Daily reminder that Hillary will turn Texas blue.
Daily reminder that Hillary will turn Texas blue
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Hourly reminder Texas is the best state in the United States
daily reminder that youre a fucking retard and need to kill yourself
leaf desperate for attention, nothing to see here, sage
>someone literally spent the time to type this out
Your country is one of the most self hating liberal shitholes in the world, and everyone on this site knows it
your. opinions. are. shit. So sit down and shut up you fucking leaf faggot.
why? because you have your own power grid?
LMAOing@your life
No, you're the fucking shit
>leaf flag
Literally no way, all I hear is how great trump is over here in Texas.
"“Texas!” she exclaimed, eyes wide, as if daring me to question this, which I did. “You are not going to win Texas,” I said. She smiled, undaunted. “If black and Latino voters come out and vote, we could win Texas,” she told me firmly, practically licking her lips."
"you're the fucking shit" in american is a compliment senpai.
>No, you're the fucking shit
thanks! Based Japan.
>Tejanos voting democrat across the entire state
Love this meme.
My nigger
I live in Dallas TX. I see a lot of Trump stickers, very very rarely see hillary stickers.
There are newfriends about and the happening bunkers are at full capacity. Do your part to fight shillshitposts - KNOW YOUR ENEMY!
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Wtf I hate Texas now.
I vist American. I saw New York, Miami, Houston, and Dallas. Dallas is most superior city. Heat as fuck, but many many beautiful blonde women everywhere and saw no homeless, Cleanest city i visit as well.
God i REALLY WISH that GOOK MOOT would just fucking Block all Leaf ips already
If texas goes blue California becomes best state.
Thanks liberal texas. You and ted cruz our are greatest allies
I'm moving to Dallas from Illinois in about a month, and I can't decide whether to register in Texas, or vote absentee for Illinois. On one hand, I don't think Texas needs my help, but on the other, I don't know if my vote will count for much in Illinois, because of Chicago.
Thank you based nippon. Japan is on my list of places to visit.
you should try Grand Prairie next time jap man
Texas here it won't fucking happen this state hates hillary more than Satan himself. We'd sooner secede than put up with her.
I like Dallas. No negros around. I visit northpark mall, all respecting white people.
>why? because you have your own power grid
Yeah and we control most of the country's oil and gas.We control more refineries than any other state We also have our own military that doesn't answer to the federal government.
Daily reminder it's only a matter of time before Texas is filled with magic and goes blue
Texas is not Alberta.
That means that Hillary Clinton is not Rachel Notley.
Charleston is superior.
what happened last time rednecks tried to rebel? oh yeah you got your shit fucked in
Well yeah now that illegal immigrants can vote there
Very wise to avoid Town East mall.
Even the spics hate that cunt.
t. Republic of Texas
>trying to bring Texas into a civil war debate.
Fuck. We only existed for around 20 years when that war broke out, we were barely even established. We were really only in that war because of our location.
It isn't 1861 nigger. We will cut you to pieces. Texas is the most armed state in the country
This is the pure truth right here.
no she wont, people will keep nigs away from booth if need be
>even spics hate her
Can confirm.
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Texas voter ID remains intact for 2016, defeating the sea of illegals that would try to cheat the vote. God willing a Trump presidency will see voter ID enforced nationally.
It's probably a Newfie too.
Or a quebecuck.
I hope you are actually this stupid and not just pretending. It makes it so much more hilarious that way.
A FUCKING LEAF that is absolutely correct, thank you for your observation and hopefully we will follow your sound advice
>saw no homeless
You must have missed the Tent City, my dude.
Oh shit, missed your post replying to someone else. Have an apologetic sage, my syrup flavored friend.
with $hillary's efforts to win the hispanic vote, how can she fail?
>Technologically Inferior
>Inferior with manpower
>Less Industry
>Still Brought the Union to it's Knees
The knockout doesn't really matter if it's a six year old beating the shit out of a 18 year old for 9 out of the 10 rounds.
P.S. the only two states that have become more non hispanic white since 1990 are in the south
suck a dick
There is no tent city in Dallas. Maybe you're thinking of Austin. Austin has so many goddamned homeless, its sickening. Dallas has them but it's nothing nearly like Austin.
>There is no tent city in Dallas
Not saying there still is one, but there was. I live Carrollton so I wasn't too close enough to see a lot of homeless (the most I saw was on Frankford whenever I head East to visit friends/uni) but I know there was a serious homeless problem since it was a Dallas related prolem that was a topic I could choose for my BCOM class.