Why do you hate women?

Why do you hate women?

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not by choice

I don't.

They're too bitchy and judgemental. I can't be myself around them. I only want them when I want to fuck them and then after that I don't care about them.

Angie Varona is the sauce

>yfw US gets a female leader

This picture right here is why.

They always have to make everything about them.

so you are a muslim?

>1 post by this ID

I remember this thread.

POST QT 3.14, NOW!

What's to like?


they assume their beliefs are always universally shared

I don't

but I will admit I only want to have sex with them and be friends, I don't want a relationship with one at all

They make men do bad things for them and make men make bad decisions for them, so they don't have to.

thanks freedom fellow

Fuck off gook manlet.

This right here is why you don't have a girlfriend.


>obey their husbands
Not have voting rights
>not dress/act like whores
Not wear makeup, heels or other lies
>not dress provocatively outside the home if married
have 4+ white babies


Let Bunk explain


I don't. I'd just prefer if they weren't around me

People will never believe me but that bimbo went to my highschool

But that's a man


Because they've never wanted me.

I don't hate them but I won't let them have equal legal right to everything I own in exchange for their cunts. And as far as I can tell that's all modern woman has to offer.

>Associating with the 3d jew.


Because they've done a lot to help ruin the Western world. Giving them the right to vote was a mistake. They vote on emotion. They vote on superficiality. There's a direct and obvious correlation between giving women the right to vote and the rise of liberalism and degeneracy. Feminism killed the family. Without the family kids grow up without a father or in an unstable environment. That's more crime. Women are also the primary spenders. Companies pander to them to make money. Shitty movies, shitty television, shitty music, shitty products. They are consumerist whores.

They elected Obama. They are going to elect Clinton. Merkel and the general cuckening of Europe. Women are responsible for all of it because of their precious emotions.

And we men are guilty too. We've enabled this. We've put them on a pedestal. We've done nothing to reel them in.

Everything is fucked.

I don't hate women, I really don't like female nature. I have 3 sisters and they have really made me hate the female mindset and outlook growing up with them. I'm not going to go gay, but not sure what God was thinking when he made women and then made them the only way to get your dick wet. female nature is so shallow and vapid, they are like grown up kids.

But you sound like being one. Get into a relationship where "looking into the same direction" is more important than being a qt 3.14
You make me sick about your high standards you never ccan cope with and then get forgotten.
Be a man and don't judge about lookings (you will never get that supermodel) but judge about the same plans in your life. Thats important you fucking imbecible

Anons a little slow, consequently he doesn't have a gf

i don't, i think every man should own 4 or 5

we love women




>Be a man

Coming from you that means absolutely nothing

I won't lie. I'm a virgin and women have always acted strange towards me. I've never been comfortable around them.

Hate is a strong word. I just can't understand them. At this point it's too late for me.

wtf i hate women now

I could never hate angie varona, op

>get into a relationship

I don't. I love my mother, grandmother, aunt and of course my girlfriend. MGTOW are sour grapes cucks.

THose big juicy milk bags.

really make me..

makes me......

think :)

those delicious nipples to bite...

really make me..

get hard :)

Slide thread fuck off
Inb4 it hits bump limit

>1 post by this ID

It's a slide thread, been posted over and over. Same pic, no new content.

sage the shit

They don't deserve to vote.

Even black men, who were slaves, got voting rights before any women did, and it makes sense in retrospect.

I don't hate women! just feminazis


my god I love that hairstyle

i wish i could remove the wire from my brain, so i can watch it again

Oh mate, just because your sisters are whores doesn't mean all of em are ay

You'll find a kind woman that will nurture you one day


Because they keep putting me in the friend zone even though I'm a really nice guy.

>tfw no gf to cuddle

Women are less intelligent than men. They constantly seek attention and are incredibly shallow and vapid as a result.
In high school I used to have attraction to men and women, but not anymore, I think it's literally impossible to have a fulfilling, romantic relationship with a female simply because they are unintelligent, and disingenuous. I know exceptions exist, but statistically speaking (with regards to IQ and the like) females are a vertical stack, there is very little deviation compared to males.

Because they're gynosupremacist terrorists.
And because this shit thread is a tavistock shill slide op to distract from shit tavistock doesn't want the tavis to know about, like 99.99999% of threads on Sup Forums.
If we had real mods you would have been banned and your shit deleted.

I guess the main reason they constantly exploit male's sexual desire, which leads to this

Will you nurture me big boy?

Very nice

So? They are the counterweight. Every healthy democtratic state neeeds a counter.

Feminsim= equallity
That's nothing wrong here. The instrumentalisation of feminism to get an advantage is wrong.
This is not , no fucking way an arguement, sorry.

You are lost in everything and don't even know how to name the thing you hate so uch.

Don't come at me with your rambling

Not those ones


Because they're vapid, have nothing important to say, ever, never accomplish anything and constantly whinge and virtue signal about it rather than actually putting in some effort and hard work.

They're nice to look at, though.

The coal burner hair style?

Self absorbed
Generally unintelligent
Create a lot of unneeded drama
High maintenance
Lack the faculties for reason and logical thought
Use sex as a commodity which they sell
Incapable of being good leaders
No honor


You're even more cucked than we are in Canada. Germans are too far gone to be reasoned with. Go prep a muslim bull, Hans. You're too beta to even be here. Stop posting.

Fuck off migger/nigger lover

>Feminsim= equallity
>That's nothing wrong here


look around, WOMEN. ARE. NOT. EQUAL.

My God German my god what the fuck!

Why do you call it 'hate'? Are you so fragile that even the smallest disagreement seems like hate to you? Do you feel threatened when people start realizing you aren't as smart as you want to appear?

>angie is a vapid cunt

True , that means nothing. I'm not talking about standards or truth at all.
I will not claimbeing someone I am not here
But try to be a man sometimes instead claiming others aren't.


A good list.

because they're dumb

Pick one.

He's German. He's too far gone. Deranged little man he is. I bet he's slurping on Syrian cock right now as a German woman laughs at him, thinking 'how did we ever fuck these husks of men before?'

B-but shes like 30 years old now. Those pics are ancient

How much Chad cum did she guzzle?

she's like 23 and still posts pictures

No, sorry. Being not in a relationship is cucked. Not doing anything about getting cuced from the outside? Have a family and tell them what you think and holding vaues up. The most uncucked thing I can imagine

German, I would bend you over and FUCK you in front of everyone you've ever known.


And German, I wouldn't enjoy it. I'd FUCK your ASS raw to make a point. And that point is that a real man dominates everything and anything.

I would DOMINATE you BOY.

Cause you're a wimpy runt cunt.

And it's all you'll ever be.


most of those complaints go away if you keep her pregnant and with kids to look after

didn't see that coming

They are not whores. They each have a 4.0 and went into the medical field and are actually pretty conservative. The thing I dislike is despite this, they still did petty shit like disregard guys based off looks, height, build, etc. people they haven't even met. When I would go to the mall or wherever else with them they would openly shit talk guys walking by about how he is ugly or whatever behind his back, sometimes laugh and say "forever alone" or whatever. And all the selfies, constantly looking for attention. Despite studying in prestigous fields, they still lower themselves into just parroting each other, "yass" 'ohmygod" when together. No matter how smart a female is, they are still limited by their petty nature. Call me a fedora or whatever, I still am attracted to women but their nature is so disgusting, I have no clue how a man could form a true "friendship" with a woman.

>Feminsim= equallity
political movements change, you know


It's a piss poor excuse for a raid by tumblr or redit. They've been posting shit like this all over the board.

Just keep your eyes open for "how do feel" and other posts that clearly don't sound like a Sup Forums regular type thread.

This exact thread with the same pic was posted 12hr ago fuck you OP

Keep being a slave to the world. Freedom isn't free.

congratulations for showing us your homosexual tendencies.

i agree about not wearing heels because im a manlet but in most cases women just look better with a tasteful amount of makeup

Because they won't have sex with me duh

Because they dont want me, only the chad i have not yet become.

And because everything i was raised to believe about them was a lie.

I would say it wasn't there fault if their character wasnt so shite

Posts like this make me want to an hero

Why, the post itself or the info in it?

There is more freedom in having a family than everything else, to be true. You never had one or not being able (or not ready for) having your own. But it's the best you can do. Teaching your values to the next generation, being a man with a legacy, not cucked by anyone cause who ever is a dad knows you would even kill for your family.
A man who got something to defend will never get cucked by laws

>it's the womans fault she was attacked by a panther

The info ;_;

It's not worth living as an ugly nervous man with nothing to offer women

>killing yourself because women, even intelligent ones, are base, vapid retards

Beta as fuck.

>And because everything i was raised to believe about them was a lie.


You just have to realize you're talking to walking scum

Hating women is the first step to effectively interacting with them