
leftwing vs rightwing edition

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The virgin Jordan Peterson
The chad Richard Spencer


Me on the right, except I have brown hair, brown eyes, and brown skin.

potatorky rorky


>Tottenham have overtaken Arsenal

I'd let him be my prime minister, if you lads catch my drift

city are gonna go unbeaten this season screencap this postt

feel left out cause i dont follow the footy

Meanwhile in reality


whos better
or wazza

doing a big think at i.4cdn.org/hm/1512394157591.webm

if Mickey Keano stayed at Burnley he would be in the WC squad 100%

reckon we should put Maguire, Tarkowski and Mee in the squad

I told you all I'd get the first post and I did. I don't lie. When I say I'm gonna do something I follow through. Stay close to me and you won't go too far wrong.

>drinky and hendo
still absolutely HOOTING

Just support your local :3

come on lad, they can't all be that ba-

yanks dont fall on this scale, they're on a whole different level

You know, all the memes say that Nazis look like that but the ones I see doing the little protests irl mostly look like their mothers drank far too much.

what's the point? brexit was a US-led coup?

they will probably lose to united on sunday




Need a jewish mummy gf lads

drinky and hendo are the future GOAT midfield pairing

trust me

a surprising amount of neo-nazis have brown eyes
makes me crease

Why do blacks in Britain think that because there was some black Royal trumpeter in Elizabethan times, that means Britain has always been a multicultural society?

>they will probably lose to united on sunday

Drinky is like 33 he's never gonna make it


Both controlled by Russia



he's 26

you're being disingenuous by implying there was only one non-white for a start

want to shag that lesbian girl

who will USA play in centre midfield at the world cup mate?

>Why do blacks in Britain think that because there was some black Royal trumpeter in Elizabethan times

literally no black thinks this, give your head a wobble rorke

>a relatively tiny country controlling two of the world's most powerful country

sharting at the idea

please dont bully tottenham


This makes my willy hard

Russia is codeword for jews

Sup Forums is a joke

want this done to my bollocks

You mean like David Olusoga, you daft paki freak?

small brain: no hendo and drinky
medium brain: hendo and drinky
large brain: hendo and drinky up front


raheem looks so out of place

oh WOW a whole ONE person

If you left your house every now and again you'd realize nobody gives a fuck mate

nah m8 nah every black guy I know is always talking about it basically all they fuckin talk about mate, they all think britain was black there always sayin 'm8 did u know queen victoria was black' its a daily occurrence m8 its a disgrace

the left can't meme

wish casey neistat was my dad

hi leftypol

>actually getting butthurt at sjw rage videos
state of your life

Khazar milkers are superior m8
>pol is just old Trump supporting women
Woah how do i get a milf pol browser lads

but then you'd be really ugly

that is a boy

my belief system

just went on a run for the first time in about 8 months

feel 200 times better

>Wish some narcissistic, derivative hack was your dad


already am haha

Well clearly they do give a fuck otherwise this revisionist history wouldn't be a thing?

Crouch and Carrol up front with Young and Walker floating em in.

Remember that Crouch is thr most effiecient scorer in English national team history


Anyone got those pics of Jon Venables as he looks now?




have never seen lord of the rings

>leave my house
>black person on the street tells me victorian britain was black


>Remember that Crouch is thr most effiecient scorer in English national team history
Firstly, no he isn't. Secondly he only really performed against shit like Jamaica.

yeah mate

literally the World Cup winning team

that's Odin

whos the first lad

This guy literally walks into a room, sets up his camera, walks out of the room then walls back in on film several times a day



Who has more goals per minute than Crouch?


Diagnosed with IBD lads
Feel a bit shit the rest of my life will be like this

listening to the manic street preachers, lads

exam tomorrow
too depressed to revise

Idiotic fucking Irish edition has now turned /brit/ into another politics argument

>leave my house

Hope I get to have sex with a girl sometime soon lads

>walker in defence

francis jeffers

haha glad our respective cunts are sending so many shekels to saudi arabia! such tolerant folks

Drop out, join the forces

guess he is pretty cross about the whole situation lmao

>Feel a bit shit

>Men are more sexually attracted to big breasts making them want to breed with women with big breasts
>All these Jewish women with big breasts
Truly the chosen people

Just popped a slice of frozen Dr Oetker pizza into the Foreman grill. Very curious as to whether this will work.
