Why are so many gay people racist...

Why are so many gay people racist? The majority of people who go on Sup Forums are gay and I've noticed a lot of my lgbt friends have drifted from being green party to being alt right ever since Trump won. What causes gay people to be so superficial?

They were always racist. The CIA and/or FSB turned them gay through porn propaganda.

Did you know on Grindr, gay people post racial preferences in their bios?

Imagine straight men did that on Tinder

I don't know how or why, but it's always the right-wingers that are trannies, gay etc.

It's part of their upbringing.

Because the biggest threat to gay people are non-Westerners

Niggers, Muslims, etc. are homophobes. It only makes sense.

>racism thrives on victim complex
>lgbt people are an actual victimised minority
makes sense to me desu

You'd be surprised on how many degenerates take on the alt right meme. The phenomenon is also prevalent among furries, weebs, and in general all social outcasts

>The majority of people who go on Sup Forums are gay

Alot of projecting going on in this thread.

Yeah, it's almost like there was a massive social media campaign to scrape out the bottom of american society for votes. Who would guess that manipulated retards were actually manipulated.

Fascism is to gays like smoked fish are to Portuguese.

You can be extremely explicit on yoy preferences.

No asian weak boys
No darkies

Gay culture in North America is white dominated in a way unparallel to anything else really (black and latino gays despite their massive contributions are basically thrown under the bus). Some of the racial stereotypes they have (of non-white gay or straight or in general) is shit you wouldn't find unusual in Sup Forums or Sup Forums or any right wing places.

BBC vs BWC aesthetics debate led to massive divide

>t. "the last implicit stand of white identity" Spencer

Most of the gay guys I know are socially progressive types, but there is one who is Sup Forums-tier other than his hatred of monogamy.

most porn in the gay community is bwc :(

I've seen lots of tinder profiles from nonwhites saying they only want white guys

not surprising, their identity is based on shallowness after all.

>other than his hatred of monogamy.
all gays hate that
t. gay who has been cheated on in every relationship after saying no to opening the relationship

Its not gays only

>muslim/asian/gay/lesbian/chicano/(insert something Ameri/pol/) hates here
"HEY GUYS LOOK HOW MUCH I HATE EVERYONE ELSE AND HOW THEY CONTRAST NICELY WITH ME!", 'now lets discuss how I'll be integrated into a post-/pol world


they are not slaves to the roasties and their cucked thinking

Gay lefty Bavaryan here.

I'm not really racist, and I detest Sup Forums and it is my declared mission to derail many threads there as possible.

I find Asians and Indians kinda gross tho :^)

Muslims are lgbtq+ people's natural enemy