Mexico is NOT a friend of Israel, fuck that trash

Mexico is NOT a friend of Israel, fuck that trash.

We will not bend over like the Americucks to those traitors.


Other urls found in this thread:

Dude Meade for president and Sheimbaum for CDMX governor says a lot
We will have Zionists running the country

>mfw the American puppet is trying to influence the innocents with the evil schemes from Israel

>fucking implying

AMLO will be president, there's no way he can be stopped now.

The people already woke up, we will win now.


aren't they helping papa cheeto with the wall?

Based Beto

I've seen many Hasidic jews in Polanco, I wonder why don't they move to Israel

AMLO will not win
People already woke up, we do not want another Venezuela in LA
El Bronco will be our shepherd and we will take down that motherfucker eagle from our flag to put a grill with a lot of asada instead.

>in4 CHI

my dude, your cartels were trained by mossad.


Ultra Orthodox Jews don't care that much about Israel. Also,
>Hasidic Jews in Polanco

communism is jewish

ahahaha this is what brainlets (i.e. rorKKKes) believe

who was Leon Trotsky?

Bend over dumb spic jews are chosen

Some dude that got murder by a Spaniard

Any enemy of Israel is my friend.

There isn't someone that had more jewish ancestry than Karl Marx.


commander of the red army, massacrer of Kornstadt


Not all Jews are zionists
IE George Soros

I'd rather become a Jew than have AMLO as president.

I´d rather have El Mayo Zambada as president before anyone else.

Kumamoto plz

>le gommiunism is a world jooish conspir-


cabeza de coco ridiculo

Fuck off unironic anti-semite, we actually have a good relation with Israel, particularly in defense, and Mexican jews are bro tier, solid drinkers like all good Mexicans

>Mexico is NOT a friend of Israel
I can live with that

Alcohol is subhuman, kill youself.

chingas a todo tu padre sionista

oh wait, it was us lel.

t. Jüden

israel? more like isntreal


Good on you buddy

This Mexican jew is my husbando

>curly hair
Unfortunately I don't have a barf reaction pic

It's just a jewfro

Fucking jews. When are we going to expel them again? This time will they take over the west?

why would jews wanna rule over mexico anyway

because tacos puto


peña nieto bend the knee already

learn something from me, please.