
>Considerable evidence shows that the Wikileaks dump was an orchestrated act by the Russian government, working through proxies, to undermine Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign.

We also know that Trump's campaign chair, Paul Manafort, was a paid advisor to Viktor Yanukovich, a Russian-backed dictator in Ukraine.

What do you think, Sup Forums? Do we vote for the god emperor, even though he's clearly Putin's pawn? Knowing that he will dismantle NATO and cede the middle east and Eastern Europe to Russia?

Other urls found in this thread:



The truth is the truth regardless of who says it.
If someone finds a dead body, do they arrest the person who found it?

Well I guess if Russia did it, the fact that all the leaks are true doesn't matter.

what evidence?

But there are probably plenty of embarrassing emails on the RNC servers too. The question is why hack the DNC and release its emails? If Putin wants Trump elected, shouldn't we think twice about electing Trump?



i am afraid you provide insufficient evidence


Please fucking hang yourself shill before the angry masses do it for you.


Hang myself before the masses hang themselves?

>working through proxies
so how do they plan on proving it? oh that's right it doesnt matter because the media wont ask that

Go to bed leaf

Well because the leaks revealed the media to be the propaganda arm of the DNC, and that the conservative media isn't ramming this fact down our throats shows that the RNC is not doing these manipulative things.

Putin is a good guy
he's one of the only world leader prepared for the battle against (((them)))

Two rooster memes coming from Canada and Mexico at almost the same time. Hello Putin bots

Yeah mate, this. Seriously there is something wrong with you.

This, to quote the old hag
"At this point, what difference does it make"

>muh putin
>muh russia
>muh evidence

ok. so hillary, now lets talk about the money laundering in those emails.

yes good


Wait, you're being serious now? Does this mean you were kidding earlier, all those times you posted nothing of value because you're a fucking Aussie shitposter?

Holy fuck these shills are getting desperate

Not an argument. There is something deep in you that is broken.

A strong relationship between Americans and Russians would be a nice change.

>trump is a hillary plant


>trump is a putin plant


Sup Forums posters really do have high school dropout-level grammar and punctuation. No wonder Putin's able to pull something on us so easily.

Did you just watch the Molyneux video?


I don't need to provide an argument when all you have to offer are conclusory assertions--I mean, Aussie shitposts.


>damn that putin is racist

wow now i hate trupm, im a #shillforhill for sure now


This is a public service announcement to the brave citizen anons standing against the propaganda. Help educate newfriends and fight off the endless tide of minimum wage shills!

Please familiarize yourself with this pamphlet. Save for later reference. Invoke in any suspected shill thread to banish it.

Immunize yourself against degeneracy.
Keep Sup Forums uncontrolled.
Keep fighting the good fight.

Why would Putin want to defeat someone who secured massive US uranium sales to Russia, in blatant disregard for our national security?

If it really was Putin, it means that he has done better for our democracy than the DNC

>Considerable evidence
Also share rare proofters

I'd rather be ruled by Putin than Kikes

I know this is a shill, but the actual rebuttal to this is:

The US has been fucking around with Russia ever since the USSR has collapsed. Things got weird over Ukraine, but that essentially was an effort to push back against the EU expanding to surround Russia, which is already surrounded by many missile bases from various countries.

It's natural that they support Trump that speaks about improving relations, rather than Hillary who alludes to war.

sad part is that the spin the media is taking is

"russia was behind the email link in order to aid TRUMP!!!"

well of course its going to benefit trump, she broke the law. its like they have to look a step beyond in order to fit their narrative.

Wow, I guess I'm a #CruzMissile now.

Why is no one talking about WHERE Wikileaks got the emails from (or how they’ve dissolved into an anti-semetic alt-right bunch of fuckheads on Twitter)? Russia has an end game and it’s getting Donald Trump elected.

> Russia
> releases emails DNC wrote

who's the villan?

>We would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling Russians!

Yeah, I want Russia to become stronger so I want Trump to win.

And maybe there are embarrassing emails from the RNC but the Republicans don't run the media and they lost to their outsider candidate.

Mexico, Canada, and Russia. Our best friends.

Im going to enjoy voting for him even more now.

Who doesn't love Putin?

Even if he is Americans can still vote Hillary. They need to answer just one question. How much morality/honesty is important to me?

thanks russia! you guys are great, seriously

wtf I hate leaked emails now



I'm actually getting pretty impressed with their spin abilities.

>DNC email leak shows how crooked they all are

>See, this is why we cant vote Trump!

weird how you're so desperate to convince them to not vote for trump then, eh?

>high school dropout-level

It's not an assertion, the DNC email leaks have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the media runs its stories through the DNC before airing them and that the media says what the DNC wants them to say.
It's not news media at all, it's literal propaganda and the lack of uproar from the "conservative media" proves they are controlled opposition.


How can one man be so based?

>all these Russian dick suckers

I wish we still had HUAC to deal with you traitorous filth.

Read the fucking article bro. I'm not talking about Shillary's home email server. I'm talking about the DNC's internal emails that were released on Wikileaks, an organization with known ties to Putin.

w-woat sir? im.. just highs school drop out?

>Yeah, I want Russia to become stronger so I want Trump to win.
What kind of fucking mindset is this? You should be voting for Trump to make America stronger, not some fucking shitty country in Eastern Europe. This is the fucking definition of being a political cuck.

How's St. Petersburg you fucking fag?

No. If Putin told you not to hang yourself would you think about hanging yourself?

Actually you probably would. Please consider hanging yourself tonight. Like within the next few hours.

> they’ve dissolved into an anti-semetic alt-right bunch of fuckheads on Twitter
they're actually not anti-"semetic"

you're just gullible and don't understand that they're talking about the typical SJW, not jewish people

being a democrat is being a traitor

>BLM texts with AG talk of causing riots to create reason for martial law.
>10,000 bikers show up to RNCand squash any chance of disorder.
>pull plan B out of their ass and release "hacked" DNC leaks to cause uproar and fuel tensions at DNC.

Anybody want to give me odds on its the U.S. government doing the leaking?

>it is an episode where Correct the Record tries to deflect by blaming it on a conspiracy.

The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.

I never realized until this exact moment how bad I want to see these emails. Do you think Trump shitposted the RNC?

>Hey, Jeb dropped out, just thought you should know :^)


The RNC has Fox News and Roger Ailes.

>Literal propaganda

Instead of metaphorical propaganda?

jokes on you faggot im a college dropout

>muh putin

putin wants trump elected because if hillary becomes elected he knows that the world will be that much closer to nuclear annihilation

>why hack the DNC



>Hillary said "the commies did it", not anyone that knows how to use a computer.

>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
Only in the simplest scenario is this true.
One of Trump's greatest strengths is that he's not a GOP insider and they probably don't have any real dirt on him or they would have used it already to end his campaign.

What is leaking right now isn't just embarrassing, it's blatant corruption and most likely criminal. There's no reason to ignore a whistleblower/leaker based on their motives alone if the information they provide is legitimate.

You forgot to include that Johnson is a Hilary Plant and Jill Stein is a Johnson plant.

He can't keep getting away with this!

Because the stupid Shill was using a private server instead of the government ones.

>being a partisan for either party

its a double bluff. putin wants you to think he wants trump in charge so you will then throw your support behind hillary.

putin is a master of mind games and is playing you like fiddles, 6d space chess. best bet is to vote trump because at least you know you can trust him.

>It was the Russians!!! Oy vey!!!
>That automatically means everything you just read in the emails is not true!

Putin is trying to get Trump elected so our country will descend into chaos and fail. You've gotta be a n idiot to think that Putin has our country's best interest in mind.

Putin is the only one standing up against the kike elites. Hillary has been revealed to have ties to the Rothschilds. I may get called traitor but I honestly feel siding with Putin is better for America and the white race in the long run.

It is funny Shillary is trying to resurrect "THE RED SCARE".

If media integrity was a thing in America, those outlets would be covering this non-stop for days. The fact that they aren't shows that they are in on the fact and are controlled opposition.

Putin loaned hundreds of millions of dollars to Trump. Do you really want a man who LITERALLY owes Putin money running our country?


Where is the evidence?

Why would I believe the DNC and not call this a pathetic attempt to divert attention and blame eavle russia

Almost all of us like Putin you shill faggot. Kill yourself.


I love that this is what they came up with. Don't even deny that it happen, just go "you never would've known if it wasn't for the Russians THIS IS ALL TRUMP'S FAULT".

No it doesn't. Ailes is stepping down and the Murdochs are known leftists.

Nevertheless, your argument is a logical fallacy. Not only is it a tu quoque fallacy but everyone knows Fox has a slant. The rest of the media outside MSNBC pretends to be something it's not.

Where is proof hillshill?

>an organization with known ties to Putin.


Hey buddy. We gladly accept Putin here. Anti-Putin support... It's not here you'll find it. Putin is a man of action, compared to the rest of the sleeping politicians. He invaded crimea. It takes balls of steel and guts to pull a trick like this,

Meanwhile, What do we get here? "Trudeau visits an orphanage and wish for every syrian children to find a dad." Nothing exceptional.

>almost all of us are authoritarian boot lickers

Yeah, that sounds pretty typical for Sup Forums.

Enough. No more Drumpf with the vodkaniggers supporting him. Hillary might be the most corrupt woman to ever run for the white house, but she's OUR corrupt American woman.

Drumpf just sold his country out and I am now literally LITERALLY a Hillocopter.

Literally a liberal-tier argument.

>It's the current year, I mean come on, this isn't the 19xx's anymore...

It doesn't even refute what I said. Why would you elect someone for the sole purpose of it benefiting another country?


im not, but if you ever vote democrat you're obviously a cuckold

>Do we vote for the god emperor, even though he's clearly Putin's pawn? Knowing that he will dismantle NATO and cede the middle east and Eastern Europe to Russia?

The email leak was yesterday.

Also, I think it's hilarious that Wikileaks stands for "transparency" but won't reveal its sources. At least Snowden had the balls to reveal himself in order to demonstrate his good faith. With this story, Occam's razor applies. The DNC had pretty sophisticated cybersecurity, so Occam's razor applies: who can easily overcome it? Presumably a state actor, someone with an interest in damaging the Democratic party on the eve of their convention...

Let's even pretend this is true for a second. Does it matter?