Trump: ‘I’ll Probably Do a Super PAC’ Against Cruz and Kasich

Top kek; I sure hope Cruz gets challenged in the 2020 primary. I sure as hell won't vote for him.

hes just talking shit. he wont waste any more money on them.

Do it after the general elections, focus resources on Killary

But knowing how much of an idiot he is, the first fucking thing this dumbass will do is spent millions running Kasich/Cruz ads, then cry for donations on the last week of October

Can you fucking read?

>Look, what’s on my mind is beating Hillary Clinton. What’s on my mind is winning for the Republican Party. With that being said, yeah, I’ll probably do a super PAC, you know, when they run, against Kasich for 10 to $20 million dollars. Against Ted Cruz —

>i swear guys he's not a clinton plant. he's totally the read deal

Because el Rato is butt blasted and that was his moment to kneel like he promised. Like they ALL promised including Trump.

Rato just shit the bed and decided to pull the trigger to the gun to his head instead of just swallowing his pride.

Ted knows damn well he would vote for Trump over Hillary if he wasn't running...... Maybe.

He is a dirty child raping rat.

>child raping

You have your memes crossed.

Trump was the one flying around on his buddy Epstein's lolita express.

Because unlike you we're not double digit IQ mongoloids incapable of understanding subtext
My turn: why haven't you killed yourself yet?


defeat them in what?

Fuck off Rato no one gives a fuck about you or you child molesting ways.

Yeah he has the nomination now I don't get it?

>projection: the posts

>didn't read the Article

Faggots he's talking about ruining their chances of being re-elected for their current position's in government when re-election time rolls around.

from ever getting elected again
you realize there are elections for things besides the presidency right?

Defeat them when they next run for office in their home states and government.

He wants to destroy their political career for helping Hillary Clinton and for trying to sabotage the Republican party.

link the twitter meltdown when he gets btfo in the lawsuit


Cleaning house, bitch.

What's wrong with him? He needs Cruz and Kasich supporters, why would he say something like this now? It seems like he doesn't want to be president.

>le idiot billionaire tycoon who's knocking on the door to the Oval Office meme

Man, I guess the only reason you're not as successful as Donald is cause you're just too darn smart.

>cruz supporters

>Ok so they obviously don't care that I'm trying my best to show conservative values, they just care about their political careers
>So I'll just threaten to ruin their political careers to get them to be passive bitches

that simple senpai

Nigger you know better than me how much white evangelical christians are important to win the election. If they got offended they will stay home on the election day. He needs Kasich supporters from Ohio too, without Ohio there is no chance for him.

> Setting up a Super PAC to destroy fellow Republicans
> The Republicans whose followers (moderates, conservatives) he needs to win the presidency
> Who have done nothing other than not support him as loudly as he wanted
> Including a senator, of the chamber of congress that's most threatened by this election
> When his own people on the ground haven't been paid since May

Sup Forums will literally defend this clueless chode.

Cruz supporters are beyond help. They believe that Ted Cruz was sent by God and that Donald Trump is the devil. If you want to see how they think look at Glenn Becks Facebook.

This only begs the question.

What kind of diabolical revenge does he have planned for Jeb?

>bragging about winning five liberal states

trump doesn't have any conservative values.

The man thinks health care, education, and housing are among the most important responsibility of the federal government ffs.

kill yourself

It might be Jeb. He did say he had another small person that he wanted to attack but didn't want to say his name in that interview.

Sending Manafort to steal all his pocket turtles.

Mike Lee, of course

bringing jeb to suicide

The GOP needs to be punished.
All of them need to be punished.

what did he do to Trump?

Mike Lee is one of the leaders in the nevertrump movement. He is a Mormon Cruz cultist.

The reason behind this is because they plan on running a Cruz -Kasich ticket in 2020. That's why they're toting the same 'we have principles and vote with our conscience ' line so they'll appear that way when they 'stood strong against all odds '


I personally know this to be factual info.

He tried to organize the last ditch effort on the convention floor to keep the progressive faggot away from the nomination.

Also, he's the most conservative man in the senate.


> Setting up a Super PAC to destroy fellow Republicans
They're not his colleagues.

If someone can destroy you, it would be a good idea to not piss on their shoes.


What did the GOP do to deserve getting destroyed? Were they worse than the Democrats, who actually want open borders, a job-killing nanny state or taxpayer-sponsored abortions for all?

Because Trump has killed any opposition to that agenda. Things are going to get worse when the Democrats take control of the Senate and courts, and when they do, I'm going to blame the supporters of the orange faggot who ruined the easiest election in US history.

Never been prouder to be an American.

I'll probably clap after I post this comment. Feels good bros. Clap in the name of freedom

wtf wow this is petty

i'm definitely voting for hillary

Do other countries get fucking stoked and start chanting their countries' name for like one minute after they hear something patriotic?

Like do Germans chant GER-MAN-Y. GER-MAN-Y

Or Aussies chant A-U-S. A-U-S.


Read the fucking article you moron.

This is why he's going to lose. He's a manchild with no strategic vision.

Every dollar and second of effort dedicated to this nonsense could be better utilized against Hillary and the Democrats.

He's trying to fight a two-front war, and we all know how well that fucking goes.

He'll probably win both. He'll probably beat Hillary with four other twitter feuds going on. He'll probably come to the inauguration ceremony and talk about how many likes his tweets got the night before. Fucking love this guy

You fucking moron.

Germans are too busy getting raped and assaulted by islamic refugees to chant anything

Why even do this? He might have lost Ohio for sure now...

>small person


This meme phrase has been appropriated. If you use it unironically, I can guarantee you that you go to leddit regularly.

Berniecuck wrote some thing where he said that children should touch each other.

Stopped reading right there.
2/10 made me reply

I clapped at your post; it was pretty funny

Rand paul hasn't done nothing to trump lately.

Fuuuuuuucccckkkk the USA needs to start having clap rallies where we just clap and chant USA to pictures of bald eagles