"Mr Trump said: "You know why? It's their own fault because they allowed people to come into their territory."

"Mr Trump said: "You know why? It's their own fault because they allowed people to come into their territory."

Donald Trump is absolutely resistant to irony, isn't he?


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I Agree, let's get Hillary elected to stop him!

Good to finally hear some sanity on this board. #ImWithHer

not sure what youre getting at here op

It's about time we get Sup Forums back where it belongs.


>It's the fault of indigenous Americans that they were overcome by white settlers
>It's the fault of Germans and frogs that they were overcome by Muslim settlers
>White Americans are acting to stop themselves from being overcome by brown hordes

This is all logically consistent.

when you go back to Africa because you're an immigrant as well dumbass

> immigrants wiping out native settlements then and now comparison
> im actually okay with this, fuck immigration

I can't even

well done

The indians didn't have a military capable of keeping away foreign invaders, we do.

>Immigration destroyed the Indians so Trump doesn't want the same to happen to us.

In Germany, is irony the same as pragmatism?

>not sure what youre getting at here op

Because the fucker himself is part of a people that went into someone else's territory and settled there. His ass should be an a fucking boat.

Though we would be sure to torpedo them before they reach the European coast because we don't won't that American white trash here.

Flying Bull you're confusing Imperialism with Immigration. You lost your land because you couldn't defend it.

When you go back to Siberia, listerine drinker.

Also, please point me to the relevant sections of native immigration law which were violated.

Trump is living in someone else's territory. So he should better stfu.

>Because the fucker himself is part of a people that went into someone else's territory and settled there.
Which if wrong or undesirable would be an argument against unrestricted immigration, not in favor of it.

>Torpedo them

With what Hans?


Anyone else starting to feel like German posters are catching up to or surpassing Canada as the worst?

Mass immigration is um great, it sure work um for me

they're afraid to go outside now so they stay home and shitpost

>With what Hans?


>German flag
Really makes you think.

>humans originated in africa
>"""""native"""""" americans didn't immigrate
choose one libkikes

Great, then maybe you can leave.

>Because the fucker himself is part of a people that went into someone else's territory and settled there.

>"You know why? It's their own fault because they allowed people to come into their territory."


is it the language barrier thats tripping you up?

>it's an "all American countries should let themselves be destroyed because there were once different peoples living there" episode

not sure if retarded or just bait


No honey, we didn't immigrate here, we conquered you with literal fucking blankets and 200 years later you're still crying because we made you take a long walk
Learn the fucking difference, or don't, its not required knowledge to run a casino

> Ve vill torpedo los at Sie!

That didn't work out so well last time, Hans, and then you had your own military.
Now you hide behind US tanks and spend your beer and bullet money on free college for refugees.

There is no human native to the Americas.

Hello newfriend

once you dirty Iroquois give your land back to the Omaha, Kaw, Ponca, and Osage people.

Lets see those whiskey soaked prairie niggers try and take it back, it will give us an excuse to finally finish the genocide.

I don't understand this argument because it should be a prime example against letting others swarm into your lands seeing as the natives are going to be extinct

Wow it's almost as if allowing mass immigration without assimilation is a bad thing and has destroyed multiple cultures

Who would have thought?

You know that Winnetou is as real as Tarzan, right?

Tfw you'll never be old Shatterhand

Trump learned from the Native Americans.

Their history is a cautionary tale about what happens when you do not control your borders and let foreigners in.


>someone else's territory

I am native/white mixed, kraut. You can fuck off and wait for the next time we cross the pond to sort you out gain.

American nationalism will win, and we will vet cucked countries even harder than snackbar countries.

Every native American territory was conquered countless times by different tribes. By your logic some extinct tribes own all of the land in America.

this thread again? Really?


I always considered those stories to be gay as fuck so I didn't read them and never watched the movies.

when do you leave

Except we weren't immigrants, kraut. We were invaders.

He's not against immigrants you mental midget

>We were invaders.

When did your family come to America? Before or after the US was founded? Because if they came afterwards, you are an immigrant.

>We took land from some Injuns.
>Therefore we should let wetbacks stay in America.
I will never understand this logic.

Invaders or immigrants?

I'll let mssrs Patton and Zukov explain the distinction.

Then just go back to Africa, let´s see how well you do (implying that a "millenial" would survive 2 days in those conditions).
I´ll migrate too but since i know how to do everything (we will have to dance and play sports but milenials are also a failure in sports and dancing rofl) everything will be ok

A better logic is:
>foreign peoples almost eradicated the Amerindians so we should also let foreign peoples in because what could go wrong


Too obvious to not be bait, yet just subtle enough I can't be certain.

>that kruck who was saying Trump would never think of vetting Europeans for terror ties


I don't see the Irony here anywhere. His statement is correct, it's their own fault. It's also our own fault that we're letting illegals into our country, that's why we need to stop it. Hence why he's running for president?

What's the irony here?

Don't be a cuck, mexibro

the native american scenario literally proves his point
stop posting shitty bait and get back to sewing your countrymen's blown off arms back to their torsos