Is this the best tweet of 2016?
Is this the best tweet of 2016?
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WTF I hate democracy now
wow, its real
I don't get what's really going on here
can you give me context?
read the news at all?
Wew lad
Who the fuck is Mr Duckstep?
Are you living under a rock or were you in a coma?
Is it fake
No big deal tbqh. Get over it and better focus on how much shit comes from Drumpf lol
She was just forced to resign over the email leaks.
And hired to organize Hillary's campaign an hour later.
Wessjew got fired and immediately rehired after the email leak proved that she was a twat. That is about it so nothing happened
How did he know back then that this would happen though?
That's the beauty of it.
but didn't hillary give her another job?
Yes and that's even worse, it shows how much corrupted the Democratic party is.
It makes me want to laugh and nauseous at the same time. Imagine what was in those deleted emails.
Probably "nigger" this and "fuckin bullshit" that.
The reality is she's just some old lady in politics not much different than any of us trying to make the best of the current system.
fuck off
Schlomo plz
>old lady
I'm not wrong. Everyone with above average goals bullshits people to craft an idealistic view of themselves.
She's just fucking old and out of touch. Didn't realize this would bite her in the ass where as Trump is so arrogant he assumed enough people would side with him to win.
Politicians are just normal people like us playing on a higher level.
Here you go.
That's a damn zinger.
No, this is.
Those are not 4D chess, those are just obvious.
The other wikileaks one calling out da tribal jews was better
He had the fuckin emails
Trump should post that. Absolute gold
Yes, but hiring someone that just got fired for corruption when you yourself are struggling to tell people you're not corrupt tends not to bode well.