
NEED a farmer gf RIGHT NOW edition

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That's no farmer.

bet shes got a right hairy arsehole

I mean, when are people finally going to admit that you lot are just better at sports and that's a simple fact?

I am now at the toilery waiting to clock in and I've already been up for 9 hours.


who is she

unreal pic

>tfw no countrygirl gf to have 4 kids with and live in a comfy quiet village

Her face is 2 dimensional

Once went to a job interview for in a tracksuit. I was the only white person there and everyone else was dressed smart. They asked me about my ambitions and all that, was honest and told them I didn't care and just wanted enough money to live on and fuck about with. Still offered me the job over the darkies with rehearsed answers though. Is that the white privilege you hear students talk about?



what the heck? hahah

might name my cat cromwell because she does NOT like potatoes

what was the job?

ah yes post a plastic doll and call a real woman ugly, sort it out

how do you know?

is this leftypol propaganda?

the white house has stated that war with NK is inevitable lads


wtf is going on in this picture? is that cat drinking a beer lol?

best kind

>alcohol lifting your mood is not a side effect, it's a primary effect

someone bully this twat

They were looking for a self-starter with independent analysis skills.
>self-starter: dressed as you wanted
>independent analysis skills: said how you felt by telling them it was for the money
Or maybe you had the qualifications.


>The Sunderland fan at the centre of the so-called 'poo gate' scandal - which allegedly saw him defecating in the stands at the Stadium of Light over the weekend - has been revealed.

>Callum Mawson, 17, denies the accusation he purposely laid a turd as his team were beaten 1-3 by Reading

>Asked about the build-up to the incident, he claimed to have eaten just two chocolates from his advent calendar on the morning of the match, before going ahead and drinking 12 bottles of beer and six pints of fruit cider

catfags have the mental age of a toddler


if anybody in the north needs their head separated from their torso hmu

imagine not knowing what a side effect is

Working in a factory making doors and windows. Nothing glamorous.

It's easy to tell the difference between a real farmer and a quasi-dowdy womanlet with crazy eyes who thinks being "back to nature" will make her special.

Good name, cos I'm going to kick it into the road and make stew of it and serve it up at your funeral.

just assassinate King Jong Un and plant a stooge leader to install americanised capitalism

it's not hard is it

hmm sweety, that's a gardener gf NOT a farmer gf

I am
currently in birmingham

Being president sounds great

the irish are upset

She has a nice tight body and nice hip/waist ratio

going to get very very very very very drunk tonight boys, look out for my supremely wacky posts in about 5 hours! haha

when you talk to a catfag, you're not talking to a human, you're talking to toxoplasmosis gondii

haha yeah



only pengdoners will get this maymay

is this real?

what's that, you got a job operating machines while wearing only a tracksuit? That's an insult to the proud machine operator folks

who the FUCK works on their garden naked

*chops off your arm and uses it to buy a choccy bar*

Despise the oyster card.

the eternal thot

plenty of people i imagine



>buying overpriced shitty apple products

ah yes londoners

all shit compared to the reduced rate zip card I had when in school

buses n that up norf have contactless now too pal

adam and eve

>whap your wallet on the gizmo
>doesn't register
>fumble for ten to fifteen seconds as the press of people behind you becomes unbearable

ah yes, the 'ube


Is there any way to escape toil if you aren't born rich?

Andrew Lloyd Webber is Britain's greatest product

bit racist


Most don't believe there is a threat because the only evidence available is numbers, graphs, demographic trends, that are all suppressed. Thousands are already taking to the streets, spreading information and trying to get organised, and the situation hasn't even reached defcon 4. In a few generations, the situation will be impossible to hide. As the non-white population grows to eclipse the white population, the awareness of what's happening will grow to eclipse the conditioning and the lies.

I'm not a fan of violence, or racism, but I'd like to preserve the diversity of humanity. If that takes a Rorke's Drift style standoff, then that's what it'll take. Not that I'll be there to see it, but I have optimism that white people will manage to preserve their identity, just like I hope every culture and race will.

>Just got home from work
>Already anxious about getting ready for bed

>east asians in britain
somehow doubt this


any big niggers in?


billions upon billions of chinks come here for uni


Wish more cornershops and convenience stores adopted a more American approach. Somehow a 7/11 looks a lot more /fa/ and has a nice feel to it. They should also be 24hrs

*skips to the next sketch*

*teleports behind you*


post chunes

>the magic of the FA Cup

loadsa them

racist irreversibly btfo

good lads


>Not that I'll be there to see it
people are getting older and older, lad

likely chance is most of us will be alive to see 100 years old


>>east asians in britain
>somehow doubt this

biggest brain


Post qts

7/11 has amazing coffee. But the GOAT American conveniemce stores are WAWA and Sheetz.

America knows how to do on-the-run

unironically sell your body

>pic unrelated

me on the left

love how big the oyster zone is

>implying TOIL existed in the garden of Eden

>the royal wedding was 6 years ago
thyme flies


>limited edition oystercards
For what conceivable purpose


Nah, I turned it down in the end. They kept ringing me about it but I ignored them until they went away.

leftypol btfo