB isn't even Canada's whitest or safest province.

Proven false over and over

At this point I kind of just want to copy Canada's system. Our healthcare has been getting more and more expensive every year since 1965. It doesn't seem to matter what happens.

>democrat tries something
>healthcare gets more expensive
>republican tries something
>healthcare gets more expensive

Like literally how can we expect a (largely) private system to work?

>By what metric is a poor person in America doing okay?
Uh, by most metrics? I've been poor, I had an aunt who died recently after having not worked a day in her life since she was in her 20s. She had food on her table, she had a roof over her head, she had heat in the winter and a family who loved her. How is that not "okay"? Because she had a slightly higher chance of committing a crime and therefore going to jail? She could have gotten fat if she wanted to thus shortening her life (she didn't though)?

Our poor have short lifespans because our poor are so much fatter than the rest of us. They have TOO MUCH DELICIOUS AND CHEAP FOOD. Other poorfags would kill to have this probelm in their country.

>Compared to their low class counterparts in other peer countries
Who are our """"peer countries"""? Are you going to talk about how our "peer countries" are like San Marino or Belgium or whoever? Get over it. We are a higher violence country (less so than most of the New World though) and our healthcare is much more expensive (though the poor can get medicaid depending on the state).

You have a lot less people, and we aren't Germany

Bankruptcy sucks but its not the end of the world and most people are very understanding if you explain its a medical bankruptcy. They know life can suck sometimes and that medical bills for stuff like cancer add up very fast. You are acting like its some great travesty instead of just a minor imperfection and nobody thinks the USA is perfect.

question to all this faggy thread: why do you care about what an irrelevant country does with the money and lifes of its cattle-tier citizens?

Very conveniently cut off after white Americans. Also the many minorities in the US are qualified immigrants. Half those Indians are doctors. Most white Americans on the other hand were born in the US, so you get the white doctors -and- you get millions of moronic rednecks. There are moronic rednecks in India, or at least some equivalent, but they don't reach the US.

the state of "white" americans

>Europe is just the seven best countries, don't compare an average of us to an average of you
Yuropoor logic

Food and shelter are the basic necessities to maintain human life, I would not count them in the "doing okay" category, they are in the "surviving" category. Yes America does have cheap and tasty food but lacks basic nutritional literacy. Also America has a higher food insecurity rate than most or all peer countries which would be most of western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (countries that share a common western culture and above global average wealth)


Why don't Ameripoors seek refuge in 1st world countries?

But Germany is literally a communist country

Why do Europoors seek refuge in a 3rd world country?

>USA is completely black


Portuguese are white by any definition (so are the middle eastern guys at least traditionally but I know how Sup Forums can be). Your whole graph is BS

Jewish American : $97,500[3]
Australian American : $81,452[2]
Israeli American : $79,736[2]
European American : $77,440[2]
Russian American : $77,349[2]
Greek American : $77,342[2]
Croatian American : $73,196[2]
Latvian American : $72,690[2]
Lithuanian American : $72,605[2]
Austrian American : $72,478[2]
Slovene American : $72,272[2]
Swiss American : $71,418[2]
Bulgarian American : $71,331[2]
Romanian American : $71,230[2]
Scandinavian American : $71,190[2]
Italian American : $70,726[2]
British American : $70,037[2]
Serbian American : $69,372[2]
Belgian American : $69,342[2]
Scottish American : $69,269[2]
Welsh American : $68,874[2]
Polish American : $68,843[2]
Slovak American : $68,611[2]
Danish American : $68,558[2]
Czechslovakian American : $67,991[2]
Swedish American : $67,908[2]
Norwegian American : $67,403[2]
Syrian American : $66,965[2]
Czech American : $66,856[2]
Hungarian American : $66,483[2]
Ukrainian American : $66,430[2]
Finnish American : $66,063[2]
German American : $65,570[2]
English American : $65,436[2]
French Canadian American : $64,883[2]
Portuguese American : $64,525[2]
Irish American : $64,322[2]
Albanian American : $63,649[2]
Canadian American : $63,443[2]
Slavic American : $62,866[2]
Scotch-Irish American : $62,055[2]
Dutch American : $61,508[2]
French American : $61,262[2]

>muh shekels

How much of that GDP per capita would the average American spend to have an overwhelmingly better quality of life?

>Portuguese are white by any definition (so are the middle eastern guys at least traditionally

Because they unironically believe that USA is best country on the earth.
Well atleast they have health care even if it expensive.

>You have a lot less people
What part of percent don't you understand?

>Jewish American : $97,500[3]
>Israeli American : $79,736[2]


Fuck that's grim, we really need to sort our shit out. I think it's the wait times that place us so low.

Russia does has a decent healthcare at least I've never had problems. But it's a private since every foreign worker needs a private insurance
t. live at least 90 days in Russia per year

People ITT don't understand that America is YUGE -- also, if you factor out the niggers and mexicans, America is LITERALLY the best country when you look at the distribution of high glucose corn syrup PER CAPITA

>Food and shelter are the basic necessities to maintain human life, I would not count them in the "doing okay" category, they are in the "surviving" category.
Surviving is "doing okay". Having a lack of food or shelter is what is "not okay".
"Oh no they can still eat too much food if they want to and lower their lifespan slightly!" Americans have a life expectancy of 69.1 instead of Canadians 72.3. That's pretty okay. America's problems are blown up by people on the internet.

>Yes America does have cheap and tasty food but lacks basic nutritional literacy.
Nah. Our biggest nutritional defiiency is B6, which is deficient only for 10.5% of Americans. Vast majority of Americans have all their vitamins just fine. And I have a hard time feeling for food "insecurity" when we have tons of free food and our poor people in fact have an obesity epidemic.

>peer countries which would be most of western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (countries that share a common western culture and above global average wealth)

Canada, sure. You are a peer. Australia/NZ? Ugh, maybe? Western Europe? No. They don't have the same diversity, size or history as we do.

b-but I thought that America was the greatest country on the planet? was tv lying to me?

>the absolute state of the american education system

Why is America above Cuba? Bernie told me Cuba's healthcare is way better than Amerikkka's.

>You have a lot less people

"Fewer", not "less". Stupid mutt.

I'd argue that a 2.2 year difference is significant



Cuba is a third world country with the most powerful nation on the planet blockading it. It's a miracle that it has as good a position it does. And the fact that the most powerful country in the planet is ranked almost the same is lmao

>Western Europe? No. They don't have the same diversity, size or history as we do.

>Slavic American
What the fuck this means?

I actually fucked up anyway, I get a lot of American radio and hear commercial by the ad council regarding food insecurity in American families, but it turns out you actually have the highest rate of food security in the world. So disregard that portion of my argument sorry. Here are the top 10:
1. United States 89.3
2. Austria 85.5
3. Netherlands 84.4
3. Norway 84.4 (tie)
5. Singapore 84.3
6. Switzerland 84.2
7. Ireland 84.0
8. Canada 83.7
8. Germany 83.7 (tie)
10. France 83.4

As for nutritional literacy, that still stands. America has very little compared to Canada in terms of educating the general public about healthy food choices. Anecdotal but I once saw an American documentary in which a person was surprised to find out that grape soda did not contain grapes and was in no way a healthy fruit alternative to coke or pepsi. When the government has to pay for your healthcare, it is in their best interest to make people as healthy as possible, so nutrition and excercise end up being big parts of the education system and are included in comprehensive community outreach programs. It creates a society that is more literate regarding nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

because in spite of the successful japan meme, most japs actually have a pretty low income.

the only figure I can find is that the mean income corresponds to about 320k USD a year, and even then, we have to assume that the median income (which says more about the average person) is much lower.

Yep, given our obesity epidemic we could stand to have LESS food....though nah, better to just let people eat what they want. We have food stamp programs, food banks, soup kitchens, etc etc.

>America has very little compared to Canada in terms of educating the general public about healthy food choices. Anecdotal but I once saw an American documentary in which a person was surprised to find out that grape soda did not contain grapes and was in no way a healthy fruit alternative to coke or pepsi. When the government has to pay for your healthcare, it is in their best interest to make people as healthy as possible, so nutrition and excercise end up being big parts of the education system and are included in comprehensive community outreach programs. It creates a society that is more literate regarding nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

There are tons of nutrtional programs in US schools, thats where we got the whole BS food pyramid and healthy choices stuff. We already push that stuff on kids and we already spend a lot of govt money on healthcare. Just because you saw some retard on a documentary that thought grape soda was made from real grapes doesn't make it a serious issue.

>Practically all public schools (99 percent) offer nutrition education somewhere within the curriculum, and many integrate it within the total curriculum (70 percent). Nutrition education is concentrated within the health curriculum (84 percent), science classes (72 percent), and school health program (68 percent) (Table 1).

99% of American schools offer nutrition education in their curriculum. Most people eat junk food not because they think its healthy for them, but because it tastes good. Duh. People, especially the poor, like delicious food.

>320k USD
sorry, I meant 39k, 320 was what I got when I converted it to my own currency for measure.

Except that McDonald's is literally the most disgusting """""food""""" the western world has to offer

This must be newer because it certainly wasn't covered in American elementary schools when I attended. Other than the food pyramid you mentioned

Most of those posting under the US flag on Sup Forums, are self-hating whites and millennial progressives of the following type:

They desire the transformation of the United States, which they consider the most racist country to ever exist, into a non-white country, and are actively leading the charge to turn it more diverse and multicultural, while marginalizing the white males and reducing their social and economic power. Many of them are members of Antifa, and all of them fully support the protests taking place on college campuses, where they receive their liberal arts degrees. They consider it important to include PoC in all forms of media because it helps people especially in Western countries to make the psychological adjustments that are necessary for the transformation of their countries into multicultural societies.

They despise white America more than the most anti-Americans on Sup Forums are capable of, and are the most eager proponents of its destruction. The leading figures of the anti-American and anti-white intellectual movement in the US, are almost entirely composed of white males. They are united in their belief in and support for the extermination of the white working class demographic in the US. They consider it, just like the extermination of the bourgeoise in Marxist ideology, to be an inevitable step in the creation of a post-racial, multicultural United States, where the power is no longer dominated by white men, but distributed among women, ethnic and sexual minorities.

They are known by many names - bugmen, soyboy, numale, yoga shrimp, incel - in their desire to be recognized as allies to People of Color, women, transsexuals, and homosexuals. They believe in a more equitable economic redistribution to help these groups.

And Luxembourg is below the Czech Republic

Top of the food pyramid (assuming you are a millennial and got the old 90s pyramid instead of the new one), showed fats and sugars etc. as "sometimes foods". They might not explicitly say "btw grape candy is just grape flavor and not made of real grapes". But they show you how to read a nutrition label and if you are that retarded welp that's life. There will always be some crazy people out there.

They probably they did talk about food and probably didn't just flash the pyramid at you with no other instruction. You were just a little kid who loved food and didn't give a shit. I went to totally mediocre schools (ie not rich kid schools but not hellholes either) and I learned it all. Still loved to eat candy and drink soda though because kids don't eat that stuff because "wow so healthy" they eat it because "wow so tasty".

Same thing with drug education and opioid epidemic. We assume that if we just teach kids that drugs are bad for them they won't do drugs. Woops now we have another epidemic. Why? Because turns out people don't do drugs for the health benefits. They do it because it makes them feel good (or they are addicted and then not doing drugs makes them feel bad).

Disagree. They are pretty tasty, fatty and salty and that's why they got so popular. More importantly, they are very very cheap and they heat it up for you right there. For domestic labor strapped families (ie those of single parents, or 2 working parents etc.) having a hot meal waiting for you after you get off work is a special treat. McDonalds offers that at a low cost and high convenience.

Are americans really that lazy to cook? It doesn't take more than 10min to cook some casserole and a salad for example.

They work 65 hour weeks, what do you expect?

>Are americans really that lazy to cook?
Uh, no plenty of Americans do cook. Including the people at the McDonalds. But people who work hard jobs (ie poor people especially manual/physical labor) like to have warm meals waiting for them when they get off work, this is obvious.

> It doesn't take more than 10min to cook some casserole and a salad for example.
It takes an hour to make a casserole what the fuck kind of shitty casseroles are you making in Finland?? 10 Minutes?
1 Hour
2 hours
Hour fifteen minutes
Hour and twenty minutes
55 minutes.

I'm not cherry picking I am just looking at casserole recipies with 4.5 star ratings on allrecipies. What the fuck casserole are you making that takes 10 minutes? What the fuck kind of garbage passes for a casserole in Finland? You need to let the flavors mingle you dumbass. Does casserole mean something different in Finnish? You make me want to puke. 10 minutes is frozen pizza tier.

>It takes an hour to make a casserole what the fuck kind of shitty casseroles are you making in Finland?? 10 Minutes?
The actual cooking. You don't have to stand by the oven. That's why I cook casseroles mostly. They'll cook inside the oven just fine you can do other stuff meanwhile

I fucking dare you, I'm giving you 5 minutes to see this post. Right now its 12:40 pm Chicago time. By 12:45 I want you to start cooking, by 12:55pm I want to see a casserole (AND SALAD) with a timestamp. Otherwise you are the biggest liar on the internet.

You missed the point I think. You can eat the casserole for few days easily and just microwave it.
I often take my own food to work and eat it at lunch. You save a lot of money