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Holy shit. Is she speaking?
is she barefoot
What the fuck are they doing
I literally cannot wait to hear the shit fit between delegates tomorrow. Its going to be fantastic.
Hopefully they all pull off a jonestown
So amerifats, now that Trump's victory is an absolute certainty,
how are you going to celebrate?
She's arming the vest anons.
Telling Bernouts to eat shit.
Link plx
looks like fucking flip flops, lmafo
Bernie is gonna tell his delegates to not boo her. It's going to be boring.
>nosebleed section
Kek, the DNC quarantined them far away from the stage. Cucked forever.
I plan to arrive for class on the 9tg draped in an American flag and patriotic getout and to collect the debts I will now be owed.
Im going to walk out on my back porch and fire off my ar15 while pounding a beer and proud to be a American blasting on my radio
Hahahah Trump must be laughing his ass off.
Who dat?
I'm not celebrating until November.
But I promise you, the moment the election is called, Trump is named the victor, and thousands of Correct the Record shills commit suicide on twitter, I will bite into the juiciest, meatiest burger my American dollar can purchase.
deport some illegals
The DNC is so fucked up.
Easy. Taco bowls. I can't wait till trump and Putin mend relations and we run the world
It's on? I thought it was tomorrow.
What a beautiful gift we have been given this week
ima finally buy a gun without fear of killing myself.
Nah, she's wearing flats.
>all the Sanders delegates are going to be in the nosebleed section or stuck behind pillars and shit
Im fucking sick to my stomach
>People thought Queen-Jew of the left would relinquish her power
Something American, I don't know yet. But I'll for sure fall asleep browsing Sup Forums threads with screenshots of libtards crying.
Fairly certain he has lost the leash of the herd he amassed
>Get in faggot, we're making America great again
its funny i thought that the repubs would give trump way harder of a time but he fucking rolled them all over. Now hillary who only had to compete against a senile old fucker is STILL being dogged by the ghost of his awful campaign
Don't be.
The DNC is commiting suicide, and we have front row seats.
Unlike the Bernie delegates.
when's this shit start
>people thought the RNC was going to be shitshow
I can fucking bet the DNC is going to go apeshit at some point, it's going to be awesome
Nobody but news geeks who have already made up their minds give a fuck about this story. No votes will be swung by it. Most people don't even know who Debbie Wasserhyphen-Kike is in the first place, and as soon as you mention "Hillary Clinton email" or wikileaks everyone tunes out, old news.
now you have the gif
Get shitfaced and eat a lot.
What a bunch of arrogant and spiteful shits they are. And they wonder why everyone hates Clinton.
Eh, it's technically tomorrow in Philadelphia.
He's already cucked himself.
Then they boo him. Gonna be great
Is it 10 cents or 15 cents you get?
NSA outrage and news lasted for months
Going to the apartment complex in my town that is 90% Mexican and leave a pile of bricks near the main entrance with a sign spray painted "start building"
Bernie just outed himself as a fraud who didn't believe in any of the shit he said.
Ahahahaha, this is greatest election year so far in the 21st century. I can only see the next ones after this being disappointing.
I'm not going to celebrate until Trump gets to 270, but when he does I'm going to wear all of my Trump gear and go out and get shitfaced.
I live in DC which is liberal as shit, so I fully expect to fight someone.
>Nose bleed
I don't get it.
Riots incoming
the best part of your plan is they will be so triggered they will just start throwing the bricks and rioting
I'm calling in tomorrow
I just can't miss any of this
I've bet $700 with various people that he will win.
Nosebleeds refer to seats far, far away from the main stage.
DNC doesn't want anyone to see or hear the Bernouts rage.
It's an altitude joke.
I think I might actually smile.
I don't get it.
Why are they suicidal?
How could anyone support such a weak man to begin with?
I'm going to spend all day at my desk watching this shit at work. I don't give a fuck, I gave my two week notice already.
I'm personally driving my pick up truck to the local labor pick up corner and ask them to get in. Trump needs help building the wall. Vamos!
Even leaf knows this shit
are you a young child??
They've all been bought and I doubt bernouts have threatened any of the delegates with their lives like the ones in the RNC.
Thats racist and sexist
Nice sights on that.
W-why does it look like a bad photoshop?
It's an old barbaric tradition of the DNC. The pariahs of the delegation are seated in a section dedicated to bludgeoning. It used to be rather severe, people would take clubs and swing at the people seated in the section repeatedly, now they just position a batting machine to fire baseballs repeatedly into that vicinity. This of course leads to noses bleeding, thus it has become known as the "nosebleed section".
I have a inkling of a hunch Clinton made some serious threats to him and his family if he didn't back her.
Would anyone else fuck her, or just me?
Holy fuck, I watched the RNC at work, but the DNC looks like it's going to be an absolute shitfest.
I don't want a miss a single minute.
Fuckkkk what do I do guy's? I was planning on taking next week off, should I just take two?
SHit, what time is the DNC throughotu the week?
>next election
The leaks will have no impact on the election. Book it.
I think Trump's going to win a close one, but this won't move the needle at all.
None of this is surprising. Everyone with a brain knows that the Democrats are the party of corruption and that the DNC is in cahoots with the news media. This is nothing new.
And it will not change the vote of any zombie who circles in for a (D).
Chicano so probably become a coyote since the market will be booming until the wall starts getting constructed
I'm an adult and have never heard it.
>fifth grade
so last week?
Thanks. Never heard of that term before.
I think both parties have committed absolute suicide. I'll be fucking stunned if both are actual parties by the next general. I'm glad that Trump is going to win in a landslide against Clinton and end this fucking neo-liberalism bullshit. I was a pretty big Bernie supporter but since he endorsed Clinton he's either sold out or the Clinton's have threatened his families lives, and it's quite disappointing to me. If he didn't endorse I think there'd be a pretty big chance she wouldn't be nominated due to the leaks and the ones that are about to be release, but now since he endorsed her I doubt the superdelegates switch to him even if emails are leaked tomorrow that would've condemned her beyond repair. If he just waited out a little longer he could've had a chance.
S ' C H U (L) T Z P A H
get ready to watch the DNC burn
>Most of us stopped name calling at fifth grade
>Implying even Dems don't fucking do it on a regular basis
>caring about their families
Its like you don't know how the jewrat thinks.
Good money and plenty of brown pussy to rape.
It's not even close to certain, this just(hopefully) helps make the odds closer. We still need to be ever vigilant.
>DWS will CONTINUE to serve as a surrogate for my campaign
wew lad, this is a fucking trainwreck.
VT is relevant?
Most of us stopped doing crimes... well most of us never started I guess
Have you ever been to a sports stadium?
Maybe it's a regional thing
Why would anyone else think differently? There's no way the man would cuck himself so hard. His and his family's lives have to be in danger