Why did the Jews get blamed for the Black Death?

Why did the Jews get blamed for the Black Death?


"Where there's smoke..."

Sup Forums couldn't even accept the obvious facts in science that ebola wasn't airborne, you really think medieval europeans are going to accept that plague wasn't jewborne?

They deliberately spread the disease. They also deliberately put lead in the roman water supply

There's a reason jews have been kicked out of literally almost every country for the past 2000 years and it's not just memes. Historically speaking, we are only 100 years away from another jewish expulsion in a major country

Selling fake cures and looting corpses
Not kidding

>"Where there's smoke..."

There's jews

Black Death reached Europe via trading vessels, facilitated by various merchant folk.

It's okay, Junichiro. We know you're genetically incapable of kidding.

The persecution of the Jews during the Black Death was a relatively minor event in the midst of the devastating disease and famines. Despite this, every documentary made about the Black Death that you see on television makes sure to provide gruesome and explicit details about how horribly persecuted the Jews were during that time.


Jews had a mysterious ability to go about plague-ridden areas without becoming infected themselves. Gentiles assumed that Jews had this power because they were the masters of the plague.

Later, the dumb goys realized it was some crazy fucking witchcraft called 'hygiene'.

This, modern propaganda surrounding the (((Black Death))) is another way for Jews to constantly guilt trip Whites about how we oppressed them.


when was the last time you heard any jews guilt trip people about the black death, let alone it be mentioned. anyone who says it was a minor thing on top of that is a retard

I'm glad someone here reads other things besides stormcuck.org

moshe plz

>anyone who says it was a minor thing on top of that is a retard
I know Schlomo, your dear great 10x grandmother was gassed 3 times by plague ridden peasants.

are they biologically evil?

They're just physically incapable of empathy. The jew scrolls keep a lid on jew on jew grabbling, but that's about it.

they used jew magic and shapeshifting

just like the Japanese

The Jews cooked up the plague in the Orient and carried it across the Silk Road.

easy way to get rid of a few coin clipping kikes. fuck em who cares.

Wtf i hate goyim now

jew magic caused the black death

it was the first attempt at white genocide

Yes goy we chosens are cleaner than you lowly filth.

Check em goyims