Things you won't hear a Muslim say
Things you won't hear a Muslim say
I hate Germany.
i love bacon
"God is great" in English
"I love sucking dicks ar the gay club"
"i disagree with your right to be an atheist but i respect your decision"
"I didnt have a motive."
I invented the internet
Select all images with a store front.
allahu snackbar!
It's alright, it's only a harmless cartoon
> now that my job is done, where are my 70 virgins?
>would you like to join me and my family for an allah akbarbeque?
I want my daughter to keep her clitoris.
I'm not attracted to young tea boys.
I hate when woman get gang raped.
> never press this button
"I love dogs!"
I love our Jewish neighbours!
There's literally nothing wrong with being a jew
Silly goyim, you know what happens when you don't support Israel? I'll send 6 trillion of my good little Arab goys to enrich you!
> don't mind me, I just have explosive behavior
I don't really care if you're gay or not.
I respect other cultures and religions.
I have gay friends.
offensive speech is not grounds for violence
Pass me a beer too.
"Wait, I have to blow myself up to get virgins?"
I'm not going to cut your penis off and choke you with it while I disembowel you because you didn't agree with my ideology
Islam is a religion of peace this is your fault
Muhammad is overrated.
"I drew a picture of God today"
t. quranist
"Way too young"
"I don't really care if you're not Muslim"
"Maybe I shouldn't blow that building up."
radical islamic terrorism
"How do I leave my religion without getting stoned?"
The truth
Yes all muslims
Check out this painting I did of the Prophet!
I think I'm just gonna stay in my own country.
I'm so happy I fled my wartorn nation and these people accepted me. I'm going to abide by their laws and customs from now on and just be thankful for the gift of a new life.
No Ahmed, I do not wish this country was more like the country we fled from and I will not go to the protest to make it so.
Get out of the road
My daughter can marry anyone she wants. All I want for her is to be happy.
"She's pretty, but 6 is WAY too young for me."
I wonder what my wife thinks about this.
I don't like what you say and I'll just ignore you
"Perhaps I should fix my own country, instead of moving to someone else's and supplanting the native culture."
"No Bacon? Then it's not a full breakfast!"
Oh boy, it sure is dangerous here, I should take REFUGE and not MIGRATE in a NEIGHBORING COUNTRY and after it's gotten better GO THE FUCK BACK.
Things you won't hear a right wing christian on Sup Forums say
Women can wear whatever they want
>things white people say
lets destroy and destabilize the middle east, so its citizens flee to my country and I can complain about it
not saying immigrants are good tho
Trick question: the answer is literally nothing. Taqiya famalam.
Nobody is saying that Islam isn't based on a lot of matters. We're just pointing out the inconsistencies between Islamic doctrine and modern Lefti- oh, wait, you're a leaf. Never mind.
Bombs internally
I don't want to come to your country,
commit acts of terrorism, rape your women
and live off of handouts.
We're just stealing their resources, that's all.
This Buddha fellow seems pretty chill
I respect your differences in religious beliefs
Ditto, don't think any other word can top it
Islam is pretty much just christian fanfiction which is itself jewish fanfiction. The only difference is that christians don't have the balls to act on their rhetoric.
allahu ackbar
Under rated
I agree with that
"I should slow down, or I might hit these Kafirs."
"My sympathy goes out to the westerners that were killed by my people. I am deeply sorry."
the last thing you will ever hear
"Welcome, Christian immigrants! Please, feel free to build your churches, here!"
You're correct.
But it's because some christians already acted on their rhetoric and got btfo'd. Thus now they're tame
This process will come soon for islam
And probably never for zionism
"Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."
"You have learnt how it was said: 'Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.' But I say to you, Offer the wicked man no resistance. If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; if a man takes you to law and would have your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone orders you to go one mile, go two miles with him."
"You must love your neighbor as yourself."
"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who treat you badly."
"Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate. Do not judge, and you will not be judge yourselves; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned yourselves; grant pardon, and you will be pardoned."
Jesus is Lord and risen from the dead.
>science is more important than tradition